Year of the Cat - what years? Year of the Cat: characteristics and predictions. What will bring the Year of the Cat to the signs of the Zodiac?

Cat year
We are accustomed to the Avestan astrological school, in which it is customary to divide the whole year according to the zodiac signs. Eastern sages, on the other hand, believe that all 12 months mankind has been under the auspices of this or that magical animal. This is a Horse or Dog, Bull or Buffalo, Snake or Dragon and so on. Each of them has its own burrows, habits that they generously share with us, subordinating our destinies to their rhythms of life. Moreover, in Chinese and Japanese mythology, these animals personify luck, tranquility, prudence or, conversely, suspicion, avarice, ferocity. Therefore, some years have been marked by economic and political stability, a calm environmental situation. On the other hand, on the contrary, there are crises, small and large wars, natural disasters.

Rabbit, aka Cat

Consider, for example, the year of the Cat. The next zodiac cycle begins with it. What is interesting: this cute pet is considered to be the good patron by the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, that is, the Chinese. The Japanese call it the year of the Rabbit (or Hare). And if in nature cats are of various colors, then rabbits are only white, gray, brown and black. However, we have already met the Fire Hare and the Blue, while the year of the Cat has always been distinguished by the modesty of the color scheme. But the cunning of both animals do not hold. According to legend, the modest Bunny (aka Kotik) shamed and drove the Dragon himself into the paint . And few of the other heroes of the astrological zoo are capable of such a feat!

born in the year of the cat

Distinctive features

So, the year of the Cat. Let's find out how they see their pet in China. Firstly, the cute purr is considered a very happy and lucky animal. Do not forget that if it falls, it lands on all 4 legs. And therefore, most of the troubles safely survive and get out of the troubles whole and unscathed. And if you take into account the saying about his 9 lives, it becomes clear: Cat's year should be calm. If troubles happen, they will be resolved positively and easily, as they arose. According to Chinese astrological teachings, the Cat is simply obliged to ensure the well-being, comfortable existence, if not all, then most of the inhabitants of the Earth for sure!


Each of the totem animals runs the Earth for a year. This happens every 12 years. In 2011 was the last year of the Cat. What years preceded him and when to wait for the next? From past years, it was in the past - the 20th century. Namely: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999. It cannot be said that they were all light. In 1915, World War I raged with might and main. In 1927, there was a terrible famine in Russia. 1939 marked by brutal repression, then the Second World War begins. Enumerate the tragic events can be a long time. However, the main quality of the animal - vitality - is more pronounced than ever on these dates. Both the world and Russia resisted terrible trials (repression, fascism, and not only German, but also Spanish). And they were able to build a new life on the wreckage of the old. Ahead of us is also waiting for the Year of the Cat. What years are in this century? 2023, 2035, 2047, 2059, 2071, 2083 and 2095. What they bring to us - we'll see! However, this is not a complete list. After all, each animal mascot has additional definitions. So, Cats Metal, Water, Wooden, Fiery and Earthy stand out.

Positive trends

Cat year, what years

Let's talk more about what distinguishes the year of the Cat. The characterization of an animal is often projected during its reign. Cats, considered to be in the East, are aesthetically very sensitive and developed. They well understand and perceive beauty in all its manifestations. Therefore, special sophistication, even some kind of refining, will be inherent in society at this time. And the children born in the year of Kota (the characteristic coincides completely) will certainly be talented, a little ambitious - just enough to not bury their abilities, break through and realize all those inclinations that their fate awarded them. These are usually spoken of: "the minion of fate." People who are near, “Kittens” always greet, and they pay in return with kindness and gratitude. In general, that rabbit, that cat - animals are gentle, affectionate. The same can be said of everyone born under their sign. There are no friends, more devoted to them, and other such lovers, whose feelings could survive many trials, also can not be found. Sincere, peaceful and affable, they do not hide their sympathies, are always open and go through life with a smile on their lips.

Eastern horoscope and western: Cats Aquarius

Aquarius in the year of Kota
What happens if we superimpose the views and traditions of Western astrology and Eastern, Vedic? For example, how will Aquarius behave and feel in the year of the Cat? In China, this animal personifies wisdom, caution, foresight, independence. And Aquarius is a creative nature, prone to intense mental work, aspirations for new knowledge. Therefore, people who were born in the second half of January and early February have the most remarkable character traits: excellent working capacity, wisdom, caution, inner discipline, a thirst for knowledge. In addition to scientists, educators, writers, they can make excellent peacekeepers. Cats Aquarius perfectly resolve conflicts and nullify the most severe disputes and irreconcilable differences. Charming, balanced, they fit perfectly into any team and are wonderful family men. But there is no perfection in the sublunar world. And Aquarius, born in the "cat" years, are too distrustful, listen little to the opinions of others, rely only on themselves. They need to learn tolerance, then these people will not have a price!

View from the East and the West: Cats Aries

Cat year feature
How does Aries behave in the year of the Cat? I would like to note that the combination is extremely interesting and successful. Aries are purposeful, stubborn, energetic, strong-willed, expressive personalities. The wisdom and caution of the cat family plays into the hands of the fiery sign. Its representatives become thoughtful, calm, attentive. The tact and caution of the Cat balance the explosive character of Aries. Among the representatives of this sign, many true-minded and human rights activists are born in these years. And also people with an extraordinary type of thinking, chess. Their distinguishing feature is the ability to look at a problem from different angles, to evaluate possible solutions. A plus of Aries-Kotov is their cheerfulness, optimism, love of nature and fresh air. Well, about the cons. Alas, the cat’s complaisance sometimes develops into spinelessness among these people, the inability to say decisive “No!” In those cases when something alien, unpleasant is imposed on them. On the other hand, they are ready for self-sacrifice! Aries man is especially indicative in this regard. The Year of the Cat often provides him with the opportunity to do something heroic. Especially on the personal front!

Cat and other animals: sharpen claws

But back to eastern astrology. I wonder how other representatives of the zodiac fauna will behave during the Cat years. Making assumptions, one should rely on logic. Indeed, in the real world, some animals peacefully coexist with others. But they are in irreconcilable hostility with the third and simply do not notice the fourth. Simple, as they say, arithmetic. And if we go to the specifics, then Mice and Cats, Cats and Dogs do not belong to a friendly family. Therefore, when reigning on the zodiac horizon of Murlyka, these signs will have to go into the shadows. In these years, Mouse Mice are advised not to make any serious plans, not to change anything radically in their lives, and generally hide in the hole. The situation of those born during the years of the Dog is somewhat better. They can make a difference. True, they are extracted later with blood, at the cost of dear. Therefore, it is better for Dogs to take a break, relax. It is better this year to lead a measured lifestyle and prepare a platform for new starts, accomplishments and victories in the next year.

Good helper

male year cat

But who can hope for the support of the Cat is his distant relative - the Tiger. Take a breath, strengthen health, relax, consolidate your position - everything is available to the "older brother" in full. The cat will help relatives to not be infringed on anything! Naturally, prosperity and prosperity awaits Murlyk Rabbits themselves. Fish and cabbage - who needs what - they will have in abundance all year, so that for the future, you can make stocks. Almost no problems, pleasant surprises and gifts - as if from a cornucopia. What more could you want? Indeed, it is during the Cat years that the representatives of this sign will have ideal opportunities to enjoy life, make friends, find love, build a career and generally be at the peak of fame. Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey - Dear Cat clearly favors them all. Peace of mind, peace, “things uphill”, success in various areas of life or long-awaited rest - each sign will find and receive in the “cat reign” its own, which is so pleasant for him. The year of the Red Cat is always especially generous in gifts .

"And neither friend nor enemy - and so ..."

Alas, it does not do without outcasts in any large family, where many relatives are gathered under a common roof. So Kotyara - for some zodiac signs a sweet and flexible brother, for others - a claw-making rival. And he completely ignores some. Without his grace, the workaholic-Volu, the fussy Rooster, the restless Boar, will have to go through this year. When distributing generous pieces of the pie, alas, the Cat bypassed it. Therefore, nothing remains of the signs how to lead a familiar lifestyle, to work in the sweat of the face and only hope for happy changes. The main thing is to try to avoid stress and scandals - because they are so tiring! In the end, one day it all ends, and an unpleasant year too!

year of the red cat

To summarize

In general, as they say, the years of the Cat pass under the plus sign. And to support yourself, to protect and find a good helper, get this cute animal at home. You will get a devoted friend, a funny comrade for games, a gentle purring creature, and even your own, personal doctor! A wonderful living mascot that brings good luck and happiness to its owners - isn’t it great ?!

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