Carburetor Solex 21073 on Niva: device, repair, adjustment, reviews

Despite the fact that the VAZ-2121 SUV has been developed for a long time, this car is still very popular. In 1994, the model was changed to VAZ-21213. Many people buy these cars because of their high traffic, which some jeeps from famous brands can envy. Others like reliability, unpretentiousness and high maintainability. The simple design and excellent off-road performance made this a vehicle for lovers of travel, hunting, fishing and tourism.

Niva 211213 cars are equipped with a 1.7 liter engine. It is carbureted, and it is based on the engine from the VAZ-2106. There is also a five-speed manual gearbox and a non-contact ignition system. The Solex carburetor 21073 on the Niva is installed in the power supply system. Many novice car owners are scared by carburetors and everything connected with them. But a carburetor is not a sentence. You just need to understand its basic device, methods of adjustment and find out how to repair it.


The Solex carburetor 21073, installed on the Niva 1.7, can be attributed to the group of emulsion devices.

Solex carburetor 21073 on the field
The mechanism is designed to prepare a working fuel-air mixture. The device consists of two parts - the body and the cover. Also, the device consists of a float chamber with the ability to balance the level. There is an accelerator pump, an economizer, an economic switch. The design has two fuel chambers and diffusers. They prepare a combustible mixture. Fittings are installed in the lid, through which gas is supplied to the carburetor, and excess fuel enters the tank. Also in the lid there are studs. They serve to mount the air filter. The lid is also equipped with a needle valve for the float chamber, where the fuel level is directly regulated. The carburetor has a mechanical choke. It allows you to start the engine "cold". In this modification, the Solex 21073 carburetor on the Niva 21213 shows very high efficiency. When properly configured, the device is able to provide very high technical specifications for vehicles with front-wheel drive.

Operating principle

The installed Solex carburetor 21073 on the Niva is designed to prepare a mixture of fuel and air, as well as supply it to the combustion chambers of the engine. After starting the power unit, the driver closes the shutter. This ensures that the rich mixture is fed into the cylinders.

Solex carburetor 21073 repair
By adjusting the automatic system, airflow is increased by turning the throttle. As the engine warms up, the choke is removed. The carburetor starts to work in its main operating mode. Gasoline from the fuel tank is pumped into the float chamber using a diaphragm pump. The amount of fuel depends on the position of the needle valve. Further, liquid fuel, through special channels that are located in the device body, enters the main nozzle. Then into the first mixing chamber. The second camera of the device will be activated when the engine starts to work under high load - if the driver abruptly presses the accelerator pedal. When the engine is idling, the solenoid valve starts. Thanks to this, the motor can work stably. Reduces fuel consumption.

Float mechanism

The Solex carburetor 21073, installed on the Niva, has a float chamber of two sections. They are located on both sides of the main cameras of the device. The system consists of two ebonite floats that are mounted on a lever.

Solex carburetor 21073 on a field device

The latter sways on the axis, pressed into the tides of the lid of the device. There is a tongue on the bracket. The element presses the needle valve needle through a special ball. The float mechanism is used to adjust the fuel level necessary for the normal operation of the carburetor. Needle valve - non-separable type. It is not being repaired. The valve body is mounted on the threads in the carburetor cover. The ball keeps the needle from being struck when the machine is moving. If the camera is empty (for example, if the driver uses HBO), then the floats will knock.

Main dosing systems

The first and second cameras are equipped with diffusers. There is one big and one small element. Together with small diffusers, spraying devices are also made. The latter are connected through channels with emulsion wells, and they communicate through one channel with a float chamber. In order for gas to arrive in certain portions, the main fuel jets are located below in the emulsion wells. In the same wells there are special tubes. Each of them is equipped with an air jet at the top. Air is supplied to them from the neck of the device.

The principle of operation of the main metering chamber

Under the influence of rarefaction arising in the cylinders of the motor, air is drawn in through the filter. Further, oxygen is supplied to the first chamber. It goes through diffusers. Due to the fact that the air flow rate has increased, an even greater vacuum is created in the spray zone.

Solex carburetor 21073 on Niva 1 7

Under its action, the fuel rises from the emulsion well with a spray. At the same time, air passes through an air nozzle into an emulsion tube and then mixes with fuel. As a result, an emulsion is formed, which is absorbed at high speed into the channels of the carburetor, where it is connected to the air stream. The installed Solex 21073 carburetor on the Niva works according to this principle. Its device may vary depending on the modification. But the principle of operation of the systems is approximately the same for all devices.

Idle system

The device is equipped with an idle system. It is designed to enable the motor to run at low speeds. At this moment, the vacuum in the diffusers is very small. Fuel cannot enter the main dosing system. At idle of the engine, fuel is supplied under the throttle valve of the first carburetor chamber. There, the vacuum is strong enough to form a stable combustible mixture.

Solex carburetor 21073 on the field reviews

Air is supplied through the main nozzle and the emulsion well of the first chamber. Then the fuel will go to the idle fuel jet. After that, it is mixed with air, which is supplied from the air jet XX. Oxygen is supplied to this element through a special channel. This scheme of operation allows the engine to provide a smooth transition from load to idle and does not allow fuel to flow out of the float chamber.


The Solex carburetor 20173 on the Niva is equipped with an econostat. This device is necessary for the enrichment of the fuel mixture, which is prepared in the second chamber, when the throttle is fully open.


Nodes of the car do not last forever and sometimes the Solex 21073 carburetor installed on the Niva fails. Repair it must begin with a diagnosis. It may be possible to do with a simple adjustment. So, in the process, solid particles can get into the carburetor, which as a result is the cause of clogging of the nozzles. Poor gasoline leads to the formation of deposits on the walls of the channels in the device. This significantly reduces their cross section. Damage to carburetor systems can be diagnosed by the following symptoms:

  • Increased fuel consumption.
  • Difficulties in starting the engine. Decrease in power and dynamic characteristics.
  • Unstable idling.

In this case, it is necessary to clean the installed Solex 21073 carburetor on the Niva. The adjustment that will be carried out after this will allow the device to work again as it should.

How to restore the carburetor?

For repairs, most often you have to remove the device from the engine. First, remove the air filter. Then the fuel lines, air tubes, wires and cables are removed. then unscrew the fastening nuts.

Solex carburetor 21073 on Niva 2121

It is best to disassemble the carburetor on the table, or on another convenient surface. Details should be laid out in some order. This will help not to lose them. The process of adjusting the needle valve is performed using a special template. Use special fluids to flush the device. Replacement jets can be purchased at any auto store. Often, disassembling and flushing the carburetor helps to solve a lot of problems.


If the installed Solex 21073 carburetor on the Niva fails, repairs and adjustments help bring the device to life. Settings allow you to restore the optimal modes in which the motor will work as efficiently as possible. Fuel consumption is average. The first thing they start and warm up the engine a bit. Next, it is necessary to dismantle the fuel hose and device cover. The latter is recommended to be removed with extreme caution so as not to damage the float. Next, using a measuring tool, measure the distance in each of the carburetor chambers. Measure from mating planes to the edge of the fuel. This size should be approximately 24 mm. If this distance is less than or greater, then it is adjusted by bending the float. Then you need to start and warm up the engine again. When the level controls are successfully completed, you can proceed to the idle setting.

Solex carburetor 21073 on Niva 21213

The engine is turned off. A screwdriver with a flat tip and a little time will be required for adjustment. At the bottom of the device there is a hole in which there is a screw that regulates the quality of the fuel mixture. It is twisted all the way. Further from the extreme position, the same screw is unscrewed by about five turns. Then they start the engine. Choke does not need to be used. If you unscrew the โ€œqualityโ€ screw, then the carburetor will change the engine speed. Then it is twisted again. Rotation is required until the motor is stable and stable. When the engine starts to work quietly, then the element is unscrewed no more than one revolution. As a result, the idle speed will be set at 900. If the motor starts to stall, it is better to slightly increase the idle speed.


These are the most basic adjustments that will allow you to fully configure the installed Solex 21073 carburetor to the Niva. Reviews about this carburetor are good, and they install it not only on the Niva, but also on other models of front-wheel drive VAZs.

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