Childbirth without pain: is this possible?

Every pregnant woman at heart is afraid of the birth process. And this is not surprising, because numerous friends and relatives consider it their duty to tell in great detail how painful the moment of the appearance of a small person in the world is painful. The question naturally arises: are childbirth possible without pain?

Scientists have found that you can actually give birth without experiencing acute discomfort. It all depends on the emotional state of mom and her moral attitude. It is proved that if a woman is sincerely glad to meet a baby and cannot wait for his birth, then the process itself will be only concentrated work aimed at fulfilling a cherished desire. This fact can be explained from a scientific point of view: at the moment of excitement and joy, an endorphin is released into the blood. It is a hormone of joy that helps reduce pain. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to give birth without pain is banal and simple. One must be happy from the awareness of an imminent meeting with a piece of oneself.

Of course, just this is not enough. In order to ensure childbirth without pain, it is necessary to carefully prepare for this process. You should study each stage in order to know what to expect and not get confused at the most crucial moment. Currently, there are many books and articles on the Internet that allow you to have complete information and be savvy. No need to avoid special courses for expectant mothers. They will help prepare not only the woman, but also her man, especially if he decided to attend the birth.

Proper breathing exercises will allow you to transfer labor without pain. During fights, you need to breathe often, and not scream, as many do. This is a common mistake that leads to a lack of oxygen and, consequently, an increase in discomfort. And in between fights, you need to relax as much as possible, giving the body a rest and allowing you to gain strength before the next stress. At this moment, you can listen to funny stories in order to distract from what is happening. Every second, think about the baby and remember that when you scream, he has a hard time.

If acute pain suffers even before the water leaves, you can take a warm bath, since water reduces pain. Feel in which position the discomfort is less noticeable, and stick to it. For example, it is more convenient for many mothers to move around the room during contractions. The main thing to remember is that this is allowed until the moment the water has passed. The presence of a loved one in such a difficult period will serve as a huge support and help to survive childbirth without pain and fear. Many experts advise husbands to be with their wives, as this will bring them even closer. However, for men, this is very stressful. There are cases when husbands at first can not come up to the baby, much less pick it up. After a certain period of time, fear passes, and family life becomes the same.

In order to relieve pain, you can do a light massage during contractions. Kneading in the area of ​​the pelvic bones and cervical region is especially useful. It will not be superfluous to prepare special relaxing music and the selection of aromatic oils that help relieve tension. Doctors offer another way to transfer labor without pain: with the help of medications. But this method has a significant drawback. Scientists have proved that the consequence of the use of analgesics is not only a decrease in pain defect, but also a partial loss of maternal feelings for the baby. Thus, a young mother will not experience the whole storm of emotions from meeting her child, as happens in women who gave birth without additional help.

And remember that the pain will be forgotten as soon as you take this little miracle in your hands. Many mothers begin to plan their second child a couple of hours after giving birth.

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