Young housewives sometimes ignore instructions for using clothes. Yes, yes, you were not mistaken, it really is. This manual accompanies each item and is located in a secluded place - on the side seam or next to the itemโs production data. It is written with the help of generally accepted symbols indicating the method of washing clothes, the temperature of cleaning and smoothing, and so on. To understand, many people require decoding of signs on clothes, because there are a huge number of them, and it is difficult to remember all the symbols. Therefore, it is necessary to have a memo of these designations in order to maintain the original appearance of the thing.
Product Marks
Decryption of signs on clothes is necessary for every housewife, because there are such things that can not be ironed or washed at high temperature. Some fabrics require dry cleaning, while others require special drying conditions. Along with the signs on things, information on the composition of the fabric and its production is also noted. Deciphering the signs on clothes makes it possible to understand the types of materials used and care for them. Below are tables that allow you to find out the meaning of these designations.
Wash Tags
Any designations begin with information about the features of washing things. But many simply do not understand these signs on clothes. What these or other symbols mean, you can understand by examining the table below. It provides information on the possibility of washing things in the presence of a particular sign. Everyone wants to keep the original appearance of their clothes. What do you need to know for this?
Designations | Decoding of signs on clothes |
| There are no washing restrictions. |
Sign with a line below | Washing is allowed only with the temperature indicated on the tag. |
Two dashes under a bowl | It is very necessary to wash things with such a designation. This means that you must start a delicate wash program with plenty of water. |
Crossed out sign | With such a mark, it is better not to wash the thing, as it can be ruined. |
Hand icon | It is recommended that hand wash at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees. |
30 symbol | This sign may be with different numbers. It shows the maximum allowable temperature for washing. Such things can be washed by hand and with the help of a machine. |
Dry Cleaning Recommendations
Some items are not machine washable. These can be bedspreads made of expensive and delicate fabrics or fur coats, as well as other things with various inserts or decor. In order for such clothes or accessories to always reflect your charm, shine and cleanliness, there is a service for cleaning things with chemical elements. There are certain signs of dry cleaning on clothes that will save you from having to think about how to save a thing by washing it in a typewriter. But you have to spend a little more time for its delivery to a special service and cleaning. What signs indicate the need to use this service?
Dry cleaning signs on clothes. | Explanation of symbols |
| Only dry cleaning is allowed. |
Crossed out sign | Indicates that dry cleaning is not permitted. |
Circle with the letter "A" | Permission to use dry cleaning with any product intended for this purpose. |
Circle with the letter "P" | Dry cleaning is recommended for products with certain solvents that are used everywhere and are indicated by the indicated letter. |
Sign with the letter "P", the bottom line | It is necessary to clean products in the gentle mode. |
Circle with the "F" | Cleaning the product using solvents such as triflotrichloromethane and hydrocarbon. These substances are indicated by the letter indicated on the sign. |
The same sign with a line below | Like the previous one, only using the sparing mode. |
How do I know if a particular item can be ironed?
After washing, most fabrics shrink and become wrinkled. But they can not always be ironed, this is also noted by signs on clothes. What they mean is easy to understand:
- If an iron is drawn on a tag, you can safely iron a thing.
- Iron crossed out - you canโt iron the fabric.
- If there are three points on the iron figure, a temperature of up to 200 degrees is recommended, and if there are two points, the temperature should not exceed 130 degrees (fabrics: viscose, silk, polyester, polyester, wool). One dot on the icon means that the temperature should be up to 120 degrees.
- If the figure of the iron is depicted, and underneath the striking is crossed out, this indicates that the thing must not be steamed.
How to dry clothes?
In the table below, features of drying things depending on the signs indicated on the tag will be analyzed.
Signs on clothes | Explanation of Notation |
Clean square | You can dry a thing in any conditions. |
Crossed out icon | It is impossible to dry. |
| Drying is possible only in the shade, direct sunlight is unacceptable. |
Rope symbol square | Drying is not allowed on a rope. |
Sign with a horizontal line in the center | Drying on a flat horizontal surface. |
A square having 3 vertical lines | Drying can only be done vertically without spinning. |
A square with a circle inside | Let spin and drying. |
Crossed out previous character | The opposite of the previous value. |
Center circle | Dry in a gentle setting (low temperature). |
Two dots sign | You can use normal drying. |
Three-Point Circle | Dry only at high temperature. |
We hope that the information in this article will help you properly care for your things and keep their original appearance for a long time.