What is the OSCE? OSCE staff, missions and observers

What is the OSCE? The history of this organization is as follows. In 1973, an international meeting was held at which issues of cooperation and security in Europe (CSCE) were discussed. 33 states took part. It ended with the signing by the heads of countries and governments in Helsinki of an act that has become a long-term program of action to build a united, peaceful, democratic and prosperous Europe. Organization is key to the European Community. It has broad powers to resolve various conflicts, monitor the observance of human rights in individual countries, and control environmental safety.

What is OSCE

Organization Evolution

What is the OSCE? According to the Helsinki Final Agreements, the main areas of the organization's activities include the following issues related to European security: cooperation in the fields of science, economics, technology, the environment, in the humanitarian and other fields (human rights, information, culture, education). This is the mission of the OSCE. Important milestones in the development of the Helsinki process were the meetings of the participating states in Belgrade (1977-1978), Madrid (1980-1983), Vienna (1986-1989).

OSCE staff

The summit meetings of the OSCE participating States in Paris (1990), Helsinki (1992), Budapest (1994), Lisbon (1996) and Istanbul (1999) have gained great importance. As a result of gradual institutionalization and decision-making on the creation of the post of Secretary General (1993th) and the Permanent Council, the CSCE acquired the features of an international regional organization. In accordance with the decision of the Budapest Summit in 1995, the CSCE changed its name to OSCE. Explanation of abbreviation: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

In 1996, at the Lisbon meeting of the heads of participating countries, very important decisions and documents were adopted. Firstly, the concept of European security in the 21st century was defined. It dealt with the need for a new Europe without borders and dividing lines. In fact, this document was the basis for the creation of the European Union. Secondly, the CFE Treaty (Conventional Arms Treaty) was updated.

What is the OSCE? Today, 56 countries are members of the organization, including all European, post-Soviet, Canada, the USA and Mongolia. This composition of the OSCE allows the organization to resolve many issues at the global level. Her mandate covers a huge list of issues of the military-political, environmental, economic and scientific fields. The organization’s objectives are: countering terrorism, arms control, environmental and economic security, protecting democracy and human rights, and many others. OSCE countries have equal status. Decisions are taken by consensus. There are various OSCE institutions. What is it, we will understand below.

OSCE countries


The organization primarily focuses its efforts on preventing various regional conflicts, resolving disputes and crises, eliminating the consequences of wars, etc. Three main categories of tools are the main means of maintaining security and achieving the organization’s main goals. The first includes:

  • arms control;
  • Confidence building measures and security promotion
  • measures for diplomatic prevention of various conflicts.

The second category includes safety in the field of economics and ecology. The third category includes everything related to human rights, freedom of conscience, and so on. It:

  • activities to protect human rights;
  • election monitoring in various countries;
  • promoting the development of democratic institutions.

OSCE what is it

It should be understood that the decisions of the OSCE are advisory and not binding. However, they are of great political importance. The organization has 370 people in senior positions and another 3,500 work in field missions.


Summits are summits of representatives of participating countries at the highest level. They are representative forums with the participation of heads of state and government, which are held, as a rule, every two to three years to discuss the state of affairs in the field of security and stability in the OSCE region, make appropriate decisions, determine the main directions of the organization’s activities in the short and long term prospects.

OSCE Organization

Council of Ministers and Permanent Council

The Council of Ministers is attended by foreign ministers of the states that make up the organization. It is the central policy and governing body of the OSCE. The Permanent Council is an active body, within the framework of which political consultations are held at the level of permanent representatives of the participating States, decisions are made on all issues of the current OSCE activities. PS plenary meetings are held every Thursday in Vienna.

Parliamentary assembly

The OSCE Organization has its own Parliamentary Assembly. Plenary meetings are held twice a year with the support of the PA Secretariat located in Copenhagen. The OSCE Chairperson maintains contact with the PA on an ongoing basis, informs its participants about the work of the organization. PA Chairperson is elected for a one-year term.


The OSCE Secretariat, led by the Secretary General, manages the missions and organization centers deployed in participating States, services the activities of other governing bodies, provides various conferences, deals with administrative and budgetary issues, personnel policies, is responsible for liaising with international organizations, The press, etc. The Secretariat is located in Vienna (Austria), with a subsidiary office in Prague (Czech Republic). In order to increase the efficiency of the work of the Secretariat and other institutions of the organization on the economic and environmental levels, the position of the OSCE Coordinator in the fields of economy and the environment was introduced in January 1998.

OSCE observers


What is the OSCE? The person of this organization and the main political figure is the Chairman-in-Office. He is responsible for coordinating and advising on current political issues . In his work, the Chairman-in-Office relies on assistance:

  • The predecessor and successor, who work together with him in the format of a triple.
  • Special groups, which he also appoints.
  • Personal representatives, who are also appointed by the Chairman-in-Office, with a specific mandate and a list of tasks in various fields of competence of the OSCE.

Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR for short)

This structure facilitates the holding of democratic elections in the participating states (including the sending of observation missions), and also provides practical assistance in establishing democratic institutions and human rights, strengthening the foundations of civil society and the rule of law. The ODIHR office is located in Warsaw.

High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM)

This official is responsible for early warning of conflicts related to the problems of national minorities. The secretariat of the HCNM is located in The Hague.

OSCE Mission

Media Freedom Representative

This official contributes to the fulfillment by the participating countries of their media obligations. The role of the media representative is critical to ensure the smooth functioning of an open, democratic society, as well as a system of government accountability to its citizens. This OSCE institution was established at the end of 1997.

OSCE Missions

Missions function as a kind of “field” structure of the OSCE. In Southeast Europe, they are present in Albania: the OSCE mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo (Serbia). In Eastern Europe: office in Minsk, mission in Moldova, project coordinator in Ukraine. In the South Caucasus: OSCE mission in Georgia, offices in Yerevan and Baku, representative of the Chairman-in-Office on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In Central Asia: mission in Tajikistan, OSCE centers in Almaty, Ashgabat, Bishkek, Tashkent. These institutions are important tools in conflict prevention and local crisis management. OSCE observers perform their functions in many hot spots and conflict regions.

Economic and Environmental Forum

These are annual events that are held to give impetus to the economies of participating countries. They also make suggestions on practical measures aimed at developing economic cooperation between countries.

Security Collaboration Forum

This body carries out its work on an ongoing basis in Vienna. It consists of representatives of the delegations of the OSCE participating States, is engaged in the discussion of arms control, disarmament, and confidence-building and security measures.

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