In the 21st century, in the era of progress and rational thinking, people are still inclined to believe in everything supernatural, to attribute magical properties to objects and phenomena. This is especially true for stones, both precious and not so.
In addition to its properties and values, lapis lazuli stone is very attractive in appearance. Lapis lazuli is one of the talismans that is shrouded in a halo of mysticism and magic.
Next, we talk about who suits the properties of lapis lazuli stone. Photos will also be presented in the article.
How to distinguish a stone from others?
Lapis lazuli (the second name is lapis lazuli), according to one theory, got its origin from the Arabic language. "Azul" is translated as "blue", "sky", "sky blue."
And indeed, the stone absolutely lives up to its name - it is an incredibly beautiful gem, which is saturated with "heavenly" shades, characteristic of the firmament for the whole day. It is inherent in the light gray shade of the morning, and the intense blue of a sunny, summer day, and the dark blue color of the night.
The stone is not plain. White or yellow blotches are found on its surface, which are compared with clouds in the blue of the sky. In addition to beautiful flowers, the stone gives an unobtrusive shine, which is similar to the radiance of a starry night.
The color of the stone also affects its value. The most expensive minerals are dark blue, as well as indigo. Equally valuable are stones with a purple tint, with a golden and silver sheen present.
The properties
The gem has jewelry and decorative properties. Lapis lazuli stone, as mentioned above, is appreciated for its color. The tones of blue are scattered over a wide range:
- the highest grade is nili - a mineral of blue-violet color or indigo, with its inherent silk overflow;
- the middle category is asmani - a stone of sky blue, pure color;
- The cheapest option is Sufsi - a gem of a blue-green hue.
The color of lapis lazuli becomes possible due to its natural shade in combination with various impurities that create white blotches, overflows and shine. Such texture inclusions divide the mineral into three categories:
- Homogeneous.
- Striped spotted.
- Spotted with veins.
The stone is very malleable for processing, so in jewelry it can be of any shape. And also from this gem make beautiful home decoration.
The properties of the lapis lazuli stone endow it with mystical and healing qualities, because of which it is so valuable.
Value to peoples
For Muslim peoples, the properties of lapis lazuli stone are very valuable. He is worn in order to protect himself from the evil eye.
The peoples of China highly value this gem. Previously, it was worn by representatives of the nobility, namely the emperor. He put a monarch’s hat on his head, decorated with balls of lapis lazuli. This symbolized his proximity to heaven, his chosenness by higher powers.
In ancient Egypt, lapis lazuli was also valued by the people. It was ground into powder and the clothes of the high priests covered.
In the Russian Empire, this stone also had privileges and was very appreciated. But until the 19th century, it was exclusively a foreign product. In the middle of the century, lapis lazuli deposits were discovered in the Baikal region. Its mining began to be carried out immediately. Its application was wide. This stone was lined with the columns of St. Isaac's Cathedral.
Catherine the Great appreciated lapis lazuli very highly, therefore, allocated funds from the treasury to equip expeditions for the extraction of minerals. The empress loved jewelry from the "heavenly" gem. And, in addition, from this material Catherine ordered to decorate one of her halls in the palace in Tsarskoye Selo. The facing material was made of it, and the parquet and furniture were made of Badakhshan stone.
Lazurite healer
The properties and significance of lapis lazuli stone for humans are very much appreciated. So, the mineral is endowed with healing qualities. It has been used since ancient times. For example, the ancient Egyptians ground the gem into a powder and used it as a detox for the body. But in medieval Europe, lapis lazuli amulets were worn by those who suffered from such an ailment as anorexia. It was believed that the amulet helps recover the suffering.
At present, in the age of technology, there is still alternative medicine that deals with the healing of the body with precious and semiprecious stones. Lithotherapists claim that lapis lazuli is a unique mineral that can help a person in the following:
- Restores "planted" vision, which worsens with age or from hard work. To do this, use a handful of lapis lazuli, which is looked at several times a day for 5 minutes.
- Helps to get rid of baldness and prevents active hair loss. To do this, you must wear earrings with this gem as often as possible.
- Hypertension, nervousness and insomnia will help eliminate the lapis lazuli necklace or lapis lazuli beads.
- Asthmatics are advised to wear gem pendants. It relieves seizures.
- Badakhshan lapis lazuli is endowed with the properties of a healer of peptic ulcer.
- Lapis lazuli pendants help ease breathing in colds.
- Bracelets and necklaces thin and purify the blood.
- Also, the stone has healing properties. In case of skin lesions, it is applied to open wounds, scratches or bruises. It is believed that it accelerates the healing process.
A powdery agent serves as an emetic substance that must be consumed in case of poisoning.
But for pregnant women it is recommended to wear a long string of beads made of this stone. The properties of lapis lazuli, the photo of which is presented below, will allow this period to be carried out calmly, without complications, and also prevent miscarriages.
Lazurite Mage
The magical properties of lapis lazuli stone are highly valued by people, so very often you can see it as talismans. But they began to resort to his magic from the time of the existence of Ancient Egypt.
Egyptian priestesses and pharaohs communicated with the gods through this gem. According to their beliefs, this connection was not broken even after death. That is why lapis lazuli was decorated with sarcophagi and tombs.
Adherents of yoga and relaxation during their classes use lapis lazuli as a way to cleanse aura and karma. In addition, the stone puts in order thoughts, frees the mind from negativity, sharpens intuition.
Lapis lazuli is also very appreciated by creative natures who work by inspiration. Wearing amulets from the “heavenly” gem brings a stream of new thoughts and ideas, does not allow being distracted by extraneous soaps, raises the mood and creative impulse.
For certain zodiac signs, the properties of the lapis lazuli stone are of no small importance. Many wear it as a talisman. It is for this that they use talismans and amulets made of mineral.
Talismans and Amulets
Talismans and amulets made of lapis lazuli bring not only aesthetics to their owner, but also some kind of magical protection. Thus, impulsive persons will be able to reduce his ardor thanks to him and be more restrained in actions and decision-making. Also wearing magic jewelry helps in the following:
- It removes the evil eye and negativity from ill-wishers or strangers. Therefore, if the work involves constant communication with a large number of people, then you should wear a pair of lapis lazuli jewelry framed in silver or constantly wear a talisman on a pendant.
- A silver ring or ring with lapis lazuli helps attract wisdom and make the right decisions.
- Constant wearing beads and bracelets will help career advancement, as well as get rid of bad habits.
- A stone combined with gold is a “magnet” for good luck and love.
Eastern peoples appreciate the talismans of lapis lazuli. According to their beliefs, it is this stone that is capable of driving away the evil eye and evil thoughts. And besides, he “as if by magic” will turn all enemies into friends.
Lapis lazuli - talismans are very valuable as a men's gift. For the stronger sex, it will become not only a talisman against wrong actions, but also will attract success, self-confidence, strength of character, as well as increase the number of friends and help with finding love.
What is the significance of lapis lazuli stone?
The magical properties of lapis lazuli zodiac signs can bring harm and benefit. Therefore, before purchasing products from this stone, you need to make sure exactly whether this mineral is right for you.
The gem is endowed with several "magical" qualities. He brings to its owner:
- good luck;
- friendship;
- well-being;
- multiplies wisdom.
Lapis lazuli is very much appreciated. It is believed that such a talisman contributes to:
- Relieve tension, negative emotions and even stop progressive depression.
- A favorable course of pregnancy and easy delivery.
- Normalization of vision.
- Restore normal blood pressure and normalize temperature.
- In the fight against sleep disorders.
- Removing inflammatory processes in the body.
Signs of the zodiac and lapis lazuli
To whom is lapis lazuli suitable, whose properties are impressive? This gem is one of the few that are considered unique and suitable for almost all zodiac signs.
- For Aries, this stone can both ideally fit and cause rejection. But, if the stone came up, then its representatives Aries should be worn in a gold frame. Then he will contribute to good luck in all endeavors, change of life for the better, to complete the work begun.
- For Taurus, lapis lazuli is a suitable gem. It will help in achieving harmony with oneself, optimizes the financial side of life, and improves the condition of the body.
- Gemini should prefer a different mineral, since lapis lazuli does not suit them.
- Crayfish will not be mistaken if lapis lazuli is chosen as a talisman. It will help increase self-esteem, become more sociable, discover new talents.
- Narcissistic and emotional Lions will find peace of mind, reduce ardor, get rid of negativity. And all thanks to lapis lazuli.
- For Virgo this gem is most suitable. It not only brings luck to its owner, but also gives love, protects from negativity.
- Weights stone will help to establish relationships with loved ones.
- For impulsive Scorpions, lapis lazuli is an inappropriate stone. It can be worn as a decoration, but it will not have a magical effect.
- Sagittarius is recommended to wear an amulet of lapis lazuli in order to divert the evil looks of others.
- Capricorns, who often do not believe in the magical properties of stones, will not gain from lapis lazuli, absolutely. This is not their amulet.
- Lazurite jewelry for Aquarius will help in creative impulses and endeavors.
- For Pisces, this is a worthy amulet that protects the sign from evil deeds, ill-wishers. He will help to believe in yourself, gain good luck and achieve success.
Are there fakes?
Although a larger number of lapis lazuli are not expensive gems, nevertheless among them there are real precious options. Therefore, there is a risk of stumbling nor their fake.
Ancient Egyptians came up with fake valuable types of lapis lazuli. They learned to recreate the prototype of the script by mixing glaze and broken glass.
Time passed, and interest in creating fake gems did not diminish. Now for the real stone they give out the following:
- glass ingot painted in the likeness of lapis lazuli;
- Swiss lapis - repainted jasper and chalcedony;
- lapis lapis lazuli of the lower sample, which is impregnated with the corresponding pigment;
- artificially grown stones that are externally decorated with lapis lazuli;
- cheap real minerals that look very much like lapis lazuli.
An experienced jeweler and mineralogist can easily distinguish a real "heavenly" gem from a parody without difficulty. However, there are ways to independently, at home, identify a fake.
- The most radical and unsafe is to lower the stone into a solution of concentrated sulfuric acid. There is a risk and harm the skin in case of splashing acid, and lose lapis lazuli. If it turns out to be genuine, it will completely dissolve, while emitting hydrogen sulfide.
- The easiest way is to lower the stone into the water and get it. On the surface of a real stone, water will be distributed evenly, and on a fake - by drops.
- The script does not have a constant radiance. It shimmers in the sun, fades in the dark and in artificial light. Fake shimmers constantly.
- The original will easily withstand high temperatures, but it will lose its beautiful "heavenly" color and darken.
How to care for jewelry and lapis lazuli products?
The physical properties of lapis lazuli stone make it a very whimsical material, so careful care is simply necessary for him. Impact, scratch - all this can immediately lead to a violation of the texture of the product.
Lapis lazuli is a moody gem. He categorically does not tolerate:
- all kinds of mechanical damaging effects;
- temperature difference;
- a huge accumulation of dust and dirt;
- prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
- home cleaning products.
Therefore, if you have jewelry or products made of lapis lazuli at home, then treat it with care: refuse modern and convenient cleaning with ultrasonic waves. Instead, rinse the items with clean, soap-free water and wipe them with a lint-free cloth and rough surface.
The corresponding zodiac signs, photos and properties of lapis lazuli stone were presented in this article. He really will help his owner in all matters. But even if the talisman from the gem does not suit you, do not deny yourself the pleasure of buying some kind of decorative product for the home.
For those who are suitable for the properties of lapis lazuli stone, it will bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but also normalizes health.