Recently, an increasing number of drivers violate the rules of the road and parking. Unfortunately, in large cities and megacities this is inevitable. The most likely outcome of such an event is that the offender’s car is evacuated and taken to a fine site. It is often very difficult to get your car back from there. However, if you make the right action plan in advance, this whole nightmare can end very quickly. So, let's look at how to pick up cars from the parking lot.
How to act in this case?
First you need to find out what parking rules have been violated by you. If you did not do this, the car return process can be carried out as soon as possible. How to determine this? Everything is quite simple - in the nearest traffic police department of your area you need to get a certificate on the absence of arrears of fines. You can pay for them (if any) on the spot. Before picking up cars from the parking lot, you must take a written agreement to get the vehicle from the headquarters site. Here you will need a passport, a copy of the protocol, a certificate of debt repayment, as well as a technical passport of the car itself. The protocol should indicate all the characteristics of your vehicle and describe the existing malfunctions (this is necessary in order to get compensation in case of inaccurate transportation of the machine by a tow truck).
How to pick up cars from the parking lot? Further, in the traffic police department, it is necessary to stamp the received certificates and documents. After that, you can safely go to the special parking lot and pick up your car. However, here too, drivers often have problems.
The car at the parking lot - what to do? Storage price
The first factor that you need to pay attention to is the time that the vehicle was in the penalty area. Remember that the car must be picked up as soon as possible. On average, for an hour of inactivity at such a site, motorists lay out from 40 to 80 rubles, that is, an amount of almost 2 thousand rubles can run in a day.
By law, every motorist has the right to return his vehicle at any time of the day, regardless of whether it is a weekday or a weekend. Moreover, after paying the fine, the driver can immediately pick up the car, even if it is a public holiday. Almost all penal parking lots use this. They supposedly do not work on weekends, they close and thus make drivers pay an extra couple of thousand rubles almost for air.
In some cases, a situation arises when an amount in the amount of 20 thousand rubles or more can accumulate during the whole time spent in the parking lot. In such a situation, you should definitely not hesitate to pay, since from the point of view of the law you will be guilty, not the traffic police. The car remains at the parking lot until its owner pays the full amount for its storage. Sometimes drivers are issued invoices for 1 million rubles, which at times can exceed the cost of the car itself. In this case, if the court confirms the legality of the evacuation of the vehicle, there is only one way out: pay a fine. Or you can lose your favorite car forever.
What to do if the parking lot is “non-working day”?
If you could not pick up your car, then in case of refusal, you must write a complaint to the local ATS about the unlawful retention of the vehicle. Remember that the special camp has no days off. So you can insure yourself against paying 2-4 thousand rubles, which may accumulate during this time. By submitting a complaint, you will have the opportunity not to pay this amount for storing the vehicle on "non-working days."
We require the issuance of a check
Your car was taken to the parking lot? When paying for handling services (in this case, a tow truck) and for its storage, require a check or a numbered cash order. This will save you from possible troubles and difficulties in processing the relevant papers in the traffic police. A check is your document that confirms the fact of payment for all services for the transportation and storage of the vehicle. In addition, its presence will greatly accelerate the process of obtaining a car from the site.
How to pick up cars from the parking lot? Making a car description
Remember that even on a special site, various minor thefts from the inside of your vehicle or the replacement of spare parts and parts are possible. In this regard, a complete description of the machine configuration should be made and all valuable items (radio, expensive covers, etc.) taken away. It also happens that at the parking lot your car may lose tires and wheels (if they are cast or forged), and sometimes even without caps. However, this is not all. You can give another example, when while your vehicle is in a special parking lot, in fact, another person drives around on it. Often this happens in private areas. As a result, we get a car without a radio (at best), wheels and with an empty tank. With such robberies, the motorist is deprived of any material compensation, so it is best to draw up a complete description of the car in advance. So you have at least some guarantee that all this property will not be lost during the storage of the vehicle on a special site.
So, we figured out how to pick up cars from the parking lot. The process of returning a vehicle to its rightful owner is a very lengthy and exhausting process. Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles, do not take risks and do not violate parking rules once again . In the case of illegal evacuation of the vehicle, you have every right to file a lawsuit and receive appropriate compensation. Most often, the court takes the side of the victims, that is, car owners. Yes, all this can take you a lot of free time, but after the victory you are not obliged to pay money for storing the vehicle on a special site, as it was illegal.