Signs: the knife in his hands broke, the knife fell to the floor. Signs about knives

The knife is an incredibly old thing, the history of which goes back more than one millennium. It has been used since ancient times in war, in everyday life, and in various rituals. In this regard, there were many subspecies of knives, each of which is intended for certain actions. However, almost all existing signs about knives are treated the same regardless of the purpose of this tool. We will try to figure out the most popular.

Small introduction

There are innumerable beliefs about knives, and many of them are familiar only to healers. We will consider the most popular ones - those that seem to be embedded in our subconscious mind and to which we unwittingly listen. We start with the most unusual ones. In particular, those who explain why the knife in his hands broke . Signs to many may seem strange and unusual, but this is precisely the knowledge that our ancestors left us. We will gradually move towards easier and more everyday issues, as well as consider several positive beliefs.

Broken knife - first believe

Breaking an object such as a knife is extremely difficult. To do this, one must possess either transcendental strength, or certain auxiliary tools. It is believed that if, nevertheless, the given object thus fails, otherworldly forces are involved in this, which want to spoil your life. Have you ever had such that a knife in your hands literally broke in half? The sign in this case (albeit very rare) says that trouble awaits you. It is extremely careful to move on through life further and be wary of all ill-wishers.

Broken knife

Cracked knife - the second sign

A knife in his hands broke as if something had cracked in it - did it happen to you? Most often in such cases, it bifurcates along, and not across. And it may not completely “dismember”, but only open a crack. This means that someone was trying to spoil you. In such cases, the knife acts as a personal amulet. He seems to take a blow or a curse, breaks from it, protecting you as his master. Carefully study your surroundings, including your neighbors. Perhaps, if such unusual “breakdowns” occur, someone really wants you evil.

why does the knife break

Knife “Aging” - Third Belief

Often we use old household appliances, which we got from grandparents. They can turn out to be incredibly high-quality, sound, even in comparison with modern expensive analogues. But some old knives tend to rust. As a result, they become more fragile. In such cases, it will not be surprising if the knife breaks in the hands. The sign says: this is evidence that the health of one of the households is severely undermined. A person may not even admit to his illness or not know about him. It is recommended that you check in the hospital and start treatment immediately.

knife in leather

Solution of problems

Yes, one of the most creepy and serious beliefs in our culture is that which describes why a knife can break in hands. Signs promise only troubles and fear, but there is a method to protect oneself a bit from adversity. To do this, it is mainly necessary to get rid of the broken object, it is best to throw it in the bin and say the following text: "Although the knife breaks, my relatives and grief do not concern me." Also, after such a breakdown, try to tune yourself in a positive way, to do something good and good. But at the same time, be vigilant and pay more attention to the safety of your and your loved ones.

The tip of the knife and its features

For our ancestors, the dagger was primarily a ritual object. Many of them didn’t even cut anything (and nobody), but only used them in various rituals as energy channels. Some of this ancient knowledge has been preserved a little in signs. Did the knife tip break? What can this symbolize?

So, breaking off its tip from a knife is much easier than breaking it in half lengthwise or crosswise. Therefore, we can conclude that this sign will not be as intimidating as the previous ones - and this is indeed so. The tip of the knife is the place to collect all the negative energy. Here come thoughts, actions and words that were spoken and made not only in the circle of households, but also from the coming individuals. If someone shows a lot of negativity towards the residents or the house itself, the tip of the knife simply overflows with it and breaks off, unable to withstand the load.

the tip of the knife breaks off

Way out

You cannot continue to use the knife from which the tip fell off. There are two ways to solve this problem. And everyone chooses one that can implement.

  1. Get rid of a broken item. And at the same time, it is advisable to say the words that were written above over the discarded knife.
  2. Sharpen the knife again. It happens that you can’t get rid of some knives. When it is either a solid hereditary item, or a gift, or just a good kitchen knife. Turn to the master, he will just sharpen the blade, slightly reducing its size, or do it yourself if you can.

Well, we got acquainted with the most terrible beliefs, learned what it was for - the knife broke in his hands or his tip fell off. Now we turn to less gloomy beliefs.

cracked knife

Food culture

From childhood we hear that in no case should you eat with a knife. Adults tell us that from this one can become angry and furious, lose control over their own actions. This sign has a reasonable explanation. The fact is that with knives in the old days, if those who could not be content with a fork or spoon. These were the military, robbers, hunters, etc. That is, people who obviously had a very tough character and a tendency to cruelty. They seemed to nourish the knife with their qualities. And now everyone who repeats after them, having tasted from this kitchen item, will begin to take upon themselves their character.

You can’t eat with a knife

Falling knife

This happens very often in any family and in any home. What can a knife fall to the floor mean ? The sign says that this is nothing but a warning about the arrival of the guest. He will be welcome and friendly, maybe even bring gifts. Often this sign is interpreted somewhat differently. A knife fell - it means that one of the male household or relatives will soon come home. It can also be noted that the falling fork indicates that a woman will come to the house soon (or her inhabitant will return).

why does the knife fall?

Unexpected find

And in the end we’ll talk about what can happen if you find someone’s knife. All things around us are endowed with the energy of their owners. The knife is not just a certain object, but a melee weapon, a collector of negative energy, which makes it much more dangerous. It is generally not recommended to select what was found on the street, but there is a knife - that rule becomes even more categorical. Perhaps with the help of this item someone was injured or killed. Even if you are lucky enough not to incur suspicions of the police, you will suffer from nightmares.

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