How to remove spots after acne

If pimples appear on the face, then this greatly spoils the mood, making you feel uncomfortable. In addition, they can be a sign of an imbalance in hormones or malnutrition. But even after getting rid of them, the problems do not diminish, because you need to think about how to remove spots after acne. Scars and scars may remain at the site of recent inflammation, which greatly damage the appearance. However, there is no need to despair. There are a considerable number of tools that can help in this problem.

How to remove spots after acne: folk methods

It is important to note that doctors recommend the treatment of such spots during the fall-winter period. Most procedures lead to thinning of the skin, premature aging and a decrease in protection, and in the spring the body in particular needs vitamins, so sensitive skin can suffer very much.

For those who want to find the easiest way to remove red spots after acne, you can advise you to use the following universal option. It is necessary to mix cinnamon with honey in equal proportions, and then apply this mixture to the face. All this must be washed off after 20 minutes.

The most effective solution to this problem is considered to be a mask of green clay. To prepare it you need: clay and rosemary essential oil. Dilute half a spoonful of clay with water to form a creamy mass. Now it is necessary to add a couple of drops of rosemary oil to it. The mask should be applied to those skin areas where there are red spots and scars. The procedure is carried out within ten minutes. After the mask should be washed off with warm water, and a special moisturizer or gel should be applied to the face.

In such cases, the following mask may be useful, which includes white clay and lemon juice. Clay must be diluted in water similarly to the previous recipe, after which add 20 grams of lemon juice. It is necessary to apply a mask to skin areas with spots and scars, and hold for fifteen minutes. When the mask is washed off, a special cream should be applied to the face from spots after acne.

How to remove spots after acne: essential oils

Essential oils can help with the effects of acne. You can use avocado, tea tree, lavender and rosemary oil. If you wipe your face with this mixture a couple of times a day, then redness and scarring will disappear very quickly. This tool does not need to be abused, otherwise the head may hurt and pressure may rise.

How to remove stains after acne: medication

Some medications can help cure post-acne. Vitamin C is the main assistant in this problem. It must be daily taken orally or externally at 1000 milligrams for ten weeks. Hydroquinone clarifying cream has a good effect. It is considered a good bleaching agent, however, doctors are not recommended to use it, since side effects are very often observed. Helps to remove stains after acne treatment with citric, lactic, azelaic, glycolic, salicylic acids.

In the fight against stains, you can always seek cosmetic help. The salon can offer you chemical peeling. This procedure is a simple and economical way. Its essence is the use of acid that removes the top layer of damaged skin. In addition to chemical, there is also ultrasonic peeling. To conduct such a facial cleansing , high-frequency sound vibrations are used. This procedure allows you to clean the pores, remove dead cells, smooth wrinkles. Along with getting rid of spots and dead skin areas, its micromassage occurs. The most modern and effective way is laser cleaning. This procedure will not only remove all unpleasant traces, but also prevent the appearance of acne in the future. Its disadvantage is only the high cost.

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