How to stop being afraid of death: recommendations. How to get rid of the fear of death: advice from a psychologist

According to worldwide studies, the fear of death is greatest in 90% of the planet. It is not surprising - for most of us, death is associated with the inevitable end, with the end of life and the transition to a new incomprehensible and frightening state. In this article, we will talk about whether it is possible to get rid of such fear in principle, and how to stop being afraid of death.

How to stop being afraid of death

Ode to life we ​​sing

Imagine spring. Flowering trees, fresh greens, birds returned from the south. This is the time when even the most gloomy pessimists feel ready for any feats and submit to a general good mood. Imagine now the end of November. If you do not live in warm places, then the picture is not drawn the most rainbow. Bare trees, puddles and mud, slush, rain and wind. The sun sets early, and at night it is uncomfortable and uncomfortable. It’s clear that in such weather the mood is, so to speak, preparious - but in any case we know that autumn will pass, then snowy winter will come with a bunch of holidays, and then nature will come to life again and we will be genuinely happy and glad to live.

How to get rid of the fear of death

If the matter was so easy and clear with the understanding of life and death! But it was not there. We do not know what happens after death, and the unknown inspires horror in us. How to stop being afraid of death? Read this article. You will receive easy-to-follow recommendations that will save you from far-fetched fears.

What causes fear?

Before answering the question of how to get rid of the fear of death, we will analyze what it comes from.

1. It is human nature to assume the worst . Imagine that a loved one does not come home at the scheduled time, but does not pick up the phone and does not answer messages. Nine out of ten people will assume the worst - something bad has happened, since he cannot even answer the call.

How to stop being afraid of the death of loved ones
And when a loved one finally appears and explains that he was busy, and the phone "sat down", we throw a bunch of emotions on him. How could he make us so worried and nervous? Familiar situation? The fact is that people most often assume the worst, then to breathe out with relief or accept the inevitable already doomed and prepared. Death is no exception. We do not know what it carries, but we are already tuned for the worst outcome.

2. Fear of the unknown. We are afraid of what we do not know. Our brain is to blame for this, or rather, how it works. When we repeat the same action day after day, a stable chain of neural connections is built in the brain. For example, you go to work every day on the same road. Once for some reason you need to go the other way - and you will feel discomfort, even if the new road is shorter and more convenient. It’s not a matter of preference, just such is the structure of our brain. Death also scares us for this reason - we did not experience it, we do not know what will happen next, and this word is alien to the brain, causes rejection. Even people who do not believe in hell are uncomfortable when they hear about death.

3. The concept of hell and paradise. If you grew up in a religious family, you probably have your own opinion about the structure of the afterlife. The most widespread religions today promise paradise to the righteous and hellish torment to those who lead a life displeasing to God. Given the modern realities of life, it is very difficult to be righteous, especially as strict religious canons require. As a result, every believer understands that, perhaps, after death, he will not see the gates of paradise. And boiling cauldrons are unlikely to cause enthusiasm to quickly find out what lies behind the threshold of death.

Don't think about the white monkey

Next, we will talk about several proven ways of how to stop being afraid of death and start living. The first step is to accept the fact that you are mortal. This is inevitable, and as they say, no one has ever left here alive. However, fortunately, we do not know when our departure will happen.

How to stop being afraid of disease and death
This can happen tomorrow, in a month or many tens of years. Is it worth it to worry in advance about what will happen when it is unknown? They are not afraid of death, simply accepting the fact of its inevitability - this is the first answer to the question of how to stop being afraid of death.

Religion is not the answer

A common misconception is that religion grants comfort to those who live and relieves the fear of death. Of course it does, but in a completely irrational way. Since no one in the world knows what will happen after the end of life, there are many versions. Religious ideas about hell and paradise are also a version, and popular, but is it reliable? If you honor your God from childhood (it doesn’t matter what religion you practice), then it’s hard for you to accept the idea that no clergyman knows what will happen to you after death. Why? Because no one has yet left this place alive, and no one has yet returned from there.

How to stop being afraid of death and start living

Hell in our imagination is depicted as a very inhospitable place, and therefore death can be frightening for this reason. We do not urge you to give up your faith, but no faith should inspire fear. Therefore, there is another answer to the question of how to stop thinking about death. Renounce the belief that after death you will find the inevitable choice between hell and heaven!

How to stop being afraid of disease and death

Often people are afraid not so much of death as of what can lead to it - for example, diseases. This is just as meaningless fear as the horror of death, but it can be effectively combated. As you know, a healthy mind lives in a healthy body, which means that as soon as you feel healthy, irrational fears will leave you. Go in for sports, but not through "I do not want", but with pleasure. This may not be so boring otbyvalshchina as a favorite pastime - dancing, swimming, cycling. Start monitoring what you eat, give up alcohol or smoking. As soon as you feel confidently standing on your feet, in good health, you will stop thinking about diseases, and therefore about death.

Live the day

There is a saying: "Tomorrow never comes. You wait for the evening, it comes, but it comes now. I went to bed, woke up - now. A new day has come - and now again."

How to stop thinking about death
No matter how you fear the future, in the general sense of the word, it will never come - you will always be in the moment “now”. So is it worth letting your thoughts take you far while you are here and now all the time?

Why not?

It is now fashionable to make tattoos in the form of life-affirming inscriptions, and young people often choose the Latin expression "carpe diem". Literally, it stands for Live in the Day or Live in the Moment. Do not let negative thoughts take you away from life - this is the answer to the question of how to stop being afraid of death.

And at the same time remember death

Exploring the life of authentic Native American tribes that live in Latin America, historians were surprised to find that Indians honor death and remember it daily, almost every minute. However, this is not because of fear of her, but rather because of the desire to live fully and consciously. What does it mean?

As we said above, thoughts often take us from the moment now to the past or future. We know about death, we are often afraid of it, but on a subconscious level we do not believe in its reality for us. That is, it is something that will happen sometime. The Indians, on the contrary, understand for themselves that death can come at any moment, and therefore they live with maximum return right now.

How to get rid of the fear of death? Just remember about her. Do not expect with fear, but just keep somewhere on the subconscious that it can come at any time, which means that you do not need to postpone important matters for later. How not to be afraid of death? Pay attention to family and friends, your hobby, go in for sports, change hateful work, develop a business that is close to you in spirit. Pursuing your life, you will stop thinking about death with fear.

How to stop being afraid of the death of loved ones

Sometimes we worry not so much about ourselves as about those who are dear to us. Such experiences are especially familiar to parents - if your beloved child lingers on an evening walk or stops answering his mother’s calls, the most terrible thoughts come into his head. You can cope with your fear - if you want, of course.

You will not be able to patronize your child forever, moreover, nothing good happens from your experiences. But you suffer yourself, shaking your nervous system with far-fetched fears.

How not to be afraid of death

Accept the fact that things take their course. Be calm, do not worry in vain. And remember that thinking about the bad is a favorite pastime of the brain, but not yours.

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