Childbirth is not only a physiological process, but also a spiritual one. The miracle of the emergence of a new person into the world is an event that affects all areas of life. Indeed, the future parents for nine months not only care about the physical form of the young mother and her health. They prepare the room in which they will bring their baby - they make repairs, think over the interior design, and acquire new furniture. Expectant mothers often spend evenings sorting through children's things and toys that they have already stocked up on. Many go even further, spending time reading pedagogical and psychological literature.
Thus, childbirth is not limited solely to physiology. And, of course, in a pleasant everyday bustle, indulging in the exciting troubles that accompany the preparation for the appearance of a child in the family, one should not forget about the spiritual side of the upcoming joyful event. A prayer for a woman in childbirth is not only a request for help in this difficult process, much less a “magic tool” that can completely anesthetize or otherwise affect the physiology of an upcoming event. Prayer is a spiritual support that sets a woman in a positive way, giving her emotional stability, strength and confidence. In other words, prayer is an integral part of preparation for childbirth, which should not be forgotten.
When and where to pray before childbirth?
A woman who has to go to the hospital, as a rule, adheres to a certain daily routine. Of course, what is included in the regime depends on age, health, occupation and other similar nuances. However, in the daily routine of every expectant mother there are walks, feasible physical activity and much more. It is in this list of daily activities that one should include an appeal to the Lord, Our Lady, saints. A prayer for a woman in labor, preparing for the upcoming event, is similar to exercise, with the only difference being that she trains not the body, but the spirit.
Of course, there are no restrictions on the place and time for prayers. You can appeal to higher powers both at home and in the temple. If a woman feels well and the church is nearby, then, no doubt, you need to include her visit in your route. If you need to get to the temple for a long and difficult time, it will be more advisable to pray at home.
Who is prayer addressed to?
Traditionally, the Mother of God is asking for help with bearing the baby and, of course, during childbirth. However, this does not mean at all that prayer for a woman in childbirth cannot be addressed to the holy saints or to the Lord himself.
In almost every family, there are traditions regarding the one who is addressed with prayer in difficult moments of life. In some families, they have been praying for generations to Nicholas the Wonderworker, in others it is customary to light a candle for other holy intercessors in the church. If there is such a tradition, it should not be neglected. No less often they pray to their Guardian Angel.
It is also accepted with a plea for help in bearing a baby and childbirth, contact:
- Great Martyr Catherine;
- Ksenia of Petersburg;
- Blessed Matronushka of Moscow;
- Anastasia the Solver.
In the Mediterranean countries it is customary to pray for the well-being of women in childbirth to the parents of the Virgin Mary, the holy righteous Joachim and Anna.
How to pray to Our Lady?
Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, like all others, can be pronounced in one's own words. But if it is difficult for a future mother to choose the necessary phrases on her own, then you should use ready-made texts. However, when choosing a finished version of the text, you need to pay attention to what words and phrases it consists of.
Old prayers are full of all kinds of speech turns, which are quite difficult to pronounce and completely incomprehensible to modern man. Often their use leads to the fact that all the prayer’s thoughts are focused on whether he correctly memorized the words and pronounces them correctly. Of course, there is no benefit from such prayer.
Prayer text example:
“The Virgin, the Most Holy Virgin, our intercessor before the Lord and the helper in earthly affairs and aspirations! Who should I turn to in joy for support, if not for you? Who should I ask for help and peace, if not yours? With whom to share your happiness and anxieties, if not with you? I pray you, Blessed Virgin, do not leave me joyful and full of difficulties in an hour, just as you did not leave you in hardships and sorrows. Help me (my own name) to cope, to bear and give birth to a baby is easy, without heavy pains to resolve the burden. Do not leave your attention, Holy Mother of God. Amen."
How to pray directly at the beginning of labor?
Prayer during childbirth and for help with childbirth is necessary at the moment when the woman's water is running out. As a rule, even the most trained woman at this moment begins to get nervous, worry, panic. Praying helps to cope with this condition.
Prayer text example:
“Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God! Save me and have mercy. Do not leave me alone in the hour of trial. Fill my heart with joy and humility. Give strength to my body and peace of mind. Help me (my own name) to give birth easily and quickly, do not let me suffer torment, do not allow despair to the heart in the bright moment of my life. Blessed Mother of God, helper and comforter, patroness of small children! Help my baby be born healthy and strong, do not allow difficulties for him, do not let doctors and nurses make mistakes. Help me, Mother of God, do not let fear overshadow my joy. Facilitate childbirth, do not allow complications, fill your body with power and bless my blessed Mother. Amen."
How to pray to Jesus?
As a rule, a prayer is addressed to the Lord for a woman in labor and a child from the relatives and friends of a woman. However, often women in labor themselves, especially those who have not been brought up in Christian traditions and do not attend church services, pray for the help of the Lord. This is natural, because in the most difficult moments of life people don’t remember anyone but God and they turn to him for help.
An example of a prayer text from a woman in labor:
“Lord Jesus, help and have mercy on me, your slave (proper name). Spare me, do not leave me in your mercy. Take away, Lord, my pain and fears, do not allow doubt in my soul, do not let the panic cloud the mind. Help, Lord, ease my torment and grant me a healthy and strong baby. Point the hand of the doctors, Lord, do not let them inflict a child of evil involuntarily. Saves from torment excessive, sent births quick and easy. Amen."
The prayer during childbirth with which close women turn to the Lord may be: “Lord, the Most Merciful, Jesus Christ! We pray for you (name of the woman in labor). Do not leave her, Lord, by your grace, do not let her survive the torment, and let it be easily resolved from the burden. Forgive the Lord for her transgressions, for she did not know what she was doing, and do not allow her to remain without your mercy. Do not leave God and the baby, protect him from injuries, help to be born easily and in good health. Amen."
How to pray for the daughter of Nicholas the Wonderworker?
Of course, her mother is most worried about the woman who is about to give birth. To cope with internal anxiety, with excitement and fears, the prayer “Help in giving birth to a daughter” is called for. They turn to her both to the Mother of God and the holy intercessors, and, of course, to the Lord himself.
An example of the text of a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker:
“Glory to you, Saint Nicholas, performing miracles by the will of the Lord! I pray you, the intercessor before the throne of the Lord, for the help of my daughter (name of the woman in labor). Do not leave her, help her go through torment, relieve suffering, and fill difficult moments with joy. Grant good health to the child, do not allow self-mutilation. Help me, the slave of God (proper name), to cope with weakness and doubt, relieve anxiety and fill my soul with many joys. Amen."
How to pray Matrona of Moscow?
A prayer for easy childbirth can be pronounced both by the pregnant woman herself and her loved ones. Of course, the Mother of God is asking for help in resolving the burden. But no less often turn to the saints, including the blessed Moscow old man Matron.
Sample text:
“Matronushka, mother! Help in difficult times, do not take it for trouble, do not leave it with your mercy. Step in front of the Lord, implore Him to send forth a healthy child, and easy birth. Amen."
How to pray to the Great Martyr Catherine?
Prayer during childbirth, addressed to this saint, has been helping women for centuries. Catherine helped not only in childbirth, but also in the treatment of specific female diseases, relieved infertility and helped to find personal happiness.
A prayer for a woman in labor, addressed to this saint, may sound like this:
“The merciful Martyr, who suffered for true faith, who accepted the unthinkable torment! Our intercessor before the throne of the Lord, knowing about all the aspirations and cares, earthly joys and sorrows! Help, St. Catherine to pass the test of women, do not let them survive the pains of the fierce, save and reward a healthy child and easy birth. Amen."