Prayer for health Matrona of Moscow. Requests for St. Matron

We can create and build a lot in our lives on our own. But one of the most important conditions for work is health. There is no way to cope without it. Therefore, people need a prayer for health. It is up to the Matron to read it or to the Theotokos, Jesus or Nicholas the Wonderworker - decide for yourself. Your soul will tell who patronizes it. And we’ll talk about how prayer for Matron’s health helps. It turns out that she gives extraordinary powers, but not to everyone! Interesting?

prayer for matron health

Oh holy

It should be understood: a prayer for the health of Matron will only help if you fully trust the person you are contacting. Church servants and those who received goodness from the Lord speak of this. Therefore, it is necessary to know the basic information about the Saint, to have her image in the soul. Matron was born in the late nineteenth century. She was blind. Faith in her soul burned with fiery fire. She did not complain about fate, despite serious health problems. She gave all her strength to people, supported them in the difficult times of the revolution, the construction of a new life, and World War II. For everyone, she had a wise word. You understand how people lived then. They could only rely on themselves and on the Lord. They say that the prayer for the health of Matron pulled many from the other world, gave new strength. The light in this woman was extraordinary. Talk to a man - he gets rid of despair. Witnesses also said that she could perform miracles of healing. And Matron was an ordinary woman, such as everyone around. But her faith was strong, which is why she understood people and felt sorry for them. This must be understood. Then the prayer for the health of Matrona, falling from your lips, will reach the goal. Although every believer should strive for such trust in the Lord, as a blind girl showed from an early age.

prayer matrona moscow for health

How and where does it pray?

Often people get confused about whether it is necessary to go to the temple or is it allowed to appeal to the Saint in another place? The question is both simple and complex at the same time. It all depends on how to determine the temple of the Lord. Based on a modern point of view, you should go to church. But initially Jesus said, and this is in the books of saints, that the temple is in the souls of believers. And the building itself is help for them. It is a home for everyone, a place where they will feel comfortable and calm. Therefore, where the prayer to the Matrona of Moscow for health should be pronounced, decide for yourself. You doubt it - go to church, feel its atmosphere, penetrate it. And then, before the icon of the house, pray. It’s good to light candles. This calms and sets in contact with the Holy.

matron prayer for children

Soul and understanding are more important than form

There is another common mistake among those who are interested in the prayer of Matrona of Moscow for health. People are looking for the exact text. But Jesus said that the sincerity and frankness of the believer is more important to him. There is even a legend like this. It tells how the Pharisee and the publican prayed. The first showed pride in fulfilling the commandments, and contempt for the publican. The second only humbly asked for forgiveness and remission of sins. There was neither condemnation, nor pride in him. Jesus called his words true prayer. A very good legend to understand how to speak with the Saints. Bring forth words from your soul. They are the most sincere.

prayer matron for health

Matron Prayer for Health

Let's talk about what the Holy One can say. The text itself is in the prayer book. Such books are sold in any church shop. But don’t get too attached to the texts, and that’s why. They are written in Old Slavonic. Are you sure that you perceive the meaning of words correctly? But Matrona’s prayer for health is valuable because it creates a connection between the soul and the highest patrons. So why pronounce it in an unknown dialect? Say better in your own words. For example, like this: “Mother, Matrona of Moscow! Step in front of the Lord for me. Pray forgiveness of sins from Him. I repent for everything that was done voluntarily or accidentally. Please pray for good health from the Lord for me, so that I have enough strength to fulfill His orders for the benefit of people! Amen!"

On the health and well-being of offspring

To care for loved ones is an important task for a believer. Therefore, the prayer of Matrona for children is welcome. The saint will protect them from bad accidents and unnecessary passions. Remember that the Lord spoke of the need to have pure thoughts. Sin easily penetrates the soul. And in our time, most children are subject to temptations. So a person needs a prayer to Matron for children. It is necessary to ask not only that the child should be protected from external threats, but also from the inner art, which interferes with the light perception of the surrounding world, leading away the dark one. So say: “Holy Matron, intercede for our children (names) before the Lord. Let them lead the righteous roads, help and protect from the temptations of the devil. Amen!"

matron prayer for healing

If trouble knocked on the house

There are situations when a person drops his hands, and the most terrible thoughts come to mind. All this is not from the Lord. He is merciful and will always suggest a way out of a dangerous situation. It is only necessary to open to meet him, to believe. And it should be remembered that miracles on earth have occurred and are now likely. In any misfortune, Matron’s prayer for healing will help if you trust the Holy One. So say: “Mother, Matron of Moscow! A terrible misfortune fell on us. Help understand the lesson behind it. Pray for the forgiveness of our sins. May the gracious Lord heal the soul and body of His servant (name) and open to him the gates to the kingdom of heaven. Amen! ”Repeat these words (or similar ones) more often. It’s not necessary to go to the temple. There is no way - pray at home. Of course, it is desirable to have an icon before your eyes. But this is also not a panacea or a strict condition. The holy Matron sees our feelings and thoughts with a spiritual gaze, and draws attention to the true observance of the rules that were not invented by her. The sufferer will find a way to turn to the saint. He will truly believe her, and all doors will open, constipation will fall. There will be no obstacles.

prayer to the blessed matron

Prayer to Blessed Matron

Knowledgeable people say that it would be nice to buy an icon and hang it at home. So turn to her when black anguish or disbelief in the strength of the Lord creeps into the soul. Yes in any situation! There are no prohibitions on prayers. The holy mother Matron, we repeat, had extraordinary kindness. She had an affectionate word for everyone and wise advice. So say: “Oh, blessed Matrono! Thy soul in heaven now abides before the throne of the Lord. You exude miracles on earth with the grace given from above. Turn your gracious gaze to sinners who mourn the diseases of the mind and body. We spend our days in the struggle against sinful temptations. Comfort us, O Holy Matron. Heal from despair and ailments of the fierce. Deliver from troubles and temptations, pray to God for the forgiveness of our sins. Amen! ”This prayer does not have to be repeated literally. Say what is in the soul. But do not forget the legends of the tax collector and the Pharisee. You should not demand from the Lord “payment” for exemplary behavior. That is sin. Accept what is happening around you with humility and hope for a miracle.

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