Tatyana Chekalova. Face painting - gymnastics for facial rejuvenation

Dissatisfaction with their appearance is not uncommon. Probably, each of us has some shortcomings that we would like to correct. The desire to change yourself for the better is normal if certain boundaries are not crossed, so there are many ways to make yourself a little better.

Women are doubly more difficult: the standards of beauty dictate - it’s not enough to be attractive, you need to stay young for as long as possible. Therefore, each of us chooses the most convenient ways for ourselves how to be beautiful. The fastest and most radical result is achieved by surgical and cosmetic procedures - both thorough and minimally invasive. However, they involve certain risks, and they cost a lot, so every year there are more and more active supporters of a healthy lifestyle and fitness.

Tatyana Chekalova


Did you know that there is fitness not only for the body and body shape, but also for the face? Yes, you were not mistaken, you can remove boring wrinkles not only with Botox and hyaluronic acid.

Feyskultura Tatyana Chekalova is a set of exercises that allow you to smooth out wrinkles, correct the imperfections of facial expressions and mobility of the facial muscles, ennoble the contour of the face and even enlarge the lips without resorting to the services of cosmetologists. The principle of action is simple: age-related symptoms are manifested not only due to the fact that the skin becomes less elastic, but also because of the weakening of muscles. Strengthening the muscles can significantly smooth out the signs of aging. Face painting can also be used as therapy to restore facial expressions after facial nerve damage and partial paralysis.

face painting of tatyana chekalova

Tatyana Chekalova: biography

One of the founders of face-building, the creator of face-culture, knows firsthand about the problems associated with appearance. Tatiana lost 20 kg, after which she noticed that the skin on her face and neck was very saggy. But her misfortunes, unfortunately, did not end there. A year later, at the age of only 39 years old, Tatyana Chekalova suffered an ischemic stroke, as a result of which the right half of her body was greatly weakened. Three years later, she had to face paresis of her face.

I didn’t want to go under the knife, and Tatyana began to actively engage in Facebook building, adapting the exercises for herself. The resulting technique of Tatyana Chekalova includes a whole range of exercises for the face and neck, allowing you to both restore muscle mobility and literally rejuvenate without the help of surgeons. In addition to muscle training, the complex includes posture correction and a technique for controlling emotions, which actively contribute to the appearance of facial wrinkles, which subsequently transform into static ones.

how to be beautiful


Why do you need to do face-painting? Firstly, it promotes facial rejuvenation after 40. If you are not a supporter of plastic surgery, then this is a worthy alternative. Cosmetic products will partially eliminate wrinkles, but they will not remove the floated contour, “drift”, drooping of the eyelid and other age-related problems.

Secondly, Tatyana Chekalova’s gymnastics will help get rid of such imperfections as facial asymmetry, thin lips and nasolabial folds, which become more and more pronounced with age. It's no secret that, for example, a beautiful nose after fifty for men turns into potatoes, and for women it stretches down. This can easily be avoided by training the nasal muscles and controlling the growth of cartilage.

Thirdly, Tatyana Chekalova’s face culture will help to recover after partial loss of facial muscle function. People who have had a stroke perform various exercises to restore mobility to the body. The same goes for the face. Disturbed facial expressions, alas, do not decorate anyone. Tatyana Chekalova offers a good set of exercises for people with similar problems.

And finally, similar exercises in old age are also good gymnastics for the brain. Performing the complex, we learn to adapt the technique for ourselves, work on our emotions and celebrate the result. Proper performance ensures improved blood circulation and brain nutrition.

Tatyana Chekalova facial rejuvenation technique reviews

How often do you need to do

Gymnastics takes place in several stages. First you need to choose the exercises you need. Some allow multiple options at once. If possible, adapt those that are right for you. Everyone has different facial expressions and facial muscles, so there is no universal advice on how to be beautiful. Inappropriate exercises and options will do harm, rather than benefit.

At first, you need to do it every day for the so-called muscle memory to appear. This may take about two months. When you learn to perform exercises without a hint, Tatyana Chekalova’s face-painting technique will significantly reduce the time for them.

On average, it takes about 15-20 minutes two to three times a week to maintain a trained person. The duration of the training should not be increased, as the muscles should be allowed to rest. The pumped face looks tense and tired, which greatly adds age, instead of the expected effect of rejuvenation.

Tatyana Chekalova’s technique


For all the advantages of Tatyana Chekalova’s technique, there are contraindications. It is not recommended to perform exercises in the presence of pustular diseases or facial skin diseases such as papillomas, eczema, the presence of fungal infections, any nerve diseases in the active stage.

Also refrain from facial gymnastics in case of sinusitis, runny nose or tonsillitis. By stimulating blood circulation, you also actively influence the lymph flow, which can lead to the spread of bacteria in the body.

In cases of cerebrovascular accident, hypertension in the third stage, any diseases of the lymphatic system and general malaise, it is better to postpone the exercise until complete recovery.

Avoid unnecessary exposure to areas of the face where wounds, cuts, scratches and abrasions are present, but rather wait until the injured skin has completely healed.

For chronic facial nerve diseases and paralysis, use caution when choosing exercises. The presence of such diseases does not mean that you can’t do face-painting at all, you only need to selectively approach the exercises on the face oval.

Also, the main contraindications are any disease in an active form or in the acute stage.

Tatyana Chekalova neck exercises

Don't start too soon

A separate contraindication is age. It should be remembered that face-painting is primarily gymnastics for facial rejuvenation, and it should not be started as soon as possible, but when the need really arises.

Exercise really benefits, but only if you do it all the time. Starting to engage in face-culture, you need to continue your whole life. It is necessary to quit for a couple of months, and the muscles of the face sag again.

At the age of 25 you can get very quick and revealing results, but the face quickly “sits down” on such exercises, and when you leave, you will look older than you really are. And this, you see, is not at all the result we want to achieve.

Loss of muscle tone of the face and a floating oval are a direct indication that you can begin to engage in the method of Tatyana Chekalova. How old you will be at that time depends on many factors. Genetics plays a significant role here.

facial rejuvenation after 40

Tatyana Chekalova: facial rejuvenation technique

Reviews say that, doing face-lifting in adulthood, you will see the first results in two weeks. Six months later, you can change the basic set of exercises to another, more suitable for your type of face.

Exercises related to the basic program are suitable for almost any person, regardless of gender, age and genetics. Each implies several options, and you can choose the one that is most convenient for you.

Consider where it is necessary to get rid of wrinkles, how to train muscles and why.

Get rid of horizontal forehead wrinkles and strengthen the nose bridge

The complex of Tatyana Chekalova contains exercises that help get rid of the most common age-related problem - wrinkles on the forehead. Unlike “crow's feet”, which even give the face a certain charm, horizontal wrinkles on the forehead leave an imprint of discontent and pessimism. It is believed that vertical wrinkles on the forehead are characteristic of smart people, but they also do not decorate anyone. Any woman would agree that sullenness visually adds age. Perhaps the fact is that youth is associated with carelessness and cheerfulness, and discontent and disappointment with experience that comes in adulthood.

To train this area, you need to put your palms on your forehead so that their eyebrows are at the base, and fingers are in the hair. Next, you need to reduce eyebrows, making sure that the muscles located in the center of the forehead are involved, but there should be no wrinkles in the place of wrinkles. Repeat from 15 to 30 times, perform 2-3 approaches.

gymnastics for facial rejuvenation

Strengthen the eyes

Nothing gives out age like wrinkles around the eyes. They appear one of the first on the face. Sagging of the upper eyelid is often not related to age at all. Many have a genetic predisposition to this. Veko begins to sag even in childhood. The complex of Tatyana Chekalova makes it possible to smooth out this annoying feature or even completely remove it if it appeared with age.

“Goose feet” are especially characteristic of smiling girls, therefore it is believed that they adorn a woman. If you do not agree with this, face-culture will allow you to get rid of them forever.

Press the corners of your eyes with your middle fingers. Then you need to squint your eyes as much as possible, trying to ensure that the pupils come together in a place where the "third eye" is located, as if trying to see the crown through the skull. Relax. Perform 10-15 repetitions in each of 2-3 approaches.

Attention: the technique will only smooth out wrinkles, but will not eliminate serious swelling under the eyes, which are often signs of a malfunction of the internal organs. If your bags under the eyes resemble trunks, be sure to go through a specialist examination.

Tatyana Chekalova how old

Chiseled nose

As we mentioned above, with age, nasal cartilage grows. It is believed that ears and nose grow throughout a person’s life. Unfortunately, we cannot completely stop their growth, but setting the direction and, accordingly, giving the desired shape to the most outstanding part of the face is quite feasible. Regular exercises according to the technique of Tatyana Chekalova will strengthen the muscles and give the nose a more precise and youthful shape.

Place your index finger under the tip of your nose. You need to push the last finger, helping yourself with chewing movements of the jaw. Repeat 30 times.

gymnastics tatyana chekalova

Elastic cheeks

Unfortunately, with age, not only the breasts sag in many women. At some point, the oval of the face begins to “float”, and flews appear. If nothing is done to prevent this situation, then after 50 years, even the girl with the most elastic and toned cheeks will turn into a bulldog. Even the “apples” on the cheekbones do not guarantee getting rid of this problem. Only regular face-painting classes can help.

Slightly stepping away from the corners of the lips, place the index fingers on the cheeks. Hold them down and smile 10 to 15 times. Perform 2-3 approaches.

Tatyana Chekalova

Working on lips

The wrinkles around the lips do not color anyone. Especially difficult for girls who initially do not have lush lips - with age, they become even thinner. Even Botox and hyaluronic acid do not save. Moreover, their use is fraught with a serious violation of facial expressions. Face mask will help you smooth out wrinkles and visually slightly increase lips by increasing muscle tone.

Now each corner of the lips needs to be pressed with two fingers - index and middle. Then tighten your lips, as if you were offended - a "bow." Repeat 10-15 times, perform 2-3 sets.

Tatyana Chekalova

We remove the nasolabial folds

The appearance of nasolabial folds is far from being associated only with age. There are several reasons for their occurrence. Firstly, folds may appear due to a banal decrease in the tone of the buccal muscles. The second reason is more serious: a bad habit of clenching your teeth caused by constant stress. If you are constantly stressed, learn to keep your jaw open, otherwise no training will help you maintain your face in good condition, and the nasolabial fold will appear again and again. To ease your task, each time you feel tension, open your teeth (you can leave your lips closed), relax your tongue and put it in the sky.

If you already have nasolabial folds, do not despair. Regular face-painting classes will help to get rid of them forever or at least smooth the annoying relief to an acceptable state.

Tatyana Chekalova

Neck exercises

Tatyana Chekalova believes that it is the neck that gives out the real age of the woman. Indeed, many direct all their efforts to rejuvenate the face, but completely forget about the area below the chin. Obviously, wrinkles on the neck and a chin that has fallen can instantly spoil the impression of a seemingly young face.

Try to bite your nose. To do this, grasp the upper lip with your lower teeth, while pulling the lower lip as far as possible, and pulling the lower jaw slightly forward.

However, necklift must be approached with extreme caution. Some women initially lack the muscle supporting the chin, due to genetics. In the presence of such a congenital feature, it is necessary to avoid any exercises that can cause stretching of the skin. It will be possible to return it to its place only by surgery.

The complex of Tatyana Chekalova contains the safest exercises that do not stretch the skin and are suitable for almost everyone.

Perform face-lift classes regularly, and you will again feel a few years younger without the help of surgeons and dubious operations.

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