Synodal translation of the Bible in Russian

For a long time, only one - the Synodal - Bible translation was used in the territory of the former Soviet Union. This was due both to the policy of universal atheism in the country, and to the dominant position of the Orthodox Church, whose synod approved this translation. Due to this state of affairs, the idea that the Synodal translation is the real Bible (almost the original), and all other translations, is something innovative and not trustworthy, has taken root in the consciousness of society.

Is it so? How accurate is the synodal translation of the Bible? And why do we need different translations?

First translations

synodal translation of the bible

The ancient history of translating the Bible into Russian is not so rich. The first of these was performed by the brothers Cyril and Methodius, who lived in the 9th century. Moreover, it was made from the Greek Septuagint. So, the translation of the Old Testament was already double: first from the Hebrew language to Greek, and already from Greek to Old Slavonic.

In 1751, Empress Elizabeth ordered that this translation be double-checked and corrected if necessary. So there was a publication of the Bible called "Elizabethan", which the Orthodox Church to this day uses in its services.

Proceedings of Macarius

In 1834, the Orthodox archimandrite Makarios began work on the translation of the Bible, which lasted for ten years. He translated the text directly from the Hebrew language and already in 1839 submitted part of his work to the Synod. His publication was categorically refused. What was the reason? The members of the Synod did not like that Archimandrite Macarius decided to use the personal name of God in the main text where it appears in the original. According to church tradition, it should be replaced everywhere with the titles of the Lord or God.

Despite such a categorical refusal, Macarius continued his work. However, they began to publish it only after 30 years. And then only in parts, for seven years, in the journal "Orthodox Review". The next time this translation, extracted from the repositories of the Russian National Library, was published only in 1996.

Work on the Synodal Translation

synodal translation of the new testament

Paradoxical as it may sound, the translation of the Macarius, rejected by the Synod, served as an indispensable tool in the preparation of the updated translation, known today as the Synodal Bible translation. All attempts to prepare other translations were thwarted with all severity, and the finished work was subject to destruction. For a long time, there was debate about whether it was necessary to provide the flock with an updated translation at all or to leave only the Old Slavonic version.

Finally, in 1858, an official decision was approved that the Synodal translation of the New Testament would be useful to the flock, but the Old Slavonic text should continue to be used in worship. This state of affairs persists to the present moment. The complete synodal translation of the Bible was published only in 1876.

Why do we need new translations

Bible modern translation

For more than a century, the Synodal translation has helped sincere people gain knowledge about God. So is it worth it to change something? It all depends on how you relate to the Bible. The fact is that some people perceive the Holy Scripture as some kind of magical charm, believing that the mere presence of this book in the house should produce some kind of auspicious effect. And, therefore, the grandfather's folio with yellowed pages, in the text of which is full of solid signs (this is one of the striking features of the Old Slavonic grammar), will, of course, be a real treasure.

However, if a person understands that the true value is not in the material from which the pages are made, but in the information that the text carries, then he will give preference to an understandable and easily readable translation.

Lexical changes

Any language changes over time. What our great-grandfathers said may not be clear to the current generation. Therefore, there is a need to update the translation of the Bible. Here are examples of a few obsolete words that are present in the Synodal translation: finger, finger, blessed, husband, ramen, packing. Do you understand all these words? And here is their meaning: dust, finger, happy, man, shoulders, recreation.

Bible: modern translation

In recent years, a number of modern translations have appeared. Among them, the most famous are the following:

  • 1968 - translation of Bishop Cassian (New Testament).
  • 1998 - restoration translation “Living Stream” (New Testament).
  • 1999 - “Modern Translation” (complete Bible).
  • 2007 - “Holy Scripture. Translation of the New World ”(complete Bible).
  • 2011 - “The Bible. Modern Russian translation ”(full Bible).

new bible translation
The new translation of the Bible allows you to focus on the meaning of what is written, and not to read the incomprehensible text, as if in ancient spells. However, there is also a trap for translators, because the desire to convey the meaning of what was said in an understandable language can entail personal interpretations and interpretations. And this is unacceptable.

Do not be careless in choosing which Bible translation to use for personal reading. Indeed, the Word of God affirms that he is talking to us from the pages of this book. Let his words sound without distortion!

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