The design of the list of references according to GOST: rules, examples

Becoming a "martyr of science", each student is faced with the need to write various works. Quite often, the final grade is reduced due to incorrect design of the list of references. In order not to fall into such a situation, you should remember the basic rules of how to make such a list in accordance with the requirements of GOST. And then even the most demanding teacher will not be able to find fault with your work.

What is a list of references and why is it needed

When writing any essay, term paper, diploma, doctoral, etc., a person always uses materials written by others. It can be not only books, but also electronic resources.

reference list design

In order not to appropriate the labor of others, but at the same time to confirm the reality of the information contained in his opus, at the end of it you should always indicate a list of sources that served as inspiration for the author.


In addition to the entry form, there are three requirements for the design of the list of references.

literature requirements
  • It must be accurate (no errors and no mistakes).
  • Complete.
  • The bibliographic information in it should correspond to reality. So, in the pre-Internet era, many negligent students wrote their essays based on 2-3 sources, and they simply came up with the names of the rest. Taking advantage of the fact that the teacher was not able to verify the existence of all the indicated books.

GOSTs that should be followed for the correct design of the list of references

One of the benefits of globalization (which all of humanity is striving for today) is the ability of any student from the seediest university to read books and scientific papers written by eminent scientists living on the other side of the planet. So that he can figure out the data, the standards for the design of the list of used literature in all countries are very similar and differ only in minor details.

design of the guest list

In each of the states there is a certain GOST, focusing on which you will never be mistaken. As a rule, in any methodological manual, which indicates the requirements for the content and design of scientific work, there are excerpts from this standard.

In the Russian Federation, GOST 7.1-2003 No. 332-st., Entered into force on 25.11 2003 is relevant today.

Sometimes GOST R 7.0.5-2008 is also indicated. However, it is applicable for bibliographic references. Although in many respects the requirements of GOST R 7.0.5 and GOST 7.1 for the design of the list of references are similar.

The list under consideration may contain not only references to paper sources, but also electronic resources or carriers. The design principles for such cases are prescribed in GOST 7.82-2001.

References and bibliographic reference

One of their common mistakes in this area is the identification of the concepts of “bibliography” with “bibliographic references”. Although both of these terms mean a brief record of data on books (or other printed matter), being a reference to the source from which the information is borrowed, they have a slight difference.

When compiled according to GOST, the literature list simply lists in a certain order all the general data about books, articles, sites, etc. (so that, if necessary, you can accurately find them and check).

But bibliographic references are not just information about the sources, but also exact references to a specific place from the publication that is cited, criticized or considered. Therefore, most often here is also indicated the page number (s) from where the studied passage is taken.

Otherwise, when working with bibliographic references, both full and abbreviated indication of data about the source is allowed. In addition, they are not placed at the end of the general list, but:

  • inside the text;
  • for the passage quoted;
  • at the bottom of the strip, under the lines of the main text.

As an example, consider a sample design of a list of references for a book on English grammar:

  • Arakin, V. D. Comparative typology of English and Russian languages ​​[Text] / V. D. Arakin. - Leningrad .: Enlightenment, 1979. - 232 p.
  • Zenina, Zh. M. Technique of Translation of English Special Literature [Text] / Zh.M. Zenin. - Kazan, 1971. - 319 p.
  • Kachalova, K. N. Practical Grammar of the English Language [Text] / K. N. Kachalova, E. E. Izrailevich. - Moscow: UNIVESLIST, 1997 .-- 672 p.

If the same brief example of the design of the bibliography is presented in accordance with the requirements for bibliographic references, there will be small differences.

The entry will look like this:

  • Arakin V. D. Comparative typology of English and Russian languages. L .: Education, 1979. 232 p.
  • Zenina Zh. M. Translation Technique of English Special Literature. - Kazan, 1971.319 s.
  • Kachalova K.N., Izrailevich E.E. Practical grammar of the English language. - M.: UNIVESLIST, 1997. 672 p.

As you can see, there is a difference. Especially when the source is not one but several authors. The use of bibliographic reference recording techniques is regulated by GOST R 7.0.5-2008. Sometimes it is indicated as an additional standard of the rules for the design of the list of references.

Typology of sources

We live in the digital age, therefore, compared with the last century, the number of varieties of sources is noticeably different. At the moment, the following are highlighted:

  • Normative acts (laws and by-laws).
  • Books.
  • Printed periodicals (newspaper magazines).
  • Published on electronic local access media (discs).
  • Sources on electronic media of remote access (various sites on the Internet).


When registering in accordance with GOST, several criteria are applied to the list of references by which the sources are located in it:

  • Alphabetical order of authors and titles. If there are several books in the list that have come out of the pen of one writer, they are systematized in the order of the titles. The prevalence of such a structure was one of the reasons why the surname is first indicated in the link, and only then the initials.
  • Chronological order (by years). It is most often used when writing historical opuses in order to emphasize the evolution of the problem under consideration. Within the same year, the sources are arranged in alphabetical order by author (or title).
  • A systematic grouping provides for the design of a list of literature based on their subject matter or questions being studied. Within each selected block, the sources are arranged in alphabetical order or according to their chronology.
  • According to the chapters of the work. With this method of systematizing sources, general literature is indicated at the beginning, and then it is located in chapters for the writing of which it was used. Within each such block, the sources are listed alphabetically or by year of writing.

In addition to these criteria, there are rules for placing links according to the type of source:

  1. Normative acts. They are arranged in this order: international, the Constitution, laws, court orders, codes, presidential decrees, etc.
  2. Books.
  3. Articles from periodicals.
  4. Information from disks.
  5. Data from the Internet.

Basic Listing Principles

Having considered the typology of sources and ways of systematizing them, we pay attention to the principles that should be followed when designing a list of references.

  • The most common criterion for locating sources is the alphabet. Your desire to use other methods of systematization should be agreed with the head of the scientific work or editor.
  • In each link it is necessary to indicate all authors (if there are less than five), whose names appear on the cover or in the title of the article. They should be arranged as indicated in the book itself. Even if they are not in alphabetical order
  • When writing a name, the surname comes first, then the initials. For example: Andreeva, E. A. Magnificent dishes from the microwave [Text] / E. A. Andreeva, L. N. Smirnova. - Moscow: RIPOL CLASSIC, 2007 .-- 192 p.
  • When arranging the sources, first Russian-language sources come and only then in foreign languages. By the way, this rule applies to GOST for the design of a list of references in any country: first in its official language (s), then in others.
  • Any errors, typos, extra or missing punctuation marks are not allowed.

The basic rules for compiling a list of references

Having considered the principles, it is time to move on to the rules for designing a list of references according to GOST. To do this, consider the general view of each link to a source that served as an inspiration for the author of the work:

  • Surname of the creator of the book, comma, initials separated by dots.
  • The full name of the printed publication, at the end of the point is not put. Instead, the word "Text" or "Electronic source" is indicated in square brackets. Next is a slash (/). Please note that sometimes [Text] or [Electronic source] may be skipped. However, before doing this, you should consult with your supervisor. If the source’s name contains a transcript indicating its typology (Hunting for crocodiles with spinning on the Middle Volga: an optimistic extremal practical guide) [Text] is written before the colon (Preparation of poisons and potions for the curious [Text]: practical guide).
  • Again F.I.O. of the author. But this time they start with the initials. After the surname - “dot” and “dash”.
  • City name. Please note that it must be complete. That is, not “M”, but “Moscow”, not “L”, but “Leningrad”. After the colon, the name of the publisher is without quotation marks. Next, a “comma”, data on the year of publication (without “g.”), Again “dot”, “dash”, number of pages, “c” and final “dot”.

Schematically, all the above requirements for the link look like this:

Abevededeikin, A. B. A very clever book [Text] / A.B. Abevededeikin. - Unknown: Izba-reading room, 2018 .-- 365 p.

For sources in other languages, the same rules for writing links apply. For instance:

Pichon, L. The brilliant world of Tom Gates [Text] / L. Pichon. - London: Scholastic, 2011 .-- 250 p.

sample list

Features of designing a link to a book translated from another language

If the source is a translation, then information about who made it should also be indicated. The above book also appeared in Russian. When you write it as a link, everything should look like this:

Pichon, L. Tom Gates: My dizzying world [Text] / L. Pichon; per. from English N.N. Mezin. - Moscow: Clover Media Group, 2013 .-- 250 p.

Thus, the data about the translator are located after the second entry by F. I. O., separated from it by a semicolon ";". Otherwise, there are no other differences.

How to draw up sources with a different number of authors

In the example with the book "Magnificent dishes from the microwave," not one, but several authors are indicated. Depending on their number, the principles of recording differ.

If the source has two or three creators, at the beginning only one of them is indicated. The one that comes first. Consider a brief example of the design of the list of references:

  • Ilf, I.A. Twelve Chairs [Text] / I.A. Ilf, E.P. Petrov. - Donetsk: BAO, 2008 .-- 384 p.
  • Ilf, I.A. Golden Calf [Text] / I.A. Ilf, E.P. Petrov. - Donetsk: BAO, 2008 .-- 416 p.

In this case, both books are written by two authors. In any case, the second. Since the “Twelve Chairs”, besides Ilf and Petrov, was originally worked by another famous Soviet writer - Valentin Kataev. However, only Ilya Ilf is indicated at the beginning. While Evgeny Petrov appears in the record after the “slash”, arranged according to the order on the book.

If the source has four authors, its design as a link is very different:

  • The title of the book and [Text], separated by a slash, are indicated first.
  • Then a comma-separated list of authors (initials, and then last names), city, publisher's name, year and number of pages.

Let's move from theory to practice and look at an example of an encyclopedia on households written by several authors:

To you, dear women [Text] / S. R. Bulbakh, L. A. Dombrovskaya, L. L. Pershina, L. A. Surkova. - Zhytomyr: Olesya and BTZ, 1992 .-- 159 p.

If five or more people participated in the writing of the book, then it is drawn up, as in the previous case. However, with regard to the number of surnames of the creators, after indicating three of them, the following (no matter how many there are) are not written. Instead, it is put [and others]. And even if these "other" eminent writers.

For example, consider a collection of works by Russian classics. It contains a short prose of Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Gogol, Garshin, Korolenko, Chekhov and Sologub. For those who at least occasionally opened a textbook on literature at school, these names are not empty sounds. However, when making a link to a source, you must be guided by GOST, even if you have to “cut” the classics:

Mystical works of Russian writers [Text] / A. S. Pushkin, F. M. Dostoevsky, N. V. Gogol [and others]. - Kharkov: Book club of family leisure, 2011. - 384 p.

There is an option when they shorten immediately after one surname. This is a blunder.

Multi-volume editions

In the case when you have to deal with collected works or encyclopedias on several volumes, GOST requires that their design does not differ much from the standard one, adapted for the number of authors. Only the title entry differs.

correct design of the list of references
  • The general name of the series, [Text], indicating the number of volumes, "dot".
  • The volume number written after T. is again a dot.
  • The name of this particular book.

As an example, consider a book from the multi-volume Jack London:

London J. Collected Works [Text] in 13 vol. Vol. 2. Sea wolf. God of his fathers / J. London; per. from English D. Gofrinkel, Zin. Lviv. - Kharkov: Book club of family leisure, 2008. - 416 p.

Please note: in this case it is not only a multi-volume edition, but also translated from a foreign language. The number of translators is reduced on the same principle as the authors.

Making sources from periodicals

Having figured out how to write books, you should pay attention to the design of links to articles in magazines and newspapers. In truth, students often have to deal with them. Since in our time, even eminent scientists and writers find it difficult to publish their books. We have to be content with the services of periodicals.

The above rules and principles apply here. The main difference is an indication of the magazine, newspaper or collection in which the opus of interest was published. For example:

Gunn, J. Girls Worked for Science [Text] / J. Gunn; per. from English V. Limanovskoy // Science fiction: collection. - Moscow: Knowledge, 1979. - No. 20. - S.157-165

In this case, we see that the novelty is only writing pages with a capital letter and two "slashes" before specifying the collection. Otherwise, the same rules apply. Especially if the authors of the article or story will be four or more people. Then the title is brought to the fore.

How to specify the law

If you try, in almost any example of the design of the list of references according to GOST, you can find a link to a normative act.

registration of the list of used literature

Using them as sources of information is already the prerogative of not only law students. Therefore, the ability to properly format such links is very important. This is completely uncomplicated:

  • The title of the official document (law, decree, act and others), [Text], "colon", then information about it and the date of its adoption (from such month, such year + year).
  • Two slashes "//", the name of the publication in which this law was published, "dot", "dash", year of publication. If it is a magazine, its number is indicated after No., if the newspaper is the date and month of publication. "Point", "dash", "S." and an indication of the first and last page, as it was in the article.
  • If you need to refer to the whole law, it is made out as an ordinary book.

As an example, consider how to write down the standard that you need to focus on when compiling a list of sources:

GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. General requirements and compilation rules [Text]. - Moscow: IPK Publishing House of Standards, 2004. - 47 p.

The principles of designing a list of references on electronic media

In the modern world, a source for writing a work can be not only printed on paper, but also published on the Internet or recorded on disk. When compiling an electronic list of literature in accordance with GOST, it is worth considering the local (disk) data source or remote (Internet).

GOST 7 1 design of the list of references

In the first case, the link to it is as follows:

  • Author.
  • Title [Electronic resource] (instead of the usual [Text]): additional information about the name "/".
  • Author or authors.
  • Resource type designation: “electronic data” and / or “electronic program”.
  • Place of publication: publishing house, year. - Material designation (CD or DVD disc) and the number of physical units.

For example: Dahl, V. I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl [Electronic Resource] / V. I. Dahl; 1880–1882 . – . – .: , 1998. – CD.

, , . For example:

.. [ ] // - : - ( : 15.11.2018).

, , , .

reference list

. , , . .

However, most of the old literature is still not digitized. Therefore, in practice, you will often have to deal with mixed sources. In conclusion, let's take a look at an example of registration according to GOST literature list.

design of the guest list

When compiling such a list, remember that until 2003, several other GOSTs were in force in the Russian Federation and the USSR, so do not blindly copy notes from old books and magazines. Yes, and modern publishers often make mistakes. Therefore, you should only rely on yourself and your knowledge of standards.

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