All over the world, people get tattoos. Some want to indicate their belonging to something, others are fashionable, and there are people who protect themselves with them as amulets that they will never part with. The reasons are different, and therefore, in our time, one of the most common trends is a tattoo.
Tattoo "Demon" or "Angel" - this is one of your favorite images that are popular with both men and women. Sometimes they are stuffed to confirm faith, others are used without any meaning, but this is very rare. Angels are used for protection and preservation, demons are used to emphasize that its owner has a dark soul, or he is an atheist.
Meaning of an Angel Tattoo
Guardian angels, according to most people, actually exist. They are the messengers of the deities and stand between people and the Higher power. In ancient tribes they said that angels appear on earth in the form of animals, they help people in difficult times, indicate the right path, and also suggest how to cross the bridge leading to the spirit world.
With the advent of Christianity, these stories were transformed into parables about the angels in the guise of people. Depending on the purpose, they may have different objects in their hands: harp, sword, trumpet or staff.
Historians believe that beautiful images of angels with wings and a halo above their heads appeared after the birth of Christianity, and their artists came up with it. Be that as it may, the angels in the minds of people are protectors, bodyguards, symbols of faith, justice and good thoughts.
Meaning of a Demon Tattoo
Despite the fact that tattoos with the image of a demon are quite common, not everyone understands their meaning. If we consider the tattoo genre as a whole, then all the demons can be divided into two categories:
- demons of the underworld;
- gargoyles.
The meaning of the tattoo "Demon" can be stunningly different, because a large number of mythological characters can fit this definition, and each of them has its own characteristics and a certain role. Each carries its own semantic load.
When a person chooses an image for a tattoo, the demon is associated with his own sense of peace, with his vices and bad qualities. Therefore, a preliminary study of the mythology and the role of a demon is worth it. It is important not to confuse the demons and the devil, because these are completely different images.
Demons are creatures that tempt a person to do something forbidden. If there is any unacceptable passion that burns a person out from the inside, then a tattoo with this meaning will remind you of the struggle and your own victim.
Types of Demons
Remember, choosing tattoo designs: demons have their own characteristics and necessary attributes. Better to know their story. There are such types of demons:
- Balthazar. A famous insidious character who is the son of a mortal and a demoness.
- Azrael. This demon is portrayed with a sword, he helps a mortal to make the transition to another world.
- Mephistopheles. This is a fallen angel portrayed with a goatee and pointed, sharp features.
- Beelzebub. This is the demon of gluttony, which is the right hand of the devil himself.
- Ronve. This is a demon scientist who gives a person knowledge of any language, of course, for a reason.
- Oracle Orobas. He predicts the future and can provide reliable information about any historical event.
The most often performed tattoo is "Demon" in the Gothic style - it is dominated by black, gray and red tones. In this case, the performance should look realistic and represent a plot picture.
The meaning of the gargoyle and other tattoo designs
Choosing a tattoo "Angel and demon" should carefully consider your choice. So, for example, contrary to popular belief, the gargoyle carries only a positive meaning. In ancient times, their statues were placed at the entrance to the church to protect the entrance from evil spirits and evil spirits. Gargoyles play the role of a talisman.
Many people use the image of an angel and a demon not separately, but together, they can fight among themselves or just be near. Such tattoos symbolize the war of good and evil, the war that takes place in the human soul. In some cases, an angel and a demon are depicted to personify the duplicity of people or when a person is not sure of his choice.
Tattoos with such images can be made with small drawings on the forearm or collarbone. Great paintings look great on the whole back, made in a realistic technique and having a plot.