Curd souffle - a healthy dessert

Souffle is a dessert dish for true connoisseurs of cooking. A light, filled with air bubbles, delicacy is such an exquisite dish that our ancestors called it "food of the gods."

The souffle is airy due to well-whipped proteins, and products such as cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables or cereals are used as the basis. Souffle is prepared in two types. One of them is designed for baking in the oven or steaming. Such soufflé is served hot until it has lost its splendor. The second kind of souffle is served cold, since it is not exposed to heat treatment during cooking.

In order to make soufflé from cottage cheese, you need half a kilogram of cottage cheese, a little less than a glass of sour cream, 6 eggs, a third glass of sugar, half a glass of flour (it may happen that a little more flour is needed, it depends on the quality of the cottage cheese), vanilla, a little butter and breadcrumbs.

In order for our souffle from cottage cheese to be airy, the cottage cheese must be wiped through a sieve. Then add sour cream (half the norm), three egg yolks, sugar, vanilla, flour and mix everything well so that the mass is homogeneous. The form must be greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees. Beat the egg whites in foam and add to the curd mass before baking. Mix the remaining sour cream and three egg yolks and grease the surface of our souffle. Bake for 15-20 minutes.

Similarly, you can cook soufflé from cottage cheese with semolina. In this case, instead of flour, add 50 grams of semolina to the curd mass and keep the mixture for half an hour to swell semolina. Then inject whipped squirrels and bake.

Tasty souffle from cottage cheese is obtained by introducing a variety of additives. For example, dried fruits, raisins, apples, apricots or some berries. Dried fruits should be pre-soaked in boiling water, large - chopped. Fresh apples can be grated or cut into small pieces.

Dietary curd souffle in a double boiler can be offered to children and those who adhere to a diet. Such a dessert can be prepared, for example, with carrots. For a pound of cottage cheese you need 4-5 medium-sized boiled carrots, 5 eggs, two-thirds of a cup of semolina, grams of three hundred sour cream, a glass of powdered sugar and a little butter, which will be used to lubricate the form.

We wipe boiled carrots and cottage cheese through a sieve, add icing sugar, 150 grams of sour cream, semolina. You can put raisins and vanillin into the mass. Then add the whipped proteins and put the mixture in a greased form. Cook in a double boiler or in a water bath until cooked. Ready souffle served with sour cream.

Above are cooking options for soufflés with heat treatment. No less tasty can be curd soufflé with gelatin, prepared in a cold way.

To make such a dessert, you need 400 grams of cottage cheese, a tablespoon of gelatin, a third of a glass of water, a third of a glass of cream, sugar or honey to taste.

Dissolve gelatin as indicated on the package. Combine cottage cheese with cream or sour cream and sugar. At this stage, you can add raisins, berries, vanilla sugar or lemon zest in the souffle. Beat the mass well and combine with gelatin. Pour into mold and refrigerate for solidification.

Such a souffle can be made multicolored and layered. For this, the prepared curd mass should be divided into several parts. You can leave the first white by adding vanillin to it. The second is tinted with raspberry juice, making it pink. In the third, add a little cocoa or mashed boiled carrots.

Pour the soufflé of the same color into the prepared form and put in the refrigerator for solidification. Then fill in the second color layer from above. So do as many times as the layers you plan to make. The completely frozen souffle is removed from the mold (for this, the mold needs to be dipped briefly in hot water) and cut into portions. Serve such a beautiful dessert with whipped cream.

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