Oka compact car: fuel consumption per 100 km

With the constant increase in the cost of gasoline at Russian gas stations, which has been observed for quite some time, each motorist at least once thought about how economical compact cars can be. However, the real fuel consumption of such machines is not always the same as declared by the manufacturer. Given the huge number of small models from various manufacturers, it is sometimes difficult to opt for one of them if it is decided to purchase such a "baby". It will not be possible to describe all such cars in one article, and therefore we will consider a Soviet car, and later a Russian-made Oka, the fuel consumption of which is declared by the manufacturer at the level of 3 l / 100 km.

oka city consumption

A bit of the history of the VAZ-1111

The first such car came off the assembly line of the Volga Automobile Plant in 1987. This was the first such minicar that appeared in the Land of Soviets. On its own, VAZ could not produce such a “baby” due to the fact that all the equipment was profiled for the production of Lada cars. That is why two more plants were brought in to help: KamAZ and SeAZ.

Due to the low cost and rather low consumption, these small cars remained in demand even after the collapse of the Union. With a sharp collapse of the ruble at the turn of the century, the price of a car fell to a minimum, and therefore sales rose sharply, but this did not last long. By 2007, the car was hopelessly outdated.

For an initial acquaintance with the car, you can watch a short video.

Engines that were installed on the VAZ-1111

From the moment the first car was assembled until 1998, a truncated engine from the VAZ-2108 was used as a power unit. It was exactly half of a full-fledged unit for 2 cylinders with a capacity of 30 liters. from. Many at that time dreamed of a car “Oka”, the gasoline consumption of which was 4-5 l / 100 km with the declared by the manufacturer 3 l / 100 km. In the period from 1998 to 2007, trimmed engines from the VAZ-21083 were installed on the car, which were 5 liter more powerful. from. The model became known as the VAZ-21113.

Time passed, and the consumer wanted more power from the minicar. The manufacturer, as always, went to meet the buyer. Three-cylinder engines with an FAW injector began to be installed on the VAZ-11113. The power of a small car has increased from 35 to 53 liters. sec., and the volume increased from 0.75 to 1.0 liters.

G8 engine

Some characteristics of the car "Oka"

For example, take the first generation car. A relatively small trunk with a volume of 210 liters did not scare summer residents at all. Auto allowed to go back and forth several times, having spent as much fuel as was spent on the one-way road on the Volga. For the late 80s, the Oka with a 30-liter gas tank was not bad; the new engine “ate” no more than 4 l / 100 km. However, the motor resource of the power unit was small. A huge number of cars "died", barely stepping over the line of 25,000 km.

"Oka" was originally conceived as an alternative to the well-known "invalidka" (SMZ S-3D). And it should be noted that the replacement turned out worthy. Compared with the SMZ S-3D with an engine from the IZH motorcycle and holes in the floor, body (in general, everywhere), the Oka seemed like the height of engineering. It was warm, she worked quieter, and drove faster.

If we talk about consumption in the city, the Oka initially “ate” about 6 l / 100 km. Over time, the engine wore out, and the rate increased and could reach 10-12 l / 100 km.

eye consumption

The shortcomings of the small car noted by the owners

Among the main disadvantages, according to users, we can name the error of the speedometer and odometer. Indications by the device are greatly underestimated, as a result of which it is practically impossible to find out the actual consumption of the Oka. This was checked by more than one owner with the help of other cars when driving in pairs. The magnitude of the error is truly astounding. On average, instead of covered 300 km, the VAZ-1111 odometer showed a result 100 km less.

To date, the owners agreed that, given the age of the car, the Oka, whose fuel consumption is less than 10 l / 100 km, is a good car. Anything more is no longer the norm. Here is a "psychological" mark.

Speed ​​characteristics of the minicar

When driving outside the city, the Oka is quite capable of accelerating to 110 km / h, however, as the owners note, driving at the same time becomes rather uncomfortable. The steering wheel strives to jump out of the hands, it has to be constantly and very tightly squeezed. The suspension senses the slightest bumps in the road surface and instantly transfers them to the “fifth point” of the driver. This is not surprising, with such small wheels (12 inches), the pits are simply impossible to drive in a different way.

gasoline consumption

Another disadvantage users called difficulty in finding spare parts in the manufacture of repairs, and this machine breaks down quite often. Today, such minicars are no longer produced, and therefore the sale of parts has stopped. Of course, in such cases, the Russian motorist is much easier than a foreigner who finds himself in a similar situation. Our craftsmen themselves learned how to make the spare parts necessary for repairs, but it is not always possible to find and process truly high-quality metal. Therefore, long-made parts rarely serve.

Continuing the topic of shortcomings, it is worth mentioning that the first breakdowns of the owners began already after a year and a half of operation, and everything began to “crumble" at once. The greatest problems were caused by ruptures of the furnace nozzles and corrosion-resistant thresholds. Those who were especially unlucky with the body, digested them 2 times a year. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that if the owner was meticulous and carefully watched the car, the Oka was able to drive up to 100,000 km. There are enough such cars now on Russian roads. And they run pretty cheerfully.

subcompact car

The final word about the VAZ-1111

Despite all the flaws, the subcompact was a breakthrough for its time. Even today, many do not want to abandon this car, continuing to drive on it along the roads of our vast country. Even the Oka, whose fuel consumption is approaching 10 l / 100 km in the city, has not lost its popularity. Who knows, perhaps in the near future our design engineers will create something similar. And now we can confidently call the car "VAZ-1111 Oka" legendary. And let's hope that he will serve his owners for a long time.

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