What is tantric sex? What is his superiority to ordinary?

We’re in a hurry somewhere all our life, we don’t have time forever, and therefore we get some hasty sex. Not all couples can boast of long-term sexual caresses. But residents of eastern countries, in particular India, know how to have sex for two hours at least. After all, they practice tantric sex, which has recently gained popularity with us. What is tantric sex and what is its unusual?

Tantric sex is

What is tantric sex?

If during normal copulation in a man ejaculation occurs 10-15 minutes after the start of sexual intercourse, then tantric sex is an opportunity to delay the onset of the “end” for a much longer period, even for several hours. A man who often practices this activity can control himself and body movements, as well as control orgasm. This process requires special preparation. Love your body, don't be ashamed to show it to your soulmate and let it be admired.

Not the fact that the first time everything goes smoothly, but what is tantric sex without preparation? Some shyness and uncertainty will visit you for the first time, but with experience you will get rid of it. The goal is to make it pleasant for a loved one and enjoy it. Physical contact is not so important. Sharp movements are generally not welcome.

Tantric Sex Technique
The main thing is to connect spiritually, from the outside it seems that these are just beautiful words that do not carry truth in themselves. In fact, the unity of souls in sex is the main goal. If you read a few useful tips, focus and tune in, you can get an unearthly lasting pleasure.

How to tune in?

Young people well-read about what tantric sex is, are well aware of the conditions that must be met before sexual intimacy. For starters, you should refrain at least a few days, so that the desire to get closer to each other was greater. Tidy up your body, because your soulmate will admire it. The technique of tantric sex does not tolerate distraction from the main goal, so all distracting things should be taken out of the room: books, magazines, turn off the phones, TV, computer. Do not overeat before class, eat lightly, take a relaxing bath together. It is desirable that there was no one else in the apartment or house, and you could scream and moan as much as you like.

Knowing what tantric sex is, helps to relax and immerse yourself in thoughts of a loved one. Do not be distracted by problems: throw everything out of your head, think only about him (her), look at your partner, slowly caress. During the entire sexual intercourse, do not take your eyes off each other, visual contact is very important. It reinforces your feelings. Just know: in order for a partner to examine your body with a breathtaking look, you yourself need to love yourself, every wrinkle and every scar. Then the stalls, looking at your lack of constraint, even at a certain pride in your body, will admire you. You should remember one of the main tips about what tantric sex is: only loving hearts can engage in it and get unique pleasure.

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