Our life is amazing and beautiful, with all the ups and downs, joys and sorrows, minuses and pluses ... It is wonderful just because it is. But what if there are more downs and downs on the way, if depression makes it difficult to live a full life, to be happy, if life seems to be at a standstill? The answers to these questions are in the song of Irina Allegrova "I change my life for the better." That is, we must act, and quickly and dramatically. The article contains practical advice on how to change your life for the better, recommendations on where to start and what not to do.
The essence of the problem
Where do we even think about change, and when the question arises: “How to change your life for the better?” The answer is in our psychology. Everyone wants to be happy, but to make a dream a reality, sitting and waiting is not enough. We have to act.
First, the thought arises: “That's enough, that's impossible anymore!” Then it prompts us to act. But this happens with a responsible approach to life. If you do nothing, you can bring yourself to moral exhaustion. Therefore, with any desire for change, something needs to be done.
Where to start and what to do?
You should start with yourself. To do this, of course, is very difficult. First steps, they are always the most difficult. The main thing is to choose the right path to follow, and decide on the final result.
How to change life for the better, where to start? It is necessary:
- To analyze it, to think what exactly I would like to fix, what I do not like at all, what needs to be eradicated. It is better to write down on a piece of paper all the aspects that do not suit life.
- Write a list of what you want to achieve, but on the contrary want to indicate why it is needed and how this can be achieved.
It is very important to write down everything, because in this way all thoughts are put in order. You can always return to the list and adjust it by modifying or adding something. Order in thoughts - order in life!
The list of desires, aspirations, goals, plans, needs - this is the first and main step on the road to improving your life.
So, we decided on a goal, figured out what needs to be excluded from life, what to add, but you can’t sit and wait for lightning-fast changes and improvements. This process is not simple and quite long.
To change life, one must painstakingly, constantly and tirelessly work on oneself. Of course, pessimistic thoughts will be visited for the first time: “Happiness is not for me!”, “Luck is the lot of other people” and so on. They arise in the head of almost everyone who has embarked on a path of change. It is necessary not to give up, not to stop, to pull yourself together. In order not to return to your previous life attitudes again, you need to use the methods and recommendations of specialists on how to change your life for the better.
Psychologists advice
To succeed in any business, it is necessary to draw up a plan of action before it begins. So, the recommendations of experts on how to change your life for the better:
- We make a plan instruction.
It is desirable that it be detailed. In order to compile it correctly, you need to return to your wish list (first step). There is a description of how each goal can be achieved.
It is better to draw up a plan in the form of a table, which will consist, for example, of 4 columns: “What prevents?”, “What can help?”, “What needs to be done?”, “What will give what you want?”.
For example, the goal: to lose weight. In the column “What prevents?” You can write:
- Weak willpower.
- Harmful snacking.
- Food addiction.
- Jamming stress and problems and so on.
It is also useful to keep a diary in which, in addition to goals, you need to record your achievements and record failures.
As soon as a bad mood appears, you need to force yourself to return to positive by force of will. You can read affirmations, listen to music. Helpful in such cases are cheerful and motivating songs, for example, Irina Allegrova, “Changing my life for the better.” You should choose some kind of motivator: a film, a song, a melody, a thought form, a book or your wish list, which indicates life goals and the results of changes.
In this case, the diary will help. Seeing the dynamics of change, it will be easier to survive the decline in mood and strength.
It is important at this stage to evade conflicts and quarrels, pay attention only to the good, bright, positive, enjoy little things, let go of the past.
Failures and breakdowns will happen on the path to happiness, but we must not allow them to cross out all achievements and successes, that is how we change our lives for the better.
It is necessary to get rid of them. Moreover, this is not only smoking and alcohol, it is all the bad "baggage" of a past life, that is, it is necessary to stop: stay up late; swear; to be lazy; keep promises; Eat a lot; play computer games; put things off until another day; watch TV often and so on.
The list goes on and on. Of course, there are no ideal people, but nobody forbids striving for perfection.
Getting rid of harmful addictions is an important and complex process on the way to a better future.
And you need to start today, no Mondays and tomorrow. For example, it is today to go to bed early, change your diet, and exclude watching TV shows. This will be a tremendous breakthrough that will give confidence and strength to move on.
- Openness and friendliness.
You can’t hide, hide and restrict communication with people, especially relatives and relatives. They will always be able to support and cheer up in difficult times. You should communicate more, laugh, have a good time with friends and colleagues.
But if there is a person in the environment who is negative, then you should stay away from him.
At the change stage, new acquaintances are very useful, they allow you to move forward, learn to open up to little-known people, trust, and give directions to new directions in life.
- We change life for the better - we find hobbies for ourselves.
It should be remembered what were the hobbies in childhood, in them lies a vocation. Find yourself a favorite pastime, it is in creativity that a person is happy.
A hobby will allow you to defeat despondency, calm, distract from sad thoughts.
Of course, all these tips are not enough to instantly transform life. Therefore, recommendations that help change yourself are very important.
Recommendations What needs to be done to change
How to change your life for the better and change yourself? All questions are very simple. The main thing is to start.
- You need to stop clogging your body and pay more attention to the quality of water and food. After all, we consist of what we eat. Do not get involved in food. All is well, in moderation. It is not necessary to eat only fruits and vegetables. The main thing is to monitor nutrition and limit the use of junk food.
- It is necessary to do self-education. You can start by learning a foreign language. This will expand the worldview, increase the level of intelligence.
- Read more. And not only magazines, but classics, journalism, sociology, history, psychology. You can not read, but listen to audio books. You should establish a rule: approximately 1 book per week. About 52 works are published annually, which will undoubtedly change life, worldview, attitudes and life values.
- Always opt for outdoor activities. Gym, museum, cinema, another city, nature - spend free time anywhere, but not at home. This will allow you to accumulate impressions that fill life. Change always starts with movement!
- Start a diary or blog, this will help to deal with problems and clean up your thoughts. Their benefit is that you can reason, analyze, think.
- Learn to manage your personal time. Plan every day and analyze it at the end.
- Develop a habit of acting today, not tomorrow. Do not put things off for later, this is an unnecessary load that pulls down into the past.
- Do not waste time on the Internet and games. They steal not only time but also life.
- You need to stop being interested in news. Most often they carry a negative, and the main rule of the “time of changes” is an excellent mood and positive thinking.
- Get enough sleep. Depends on this mood, well-being.
- Engage in creativity: photography, dancing, singing, drawing, embroidery.
- Go in for sports, yoga.
- Put things in order in the field of finance. Pay off debts, plan your budget for a month, set aside a certain amount for the “dream”.
- Throw trash out of the house. It clogs the space and spoils the mood.
- Learn to accept the world and people as they are.
- Free yourself from the past.
Of course, this is not the whole list of advice that science psychology can recommend to us.
How to change life for the better? You need to start with yourself, first change your way of thinking, your attitude to life, your dreams and plans. And most importantly - there is no limit to perfection! You can not stop there, you should always strive for the best.
What prevents to start a new life? Always the enemies of change and change are errors. They lead to the fact that some of our plans end in defeat, return us to where we started, lead to depression and disappointment in life.
Mistakes That Stop Positive Change
All these failures not only interfere with changes in life, but are also able to cross out all the work done in this direction. Here they are:
1. The main enemy of positive change can be our brain. He perceives the existing habitual way of life as a safe comfortable zone. What goes beyond this is perceived as a danger or a threat.
Therefore, from the very beginning it is important to come to terms with yourself. Dreams and goals must be painted so that the brain does not have even the slightest prerequisites to write them into unrealizable.
2. Often, many people think that in order to change life, you need to make a decision, and then everything will work out. Of course, this decision is very important, but for the implementation of the plan it is necessary that it be concrete. If there is no clear goal, no understanding of what the result should be, then all the tips on how to change life for the better will be useless.
3. The next mistake is arrogance, that is, the desire to achieve everything without support and environment. Of course, this is real, but it will take a lot of mental strength, nerves, willpower and perseverance.
There will always be a person who will undermine the feeling of confidence, it is possible that these will be friends or close people. Therefore, it is very important to enlist their support from the very beginning, tune in to positive, be patient.
4. Another mistake on the “path of change” is the lack of rewards. They must be, you must give yourself joy, even for the smallest achievements. In addition, it will be a great incentive to move on.
5. Many are afraid to talk about their decision to change their lives for the better. Most often this happens due to fear that nothing will work. But it's not right. You can and should talk about your decision. This will entail some commitment and give strength to success.
Better Life-Changing Books for the Better
If the same questions constantly revolve in my head: “How to change myself and my life?”, “How to put together a huge amount of thoughts?”, In this case books are indispensable helpers. Here, for example, is a very useful selection of works that change the concept of life:
- Matthews E., “Live Easy.”
- Bern Rhonda, The Secret.
- Waldschmidt Dan, "Be the best version of yourself."
- Radhanath, Journey Home.
- Dyer Wayne, “Change your thoughts - life will change!”.
- Torsunov Oleg, "Development of the mind."
- Mccletchy Steve, "From Urgent to Important."
- Fritz R., "The Path of Least Resistance."
- Zeland Vadim, Transerfing Reality.
- Levasser L., “50 exercises for developing the ability to live in the present.”
There are actually a lot of options. In the process of reading books, many familiar views on life will collapse. Some of them contain specific phrases that are worth recording and re-reading from time to time.
10 films that can change attitudes to life
After watching these films inside, as if something is changing (such films are also called motivational), you can feel a deep peace within yourself on the physical level.
Films that can change life and the idea of it:
- "Hachiko."
- “Pay to another.”
- "Always say yes"".
- "Peaceful warrior."
- "The Pursuit of Happyness".
- "Fight club".
- "Diaries of memory."
- "Corporation" Food "."
- "Isle".
- "Secret".
This list includes both English-speaking and Russian, both documentary and feature films. All of them are freely available on the Internet.
Music that changes life
Psychologists give a lot of advice. Even music can help change life for the better - as many of them claim. Music works wonders, it can heal the soul, cheer up, and can set in a positive way. Of course, everyone’s musical tastes are individual, you can make your own list of motivational works.
Here is an approximate selection of musical works that can change ideas about the world and make you think about life:
- Deva Premal, "Mangalam".
- A mantra that works wonders.
- Estas Tonne.
- Arkhipovsky Alexei - balalaika Cinderella.
- The song of Irina Allegrova "I change my life for the better."
- Arkhipovsky Alexey, "The Road Home".
- Mera Man Loche, "Sirgun Kaur".
- A mantra that will answer the question of how to radically change life for the better.
- Sirgun Kaur, MA.
Prayer for a better life
Communication with God is an integral part of changing life. Prayers from ancient times are the easiest way to ask for blessings and protection from higher powers. It is no secret that communication with God can influence a person’s life. Someone asks him to improve his health, someone asks protection from enemies, and someone asks for happiness.
There are various holy words, the main thing is faith. For example, prayers that change lives for the better have a beneficial effect on a person’s fate, give him strength, and heal his spirit. For example, spiritual conversion:
- to Nicholas the Wonderworker;
- to St. Cyprian;
- to St. Sirin Ephraim.
The text of the Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker:
The Miracle-Worker, who has been exalted and kindly pleasing to Christ, exudes to the whole world a many-valued mercy to the world and an inexhaustible miracle to the sea, praising the love of love, St. Nicholas; you, however, have boldness to the Lord, from all sorts of troubles of freedom, and let me call you:
Rejoice, Nicolae, great Miracle Worker.
The angel, the earthly being by nature, has revealed to you all creatures: the creator of mercy, the goodness of your soul, having exalted to Nicolae, teach everyone to cry out to you:
Rejoice, from the morning the mother cleansed; Rejoice, even sanctified unto the end.
Rejoice, astonished at the birth of your parents; Rejoice, overwhelming force of spiritual abity after Christmas.
Rejoice in the garden of the land of promise; Rejoice, flower of divine planting.
Rejoice, gracious grape vine of Christ; Rejoice, the tree of the miraculous paradise of Jesus.
Rejoice, kriene of paradise dwelling; Rejoice, peace of Christ's fragrance.
Rejoice, because sobbing has been repelled by thee; Rejoice, as you bring joy.
Rejoice, Nicolae, great Miracle Worker.
Rejoice in the image of the lambs and shepherds; Rejoice, holy purgatory of temptations. Rejoice, virtuous men of great repository; Rejoice, holy shrine, a clean and honest dwelling place. Rejoice, luminous, all-white and all-loving; Rejoice, light of gold and blameless. Rejoice, worthy angel of the interlocutor; Rejoice, good man, mentor. Rejoice, the rule of faith is pious; Rejoice in the spirit of gentleness. Rejoice, as though you are rid of the passions of the corporal; Rejoice, for you are filled with spiritual sweetness. Rejoice, Nicolae, great Miracle Worker.
Rejoice, deliverance from sorrow; Rejoice, the giving of grace.
Rejoice, unrepentant ash to the persecutor; Rejoice, wishing the good wishes to the savior.
Rejoice, ambulance to the comforter in the distress of the dry; Rejoice, fearful punisher of those who are upset.
Rejoice, miracle of a heap, God poured out by God; Rejoice, the law of Christ has been abused by the God of the scripture.
Rejoice, the strong of the falling erection; Rejoice, righteous standing affirmation.
Rejoice, as with you all flattery is exposed; Rejoice, for it is with you that all truth comes true.
Rejoice, Nicolae, great Miracle Worker.
Rejoice, all healing of the source; Rejoice, help the suffering helper.
Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night of wicked wickedness; Rejoice, dewy working in the heat of labor.
Rejoice, give goodness to those who need it; Rejoice, prepare for those who ask for abundance.
Rejoice, many times precede the petition; Rejoice, renew the old Sedins of the Force.
Rejoice, many who have gone astray from the path of the true denouncer; Rejoice, Mystery of God the faithful servant.
Rejoice, as if you envy trampled upon; Rejoice, for we are correcting the good life of you.
Rejoice, Nicolae, great Miracle Worker.
Rejoice, take from the comfort of everlasting; Rejoice, give untouched riches.
Rejoice, abominably unbroken, who loves the truth; Rejoice, inexhaustible drink thirsty for life.
Rejoice, obey from rebellion and abuse; Rejoice, free from bondage and captivity.
Rejoice, glorious in the misfortunes of a prisoner; Rejoice, great defender of the ward.
Rejoice, many from the destruction of the spiritual; Rejoice, uncounted, unhappily preserved.
Rejoice, for the sinful death of sin is avoided by thee; Rejoice, for they receive thee eternal life that they repent of.
Rejoice, Nicolae, great Miracle Worker.
Rejoice, the illumination of the Trinity Sun; Rejoice, day of the indispensable sun.
Rejoice, candlelight, with the divine flame kindled; Rejoice, as the fire of ungodliness extinguished the Yesod.
Rejoice, the gospel of light preaching; Rejoice, the transcendental light of the gospel of the light.
Rejoice, young ones, burning heresy; Rejoice, thunder, frightening of the tempting.
Rejoice, true teacher of the mind; Rejoice, mysterious exponent of the mind.
Rejoice, as if the worship of the creature were violated by you; Rejoice, as you learn to bow to the Creator in the Trinity.
Rejoice, Nicolae, great Miracle Worker.
Rejoice, all virtues are gracious; Rejoice, all who flow to you have a strong visor.
Rejoice, according to Boz and the Theotokos, all of our hope; Rejoice, blessed body and soul of salvation.
Rejoice, as thee are free from the eternal death of you; Rejoice, for you are endlessly endowed with you.
Rejoice, Nicolae, great Miracle Worker.
O Most Holy and Holy Father Nicholas, the consolation of all the mourners, our present reception and of the Gehenna, we should be rid of the Lord, pleading with your mercy, let us have mercy:
The Miracle-Worker, who has been exalted and kindly pleasing to Christ, exudes to the whole world a many-valued mercy to the world and an inexhaustible miracle to the sea, praising the love of love, St. Nicholas; you, however, have boldness to the Lord, from all sorts of troubles of freedom, and let me call you:
Rejoice, Nicolae, great Miracle Worker.
Joseph Murphy's Prayer
This is a famous philosopher, teacher, author of many books. He trained a huge number of people to use the capabilities of his mind to communicate with God.
People claim that his prayer has truly magical powers.
It is based on the theory that a person is an element of the universe that helps him and gives everything that he needs.
The text is read twice a day for a month.
A prayer that will change your life for the better:
The gifts of God are my gifts. I take every moment of this day. With me Divine harmony, peace and abundance. Divine love comes from me, blessing everyone who falls into my surroundings. Divine love heals me now.
I will not fear evil, because God is with me. I am always surrounded by a sacred halo of divine love and power. I affirm, feel, know and believe strongly and positively that the spells of divine love and vigilance guide, heal and care for all members of my family and those I love.
I forgive everyone and sincerely radiate divine love, peace and goodwill on all people, wherever they are.
At the center of my being, peace reigns — it is the peace of God. In this silence, I feel His power, guidance, and the love of His Holy Presence. I am divinely guided (a) in all my ways.
I am the pure channel for divine love, truth and beauty. I feel His river of peace flowing through me. I know that all my problems dissolve in the mind of God. The ways of God are my ways.
The words that I say get to where I send them. I rejoice and offer thanks, realizing that I will receive an answer to my prayer. And so it is.
And finally, some more tips ...
The following rules are also important for success in any business:
- Always start the day correctly. Do not talk about problems and fatigue, only a positive attitude.
- Learn to appreciate what is. Rejoice in any little things - always.
- Be responsible for your actions, life, dreams and goals.
- Helping people, taking care of relatives.
- Believe your intuition.
- Learning to forgive everyone and yourself.
- Goodbye forever to laziness and fear.
- Do not scold yourself if something goes wrong.
- Finish the day correctly, go to bed only in a good mood, do not swear and do not sort things out.
- Remember that there is always strength within to improve your life.
Everything is achievable. The main thing is to strive for your dream. If you do nothing, then life is unlikely to change. It is necessary to develop, change your attitude to the world, expand the boundaries of consciousness and remember that a person is able to change everything, including himself.