How to clean silver at home

Cutlery, jewelry, coins - silverware can be found in every home. Sooner or later, the owners of such things are faced with the need to clean them. The reasons silver is getting dark can vary. Improper storage and care, a chemical reaction to the individual characteristics of the body - there are many options. How to clean silver? The answer to this question can be found in the article.

How To Clean Silver: Toothpaste

Of course, the easiest way to entrust the salvation of your favorite things to professionals. However, you can cope with this task yourself. How to clean silver at home? You can try to do this with toothpaste.

silver cleansing
  • You need to squeeze a small amount of paste onto your palm, and then put a silver product on it.
  • Next, the surface of the thing that needs to be cleaned should be rubbed with a toothbrush.
  • Then you need to thoroughly rinse the toothpaste with running water.
  • The final touch - wiping the product with a piece of flannel fabric.

An ideal choice would be an ordinary white paste, which does not contain solid particles and colored inclusions. Gel-like options are not suitable in this case. This method is relevant when it is necessary to bring tableware into a decent appearance. For jewelry, this tool is not suitable. We must not forget that the higher the fineness of silver, the greater the chance of the appearance of traces of bristles on the surface.

Olive oil

How to clean silver with olive oil? This task can be dealt with in a few minutes. First you need to carefully rub the jewelry (coin, cutlery) with oil. Then wash the product in soapy water and rinse with cool water. The last step is polishing with soft rags.

Baking soda

How to clean silver with baking soda? This tool is already attractive in that it can be found in every kitchen.

how to clean silver with soda
  • A teaspoon of powder is added to a container with a small amount of water. The result should be a pasty consistency.
  • The resulting mixture must be applied to the surface of the product. Then silver is gently rubbed with a toothbrush.
  • Next, the thing must be rinsed with clean water, dried with a piece of woolen cloth.
  • This method is not suitable in order to restore the attractive appearance of jewelry with stones. They are covered with a coating, cloudy.

If it is necessary to clean the cutlery, it is better to make some changes to this recipe. Two tablespoons of baking soda must be dissolved in half a liter of water. The resulting solution should be brought to a boil, after which a silver product is placed in it. It is enough to hold him there for two or three minutes.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is another remedy tested by several generations.

Lemon acid
  • The glass container must be filled with juice squeezed from one lemon.
  • Then you need to lower the product into it, wait about 20 minutes.
  • Then the thing is rinsed with running water, wiped dry.


How to clean silver from black with ammonia?

  • Ammonia must be diluted in a soapy solution. About a teaspoon of the product falls on a glass of liquid.
  • Next, you need to lower the product that needs to be cleaned into the resulting solution, wait about half an hour.
  • Then the thing is thoroughly washed, wiped dry.

The specific smell of ammonia is perhaps the main drawback of this method.

"Coca Cola"

Coca-Cola is a popular drink with many little-known beneficial properties. For example, it is famous for the content of phosphoric acid. Is it any wonder that many owners of silver jewelry, coins and cutlery use precisely Coca-Cola to clean them.

how to clear silver with Coca-Cola

The drink must be poured into a glass or a deep plate, then the product that needs to be cleaned is lowered into the container. You can remove the item after 15 minutes, it will shimmer and shine.

Matte, blackened silver

How to clean silver from black at home, if we are talking about a matte product? Acids, abrasive materials in this case are not suitable. Their use negatively affects the appearance of the thing. It is better to resort to another proven method - soap chips dissolved in water.

Blackened silver requires a careful attitude, as there is a danger of damaging the unique top layer. Soap-soda solution is suitable for cleaning such a product. The thing must be kept in it for about 20-30 minutes.

There is another effective method that will return blackened silver to its original appearance. To do this, peel a few potatoes, and then place them in a container of water. The product must be soaked for 3-4 hours, after which it should be thoroughly washed. If plaque remains on the metal, it is easy to get rid of it with a rubber eraser.

Salt and soda

How to clean a chain of silver at home?

how to clean silver at home
  • It is necessary to mix salt and soda in equal proportions (approximately 10 g).
  • Then add a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
  • Further, the composition is diluted with a small amount of water.
  • The liquid must be poured into a small pan, brought to a boil and put a silver product in it.
  • The capacity remains on the stove for about 30 minutes, then removed from the fire. The chain is removed after cooling the liquid. Rinse it thoroughly with water.


How to clear a chain of silver? Milk will help get rid of darkening and return the pristine beauty to the decoration.

how to clean silver with milk
  • The product must be placed in a small pan, pour milk and put on the stove.
  • Boil the liquid for about 10 minutes, then the decoration is removed.
  • Rinse the chain thoroughly with water.

If the spots on silver are too dark, half a teaspoon of soda can be dissolved in milk. Thanks to this, the procedure will have a greater effect.

Egg boiling water

It is difficult to find a house in which eggs are never boiled. The water that remains after cooking such food can be used to clean silver. After removing the eggs from the pan, the water must be cooled. When it becomes a little warm, products that need to be cleaned can be folded into it. Keep silver items in a pan for about 15-20 minutes. Then they are removed, washed with clean water and thoroughly wiped. This method is not suitable when it comes to jewelry with stones.

Preventive measures

The above talks about how to clean silver at home. However, preventing a problem is much easier than fighting it.

  • Jewelry, coins, silver cutlery need competent care. Wipe them regularly. For this, you can use, for example, flannel fabric.
  • The danger to silver is represented by household chemicals, cosmetics. Before applying makeup and cleaning, it is better to remove all jewelry (rings, bracelets, chains). This should also be done before playing sports, as sweat affects silver negatively.
  • Products need regular cleaning. Do not wait for the darkening of the metal in order to do this.
  • Jewelry, cutlery, coins should be kept as far away as possible from moisture. You should not take a bath and shower in rings, chains and bracelets. Before cleaning, do not forget to remove jewelry.
  • Silver items need proper storage. An ideal place for them would be a casket that is upholstered from the inside with a cloth.

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