Useful products: calorie pistachios

Pistachios, as well as other nuts, are recognized by nutritionists as a type of food necessary for a healthy, nutritious diet. They are advised as snacks (instead of rolls or chocolate), and also as an addition to the main diet for valuable substances. Pistachios are a storehouse of useful elements, however, the daily dose of their consumption should not be more than 100 g. This is due to the fact that the calorie content of pistachios is quite high, so excessive consumption of them will inevitably lead to excess weight.

calorie pistachios
However, if you use a reasonable portion daily, then you can, on the contrary, lose weight, as well as prevent serious diseases.

The benefits and calories of pistachios

The benefits of pistachios are a large selection of amino acids, minerals and vitamins, as well as components such as unsaturated fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. There is plenty of vitamin E in pistachios - an antioxidant substance that stimulates the body's metabolic processes and promotes rejuvenation. They also have a lot of iron, copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium. 100 g of pistachios contain: proteins - 20.8, fats - 51.6, carbohydrates - 16.4 g. The composition is supplemented with minerals and vitamins (B1, B2). Calorie content of pistachios - 640 kcal per 100 g.

calorie salted pistachios
Despite such a high rate, diet and healthy nutrition experts recommend pistachios to be included in the daily set of products. A single dose should not exceed 30 g, and the daily intake should not exceed 100 g. In addition, for better digestibility and health benefits, it is advisable to eat pistachios with foods with a high glycemic index. To find those, use the calorie calculator as a program that can be installed on any of your gadgets. This combination of food reduces blood sugar, prevents the occurrence of "outbreaks of hunger", which leads to a normal way of eating. The calorie content of pistachios is high, but the “good” fats in their composition will bring more benefits to the body and figure than a bun with the same calorie content as nutrition experts say. In addition, fats contained in pistachios reduce cholesterol and eliminate the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies by American scientists have shown that eaten a handful of pistachios reduces this figure by 9-12%.

food calorie calculator

Preventive and healing properties of pistachios

Pistachios are recommended for diagnoses such as anemia (due to their high iron content), hypertension, tuberculosis, various diseases of the stomach, liver, as well as during recovery periods after infectious diseases. It is believed that pistachios are essential in nutrition for infertility and to increase potency. They regain strength and help improve brain activity during debilitating physical and mental stress. Today, pistachios are quite a popular product, and many people think that salted or over-roasted nuts are also very healthy. However, this is not at all true. Such treatment not only crosses out the entire value of the product, but is also capable and seriously harm health. The calorie content of salted pistachios does not differ from the calorie content of fresh pistachios, but their danger lies in the fact that salt greatly increases appetite. Therefore, you can eat quite a lot of such pistachios, which will necessarily negatively affect the figure. The salt itself will aggravate the situation - in large quantities, a product harmful and dangerous to health.

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