Face cream with gelatin: recipe, properties, features of application

In the fight against wrinkles, all means are good! Women are ready to spend crazy amounts on various lifting serums and lifting creams. Meanwhile, a good cosmetic product for rejuvenating and restoring skin elasticity can be prepared from the available ingredients at home. It's about a face cream with gelatin.

Gelatin is a popular cooking product. With it, you can cook great jelly, and thicken any dish. But what gives this component in the composition of the cream? Let's try to figure out how to make gelatin-based cream for the face, how to use it correctly and how effective it will be.

gelatin cream for face

The healing properties of gelatin cream

Gelatin is a natural collagen. It is because of the loss of collagen that the skin on the face becomes wrinkled, loses elasticity and becomes flabby. In order to maintain youth and beauty, it is necessary to replenish collagen. You can do this with various purchased cosmetics. And you can make homemade face cream with gelatin.

Gelatin is obtained from the connective tissues of animals - pigs or cows. The substance is a white or yellow powder with fairly large odorless crystals or with a mild specific odor. Rarely can one see gelatin in the form of films.

In cooking, gelatin of any kind is used. For cosmetic purposes, only the highest quality product is suitable - a fine powder without color and odor. Such an aggregate state suggests that the collagen protein is well cleaved and can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

Gelatin in home cosmetics has the following properties:

  • elimination of fine wrinkles;
  • increase turgor of the skin;
  • stimulation of the production of own elastin;
  • metabolic acceleration in all layers of the skin;
  • improved complexion;
  • reduction of manifestations of inflammatory processes on the face;
  • epidermal alignment;
  • normalization of sebum production;
  • tonic effect;
  • the skin becomes fresher;
  • the frequency and number of rashes - acne and acne is reduced;
  • age spots become less noticeable due to the effect of lightening;
  • the skin regenerates quickly;
  • the epidermis improves protective properties;
  • gelatin nourishes, softens and moisturizes the skin.
gelatin face cream

In combination with other useful components, a homemade gelatin face cream may also have other properties. For example, if you mix it with mashed fresh banana, you can get a good remedy for edema.

Application features

In order to prepare homemade gelatin cream, you need to remember a few tips:

  • To obtain a cream, you need to dilute one teaspoon of gelatin granules in 100 ml of cold water. These are the basic proportions of the main component and the liquid.
  • You need to take cold water, and be sure to wait for the right amount of time until the powder swells (according to the instructions). Usually it is 20-30 minutes. Sometimes gelatin is slightly warmed in a water bath. But you need to do this carefully. At high temperature, the substance loses its properties.
  • Instead of ordinary cold water, you can use any liquid that is beneficial to the skin, for example, freshly squeezed juice from berries, fruits and vegetables, herbal decoctions and infusions, kefir, milk, green tea with honey, and much more.
  • Before applying the cream, it is better to steam the face and clean it well. So all the beneficial substances can penetrate deeper into the skin.
  • It is better to cook home-made cosmetics at once and do not store them. They lose some of their properties even during short-term storage in the refrigerator. Making a face cream with gelatin is a rather lengthy and time-consuming procedure. Therefore, sometimes an aspirin tablet is added to the agent as a preservative.
  • Care should always be taken with the skin around the eyes. Most home-made creams are not suitable for such a delicate and sensitive surface.
  • After applying the cream, you need to wait a long time. The product is absorbed very slowly, and it is better to keep your face relaxed in the process, that is, do not talk, do not laugh and do not grimace.
  • Gelatin cream is never completely absorbed. Remains of it must be carefully removed with a soft cloth, and then wash your face.
face cream gelatin glycerin


There are many recipes for gelatin face cream. Each woman in the manufacture of her cream experiments a little with the base, and the result is a combination with amazing properties. Even after one application of such creams, you can notice that the skin becomes smoother and velvety.

With aloe juice

To create such a cream you need to take:

  • fine white gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • freshly squeezed aloe juice - 2 tsp;
  • purified cold water - 2 tbsp. l;
  • cosmetic oil castor or grape seed - 3-4 drops.


  1. Pour gelatin with water, allow the right amount of time to swell.
  2. Lightly warm in a water bath until the granules dissolve. But do not overheat, and do not bring to a boil, otherwise gelatin will lose most of its useful qualities.
  3. Cool, add remaining components, mix.
  4. Cool the mixture.
face cream gelatin honey

With glycerin

You can make a face cream from gelatin and glycerin. To do this, take the following components:

  • white gelatin, odorless - 1 tsp;
  • soft, purified water - 100 ml;
  • glycerin - 100 ml;
  • liquid honey - 3 tsp;
  • aspirin - 1 tablet.

Gelatin must be prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe. Then all the components need to be mixed, slightly warmed up in a water bath and beat a thick cream from them. After cooling by consistency, it should resemble jelly.

The combination of gelatin, honey and glycerin in a face cream gives an amazing effect. From gelatin, the skin is tightened, wrinkles are reduced. Honey deeply nourishes and makes it soft and silky. Glycerin moisturizes well and lightens the skin a little.

gelatin face cream recipe

With banana

An excellent remedy for wrinkles and swelling. To prepare it you need:

  • gelatin of the highest quality in granules - 1 tsp;
  • soft purified water - 2 tbsp. l;
  • banana puree - 2 tbsp. l

Gelatin should be poured with water and allowed to brew. Then mix with banana puree and apply to the skin. This mixture is prepared only once. You can’t store it even in the refrigerator.


In addition to creams, gelatin masks are also made at home. They have a similar composition. But gelatin is diluted in a ratio of 1: 5. The result is a more viscous and dense substance, which, when applied to the face, freezes with a thin gelatinous film.

Gelatin masks are applied for 20 minutes. Then they are removed and wiped with green tea or chamomile tea. Next, a good moisturizer should be applied, since such a tool slightly dries the epidermis.

Wrinkle gel masks can be done once a week, course - 8-10 procedures.

face cream with wrinkle gelatin


Face cream with wrinkle gelatin has long established itself as an excellent tool for rejuvenating and increasing skin elasticity. It makes the face smoother, more delicate and radiant. The skin tone is leveled, it becomes more elastic.

The only drawback of this tool is that gelatin takes time to prepare for mixing. And that scares off many women. But if you make a bit of effort, you can get a wonderful gelatin-based cream that can get rid of many problems.

Where and how to store

To prepare a cream for long-term storage, all dishes and tools need to be rinsed with boiling water. The container should be kept in the refrigerator, on the top shelf, without access of air and light. As a rule, mixtures with the addition of aspirin or a couple of drops of tea tree oil are well preserved. Their shelf life is not more than 4-5 weeks.

Creams with fruit additives are made at once.

face cream gelatin glycerin


Face cream with gelatin is worth a try for all girls who have oily skin type, uneven complexion, have wrinkles and manifestations of loss of elasticity.

However, this tool has a number of contraindications:

  • Extremely dry skin on the face. Not all gel creams are suitable for dry skin. It is best to use mixtures of water, honey, gelatin and cosmetic oils.
  • With severe inflammation on the face. With such problems, it is better not to use self-made cleansing and care products at all. It is better to go to a dermatologist right away.
  • If there are open wounds and deep cracks. Applying a cream can provoke the development of purulent processes.
  • Gelatin cream is not recommended for application to the skin around the eyes.


Reviews of most women who have tried face cream with gelatin are quite favorable. They note that it is a good remedy from inexpensive and affordable ingredients. And a noticeable result can be achieved after one application.

The problem is that the cream needs to be cooked for a long time. But you can’t store it for a long time. That is why some women believe that gelatin cream is very inconvenient to use with daily use.

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