Aquarius zodiac sign: characteristics, description and features

What zodiac sign can be called the most unpredictable, appreciating freedom and independence? Of course, these qualities are inherent in Aquarius! Today we will talk about the features of the representatives of this sign, consider their advantages and disadvantages!

a brief description of

The zodiac sign Aquarius is distinguished by excellent intuition. It is the sixth sense that helps him make decisions and find a way out of difficult life situations. By the way, for many people born between January 21 and February 18, life is just an experiment. It is Aquarius that attracts attention with its non-standard approach to the events taking place in their life, with its amazing ability to think abstractly.

By the way, surprisingly, this sign has absolutely nothing to do with the water element! Aquarius is an air sign. Any business that a representative of this constellation undertakes will certainly get a logical conclusion: Aquarians show all their talents, perseverance and ingenuity. People of this sign are prone to dreams and fantasies. Often, not finding a worthy place in society, they are completely immersed in the inner world. The same thing happens if reality seems to them too gray and gloomy.

Zodiac sign Aquarius

The representative of the zodiac sign Aquarius is a very open person: he has many friends. In addition, he always respects the opinions of others. However, to convince him of something is almost impossible. Like other representatives of the air element, Aquarius is a creative person who does not tolerate severe restrictions. By the way, this concerns not only their careers, but also their personal lives!

The Little Nihilist: A Characteristic Child Aquarius

January and February (the zodiac sign Aquarius) is the time of the birth of children who differ from other signs in their outlook on life, beliefs and philosophy. These children are always drawn to the unknown and the unusual. To meet this need, small Aquarius can break any prohibitions. Astrologers warn parents - the young representative of this sign will not stop halfway to the new, and therefore it is important to understand it and not to prohibit what can be resolved, because unnecessary conflicts have not made a single child happy.

In general, a small representative of the zodiac sign Aquarius is an independent creation. It is extremely difficult to argue with him, because he is categorical and quick-tempered. And he is alien to generally accepted moral and spiritual values. It is worth saying that often this child is more reasonable than adults, so it is important for him to be mistaken for an equal. By the way, Aquarius children are friends with those older than them: adult children conquer the hearts of the representatives of the air element with a lot of knowledge and the ability to explain. By the way, Aquarius overtake their peers, which is why it is quite interesting for older friends with him.

Baby Aquarius: Feature

Children born under this constellation are energetic, inventive. They are extremely unpredictable: they can be seen behind unusual occupations, in different companies. It is with these children that the most unbelievable (including accidents) occur!

If you believe the horoscope of the zodiac sign Aquarius, from the very young years its representatives are distinguished by strong intuition. Very often, the Aquarius child cannot even explain how he came to any conclusion - his impulses are almost lightning fast. Another characteristic is the love of reading. He prefers books to everything: toys and conversations, cartoons and computer games.


Typically, Aquarians suffer from depressive states, increased anxiety, nervousness. Impressions and sensations never find a discharge in their body, but, on the contrary, accumulate. That is why astrologers advise such people to learn how to relax, relieve tension. It is not difficult to maintain the health of Aquarius - you need to be more often in the fresh air, to be at rest. This air sign does not tolerate cold and noise. Being alone will help him avoid a breakdown.

In general, all the signs of Air are united by the inability to observe the diet: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra can eat everything indiscriminately. Stars are advised to pay attention to products that improve hematopoietic function, include cereals and fish in the diet, and reduce the amount of animal food. It is equally important to preserve vision - eye diseases that once appeared very quickly become chronic! Slopes of Aquarius to varicose veins.

Study: a combination of intelligence and excellent memory

By nature, the representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius are endowed with a clear mind and a delightful memory. And therefore, training is given to them much easier than many of their peers. If some school discipline has captured them, do not hesitate - they will devote all their free time to it! Please note: in order for Aquarius to learn new information, it may take time and silence!

Baby Aquarius

Literary talents are often found among people of this sign. Astrologers advise Aquarius to receive a humanitarian education, although, they say, there will not be any special problems with the exact sciences. By the way, the standard amount of knowledge these people do not like - they prefer to study all their lives, often go to graduate school and master's degree, receive a second higher education. It is worth noting that studying for them is a way to express themselves, to show all their talents and abilities.

Progress and work on conscience: what work to choose Aquarius?

The characteristic of the zodiac sign Aquarius makes it clear that these people are unlikely to work under duress, which means that they should choose a profession at the behest of their hearts. By the way, some representatives of this air sign cannot make the final choice of a profession until they are old! The thing is that they evaluate the work according to several criteria: freedom, respect for the individual, progress, new ideas are important to them.

Success in professional activities Aquarius can achieve when they are given complete freedom of action. These people can most fully reveal their talents in such fields as light industry, physics, aviation, biology, surgery, television. Wherever Aquarius is located, he will always strive to search for a new one, to experiment. It is this sign that always promotes some projects, develop religious teachings. It is important to understand that they never become Utopians.

Born under the sign of the zodiac Aquarius women and men become excellent translators, teachers, educators. They can also engage in gardening, cooking. People of this sign achieve success in programming, jurisprudence.

Aquarius Woman

Characteristics of the Aquarius man

The man of the zodiac sign Aquarius is a man who can be called a loner. And this despite the fact that he is extremely charming and is always ready to sacrifice his interests for the sake of his family and friends. People of this sign are incredibly fair, loyal and restrained. They cannot be called generous, but they are always ready to provide financial assistance. At the same time, Aquarius is very poor, because money is not the goal of his life.

Such men have a negative attitude towards marriage. He will offer a hand and heart only to that lady with whom he can make friends! And he will do it unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment for this. A woman of Aquarius should share his interests, philosophical attitude to poverty and wealth. In addition, her ability to support any topic of conversation is important. The companion of life of this man will never be bored: life with Aquarius is full of impressions and emotions. By the way, do not demand great love from him - the fact is that the representative of this sign loves all of humanity. Such a man will not be jealous either, nor will he be able to understand the woman's possessive claims.

Astrologers say - to keep a representative of the air in family clutches is simply impossible. Even after marriage, he does as he sees fit. It is useless to shed tears and throw tantrums - they only annoy him. Attempts to incite his jealousy will also not yield any result. How to win the heart of a man-Aquarius? Stars reveal a secret: it is necessary to accept it as nature has created it! Astrologers note that the representative of this sign is a romantic. In his life, his first love always takes a special place.

Aquarius Man: Compatibility

It is with the first woman that he will compare all subsequent ones. It is worth saying that the feelings of Aquarius directly depend on his mental and physical condition. He can go underground if he is in a bad mood. Therefore, it is important to be patient and to know that he will definitely return! Aquarius is an indisputable authority for his children! They can always trust him. In addition, it is this parent who always shows a genuine interest in the life of his children.

Characteristics of Aquarius women

What can be said about the young lady Aquarius? She is witty and graceful. Even if her appearance is not particularly attractive, she definitely has no equal in charm. The main unusual feature of this woman is manifested in her way of dressing: she can wear both a dress from her grandmother's chest and trendy clothes. Yes, and the choice of hairstyle, she is extremely responsible.

The woman of the zodiac sign Aquarius is constantly changing, it is simply impossible to get bored with her. Passionate nature is combined with shyness, modesty and an incredible mind. She can behave as she pleases, say whatever she wants. It is impossible to squeeze it into the framework of conventions! Among the advantages of the representatives of this sign, it is worth noting the useful ability to adapt to any conditions. In addition, they are the owners of excellent intuition: often they predict some events. Perceive the woman of the zodiac sign Aquarius is not adequately given to everyone. To do this, you need to live the way she lives - in the future.

The working ability of Aquarius deserves special attention - they always work in full force, they are not lazy. At the same time, even in matters that seem insignificant at first glance, these persons show all their grace. The only thing that is not to the liking of women born under this sign is strict discipline.

Aquarius Woman

The young lady Aquarius is independent, but one cannot help but say that her every action is subordinated exclusively to common sense. The fact is that this woman always sets a goal, and then goes to her. That is why people can perceive the determination of Aquarius for impudence. But we must not forget that this person is endowed with another unique skill - she can conduct a conversation at various levels with a variety of people. Moreover, she does not impose her opinion, nor will she tolerate this from others! It is this woman who is able to see a personality in each person and treat her with respect. But the one who tries to suppress Aquarius will forever remain in her ignore list!

Marriage extremely rarely makes this woman happy. The reason is fear, unwillingness to dissolve in one person. After all, this inevitably leads to the loss of freedom! Marriage Aquarius can marry only the person whom he knows well. But even in this case, life next to her will not be easy - this woman will never be able to belong to the whole family. It is important to note that she is incredibly loyal to her chosen one! A man who has decided to connect his life with a representative of this airy zodiac sign should know that she will always be surrounded by friends, often she will leave her family in order to help those who are dear to her heart. The problems of the people close to her, the young lady Aquarius delves deeply, tries to analyze and helps not only with advice, but also with deed! We will talk about the compatibility of the zodiac sign Aquarius with other signs a little later.

Aquarius zodiac sign: compatibility

Jealousy, according to this lady, is a prejudice. She rejects snobbery. She loves a man not for a successful career or ability to earn money; intelligence, the ability to become a friend are important to her. Aquarius will not check the phone of his chosen one or suspect him of treason. However, she will never forgive infidelity! Relationships must be honest.

Advantages of the mark

The positive features of Aquarius include their softness and kindness. In addition, they are always ready to help. You can always turn to them for advice, while they do not show their superiority. Another plus is loyalty to love. Unfortunately, representatives of this sign are too restrained, and therefore emotions are extremely rare.


The disadvantages of Aquarius include the fact that they talk too much and often talk about plans for the future, while doing nothing to implement them. They are also subject to self-destruction. Often due to their extraordinary intelligence, people of this sign remain lonely.

Zodiac sign Aquarius: compatibility in love

We suggest considering what relations Aquarius develops with representatives of other signs. For example, a pair consisting of two Aquarius is an extremely rare phenomenon. Such an alliance is concluded solely on the basis of equality and friendship.

Aquarius and Aries are getting along, though for this both the first and second sides need to show respect for each other, to engage in joint creativity. No matter how contradictory the characters of Aquarius and Leo may seem, this union also has the right to exist. Ideal relations are formed between representatives of the air element and with Libra - they not only understand each other, but also complement perfectly.

Compatibility Aquarius

Speaking about the compatibility of the zodiac sign Aquarius (both men and women), one cannot but say about their relationship with Sagittarius. This couple begins with a strong friendship and sympathy, which over the years becomes only stronger. Marriage with Gemini is also possible, however, these relations do not always develop smoothly. Between the signs of the zodiac Aquarius and Capricorn, spiritual proximity may arise. True, most often this is just an illusion. The heroes of our today's article have a difficult relationship with Taurus - they will face conflicts, alienation and restrictions.

Astrologers do not recommend tying their lives in marriage by the signs of the zodiac Aquarius and Pisces - there will never be understanding between them. Scorpio will also bring to life only quarrels and conflicts. The union with Virgo can only survive through patience. True, it may end too quickly. Another partner that does not fit Aquarius is Cancer. They are attracted to each other, but immediately repelled!

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