Childbirth: process and stages.

Probably, the query "childbirth", a description of the process - is one of the most popular on the Internet. Someone is looking for information just out of curiosity, someone wants to prepare well for this difficult event. Indeed, childbirth is a complex and even stressful process, if you call a spade a spade. Many women are stopped precisely by the fear of them, which sometimes is so strong that it requires the intervention of specialists, in particular consultations with psychologists. This fear is based on numerous horror stories generously scattered on the Internet, on the stories of our grandmothers about how difficult it was to give birth. Therefore, many women believe that childbirth is an extremely painful and even life-threatening process.

But it is worth remembering that women's births in that troubled time and today are different. Of course, physiology remains the same, the stages of the process are the same, but, for example, could our grandmothers dream, say, of epidural anesthesia? Of course not. This type of anesthesia appeared only at the end of the last century. Therefore, we discard all prejudices and conjectures and consider childbirth: the process, stages, preparation.

You need to prepare long before them, and even more - long before the onset of pregnancy itself. It is necessary to be firmly convinced that the body is ready to fulfill the function of fertility assigned to it by nature. If so, then the birth will be normal, without complications.

The fact that the first stage begins - the opening of the cervix - a woman guesses right away. Or almost immediately. The fact is that the pain threshold is different for everyone and some may simply not feel the primary opening of the uterus. This process begins with discomfort in the lower back and abdomen. This discomfort is increasing, and the gap between contractions is reduced. Amniotic fluid may flow during this period, although this is not necessary. In some cases, the rupture of the bladder surrounding the fetus does not occur, and the doctors in the hospital pierce it themselves. If the water has left you , then of course you will notice it, even if it will gradually move away, in drops. You may also see mucus with brown spots. Do not worry, this is the so-called cork, which protected the uterus from the penetration of various infections that are dangerous for the child.

When the opening of the uterus has occurred, attempts begin in order for the next stage of childbirth to take place - the expulsion of the fetus. At this stage, the use of epidural anesthesia, as described above, is possible. Epidural anesthesia relieves pain from attempts, you will feel only a slight tingling sensation, the lower body will be frozen.

And, finally, the last stage - the appearance of the child, the doctor carefully pulls it out with special forceps as soon as his head appears. This point is extremely important, because, unfortunately, it is at this stage that birth injuries often occur in the hands of an inexperienced obstetrician.

After childbirth, the doctor examines the birth canal, as there is a possibility of ruptures, although this does not happen so often in practice. Whether or not there will be gaps depends on several factors, for example, on the elasticity of the vagina, on preliminary preparation in the form of massage or rubbing with special oil.

Some choose to give birth in water, as one of the options in order to level the pain, but there are pros and cons. Sterile clean water does not exist, so doctors recommend, nevertheless, to abandon this method. There are many arguments and debates regarding epidural anesthesia during childbirth, as mentioned above. But most experts believe that it is worth using, despite the risk of complications after it. But it is small and equal to the risk of allergies and complications, say, from aspirin tablets due to individual intolerance.

Do not be afraid, childbirth is a natural process. If it were so terrible, nature would refuse such a variant of procreation.

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