Unfortunately, not all gas stations sell us quality fuel. Sometimes you have to trust them, as they say, "by word". Yes, and check the real fuel content is possible only in laboratory conditions. Therefore, in order to protect the engine from the influence of sulfur and various deposits, motorists use special additives. Reviews show that quality additives can really protect the engine and fuel system from poor-quality diesel fuel. The main thing is to choose a bona fide manufacturer. In today's article, we will consider all types and varieties of this petrochemistry, as well as test the additives in diesel fuel.
The substances that will be discussed today are a common petrochemical product, the task of which is to improve certain operational properties of fuel in accordance with modern requirements.
Signs of poor fuel
Determining that bad diesel fuel has got into the motor is very simple. This will tell you the black smoke from the exhaust pipe. Also, with poor-quality fuel, it is difficult to start the engine. But all these problems do not appear immediately, since the car will work on the remnants of the previous fuel. As soon as normal diesel fuel is over and liquid with different deposits gets into the combustion chamber, wait for trouble.
What to do
If dirt enters the engine cylinders, immediately remove it. True, it is very difficult to do. The most effective way is to completely clean the motor. However, it is performed only at the service station, after preliminary diagnosis of all mechanisms. But the diesel engine can also be saved with additives. The main thing is to know which type to choose.
Today it is customary to distinguish between single-component and complex additives. Among them, the main types are:
- Cetane raising.
- Depressor-dispersing.
Each of these types of additives has a different composition and performs its own separate function. Below we consider the features of each type of petrochemicals.
Cetane enhancing diesel additives
Reviews say that this is the most popular type of additives in Russia. It is designed to increase the cetane number of fuel. Octane-raising agents can be considered their analogues (though they are intended to change the composition of gasoline). Once in the tank, this liquid changes the composition of the fuel, reducing the time for its ignition and increasing the completeness of combustion of the mixture in the engine. This ensures the softness of the engine, improves its efficiency and power. In winter, cetane-raising substances make it easier to start the engine “on cold”. The dosage of this type of oil is the same for all diesel vehicles: 1 kilogram per 1 ton of fuel. Basically, they are contained in plastic or metal bottles of 200-500 milliliters.
Depressor-dispersant additives for diesel fuel
Reviews of drivers note that this type of additive is indispensable for those who often operate the car at low temperatures. Due to its composition, these substances prevent the freezing of fuel in winter. Often such additives are added at the gas station. But, as practice has shown, such a diesel fuel thickens already at -7-10 degrees. Additive manufacturers claim that their products can reduce the freezing range of fuel to -20 ° C. True, this result can only be obtained with the correct dosage of the substance. But more on that later.
It is worth noting that this type of petrochemicals is a combination of two separate additives - dispersing and depressant. The latter type, as we have already said, prevents freezing of fuel at low temperatures. But dispersants serve to prevent the precipitation of paraffin. But such a phenomenon can cost an expensive repair of the fuel system.
Also dispersing substances prevent the separation of diesel fuel fractions of different densities, which significantly increases the shelf life of the liquid in the tank or tank. Together, these two additives are an excellent means to improve the fluidity of the fuel and its resistance to freezing temperatures.
How does she work
With a decrease in air temperature, the fuel density decreases significantly. Moreover, this phenomenon occurs in several stages:
- At first, the fuel becomes cloudy. At this time, crystallization of paraffins begins. The level of fluidity of diesel fuel does not change. The crystals themselves can safely pass through the filter.
- Upon reaching the boundary temperature, paraffins increase to such a size that they do not pass through the pores of the filters. Fuel fluidity is deteriorating. The fuel itself does not pump through the filter.
- Upon reaching the pour point, the crystal lattice grows and compacts. Such fuel becomes less fluid and unusable.
After this, the action of the additive begins. Its depressant molecules absorb paraffin crystals, thereby increasing fuel fluidity. Residues of paraffin are deposited on the bottom of the tank, where the probability of their getting into the engine at start-up is the smallest. What is most interesting, the work of this additive is not aimed at removing paraffin crystals, but preventing their growth. That is, it should be added even before the fuel begins to cloud.
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As for the dosage, this type of petrochemistry should be added in an amount of from 20 to 100 milliliters per 100 liters of diesel fuel. Do not forget that such additives are only seasonal, and should be used only in winter. If you follow the correct technology of adding, you can reduce the freezing temperature of the fuel from the previous -5 to -20 degrees Celsius. The best additives for diesel depressant-dispersant type make the company Dodiflow and HiTech.
When filling additives into the tank, it is important to monitor the ambient temperature. The temperature at which the liquid is added should be positive (in extreme cases, not lower than -10 degrees Celsius). If this rule is not observed, the product will not dissolve in fuel, but will form separate paraffin balls. The latter, before entering the engine, severely clog the fuel system. As a result, the car does not drive well and consumes 10-20 percent more diesel fuel.
Other types of funds
In addition to cetane-boosting and depressant additives, there are other additives for diesel fuel. Driver reviews say that detergents are in the first place after applicability after these types of products. Such additives are made from succinimide low molecular weight polyisobutylene. By their properties, they perfectly clean the inside of the fuel system and ICE from dirt and carbon deposits. Also, detergents perfectly wash away dirt from nozzle nozzles. After applying these funds in the fuel system, uniform fuel injection is ensured, which significantly reduces fuel consumption and the level of CO emission into the environment. The operation of the engine itself becomes smoother and more measured.
There are also anti-corrosion additives for diesel fuel. Reviews of drivers say that such tools perfectly displace excess moisture from the fuel and form a thin protective film on the surface of the internal combustion engine metal mechanisms.
Antifoam additives are used to prevent the formation of foam during the overflow of fuel from one tank to another (for example, from a tank to a car tank). They are added at the stage of fuel production, so it is almost impossible to find them on the market, and there is no point. We also note that excessive foaming can lead to splashing of fuel and a low refueling speed.
And finally, about demulsifying additives. The word itself says that these substances are designed to reduce the formation of emulsions. The essence of their work is to reduce the interfacial tension at the fuel line boundary.
Why are there so many additives for diesel cars
To answer this question, it is necessary to consider the features of the operation of such engines. Studies have shown that diesel cars are more sensitive to fuel composition than their gasoline counterparts. The fact is that the injection, combustion and withdrawal of a combustible mixture in such engines takes a minimum of time. If the quality of the fuel does not meet the norm, this will lead to clogging of nozzles and filters, which will make the ICE operation even more unstable and unstable. Therefore, it is so important to maintain cleanliness in diesel engines, for which they came up with all these types of additives. Also, cetane-enriching agents increase the temperature of distillation of the fuel, which makes its ignition easier and faster. And depressant-dispersing ones allow to quickly start the engine at a negative temperature, which is a frequent “sore” for almost all modern diesel engines.
Additive test from different manufacturing companies
Well, we have already talked about the features and purpose of these substances. Now let's look at which manufacturer makes the highest quality additives.
The first in the review we will have is the German manufacturer “Liquid Moli”. This company has been making additives for diesel for a long time, therefore, its reputation is unsullied. The test results showed a positive result. Power and efficiency indicators have increased significantly, but the engine noise has not diminished. Lubricity was seen to a lesser extent. It can be said that the “Liquid Moli” fuel additive is aimed only at increasing the cetane number and reducing fuel consumption. However, these two qualities are most appreciated by drivers.
Judging by the reviews, the German fuel additive has practically no drawbacks. Perhaps its only negative is the high cost. One 250-milliliter bottle costs about 290 rubles. This amount is enough for only 75 liters of fuel, that is, for 1-2 full refueling. As a result, the cost of 1 liter of diesel fuel increases by 3.9 rubles.
Castrol additives for diesel fuel also did an excellent job of increasing their cetane number and providing lubricity. At the same time, the efficiency indicators correspond to the values ​​declared by the manufacturer. A test of additives in diesel fuel showed that a machine spends 10-15 percent less fuel after pouring such a liquid.
As for the cost, it is not much different from the previous version. For 250 milliliters of liquid, they ask about 350 rubles. But the most important difference between the British "Castrol" and the German "Liquid Moli" is the dosage. One bottle of Castrol is enough for as much as 250 liters. fuel. The cost of fuel at the same time increases by only 1 ruble. Moreover, the fuel remains as clean as after applying the Liquid Moth additive. As the reviews showed, the additive Castrol has no significant drawbacks.
Now about what properties the domestic Suprotek additive differs in. Judging by the test results, it remains the only one on the list that has distinguished itself with such good lubricating abilities. The tests were carried out as follows. First, all the oil was drained from the car, then this fluid was added, and the car continued to move without a drop of lubricant. As a result, the Suprotek additive provided an hour of coordinated operation of the engine at medium and high loads. If it weren’t for her, the motor would have “screwed up” already in the first seconds of operation.
Well, the Suprotek additive showed the best result in the protection of internal combustion engines in the event of a lubrication system accident. But she also has its drawbacks. The fact is that the manufacturer requires 2-fold processing with a change of oil, which is very troublesome and painful for the car owner. Well, and, of course, the price. For 100 milliliters of liquid you need to pay 1200 rubles. Since it is poured into the engine twice, the price of 2400 rubles for the additive remains clearly overstated against its other competitors.
Our review also touched upon the American cetane corrector of the SMT2 brand. On the Russian market, it costs about 600 rubles (the volume of the bottle itself is 240 milliliters). After using this additive, the car began to behave better in terms of dynamics. At the same time, a small lubricity was observed in the cetane corrector. Efficiency indicators have not fallen much, so we cannot award SMT2 leadership. And the cost for it is too high.
What to choose
According to the results of the tests, the best additive for diesel fuel - from the company "Castrol". It is she who has the most optimal ratio of price to quality. Of course, the Suprotek additive was also distinguished by high quality. However, for our motorists its cost is too high, so we can not award her leadership.
About fakes
With the expansion of the product range, the risks of becoming a victim of deception have become very high. The fact is that some additives in diesel fuel (including Castrol) are a pure fake and are bottled not somewhere in Britain, but in the nearest basement or garage. Therefore, in order to buy a truly original product, you should pay attention not only to the label where the company details should clearly be, but also to the cost. Of course, in different stores it may differ from the one we called in today's article. However, if the increase in price is more than 30-40 percent (down), and the seller refuses to provide quality certificates, such an additive is clearly not real.
We use strictly according to the instructions
It may seem strange, but the use of additives can be both useful and dangerous for the engine. And the whole thing lies in the correct dosage, which the manufacturer himself indicates in the instructions. You should not think that increasing the concentration of additives in the engine will improve its performance. On the contrary, its excessive concentration in the motor will only aggravate the work of mechanisms.
It is also recommended to take short breaks between the use of additives. This is due to the high sensitivity of engines (especially Japanese) to the composition of the fuel.
So, we found out what cetane-enhancing and depressant additives for diesel fuel are, and examined a number of leading manufacturers of this type of product. Remember that the wrong dosage of substances can harm the engine of your iron friend and lead to unforeseen breakdown. Therefore, take care of your car and pour additives strictly according to the instructions written by the manufacturer.