Muse is ... Answer the question

Even a person who does not work creatively knows the feeling when a muse visits. This state, close to intoxication, causes a whole stream of thoughts and emotions, the desire to create something truly great. The writer begins to frantically print one page after another of his novel, the artist begins to experiment with forms, embody hitherto unprecedented techniques and techniques of fine art. But still, the muse is what? Where did the legends about muses come from?

muse is

Most people know that the muse is a fantasy product of the ancient Greeks. So called the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory. That is, the patronesses of inspiration belonged to the third generation of Olympians. It is interesting that initially the competence of muses - along with art - in the modern sense of the word included science and craft. That is, the ability to make epigrams was valued about the same as fortune telling by the stars. On the other hand, in ancient Greece there was no muse of painting or architecture, which seems a little strange to contemporaries.

The giants of Aload were the first to honor these creatures. At first there were only three of them (their names were translated as “experience”, “memory” and “song”), but then the number increased. According to later traditions, the muse is the one who lives on Helikon, praises the gods and knows everything about the past, present and future. She is happy to patronize poets, musicians and other creative people, who, however, will be brutally avenged if they, in turn, try to compete with her, the daughter of Mnemosyne and Zeus. In later times, muses from specific mythological creatures grew into abstract symbols of science or craft.

muse of music


Calliope was considered the main among all the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, and even the patron Apollo did not dare to interrupt her when she ardently talked about the purity and nobility of the soldiers. Calliope was the mother of Orpheus, it was from her that he inherited the ability to feel music well, as well as a special understanding of the poetic word, which should prompt the hero to noble deeds, instill faith in his soul. So its attributes in the form of a stylus and a scroll are by no means an ordinary character. It was not by chance that the warriors who were facing a difficult battle swore that they heard Calliope composing his new work.

The inspirational heroic muse is the personification of civil patriotism. The ancient Greeks even ordered her miniature images when they were going on a long trip full of dangers and difficulties. One of these miniatures, according to legend, Pallas gave Odysseus, so that he always sought to return to his native land.

muse is that


“Inspires love for the past” - this was how Clio, the second muse, was described. This vague description refers to the sciences, valued by the Greeks almost above all. It's about history. The ancients believed that the muse preserved for posterity even the most insignificant event, so as not to lose a single element of the puzzle called "past". She was rather strict and condemned Aphrodite when she aroused a passion for mortal. In retaliation, the goddess ordered little Eros to hit Clea with an arrow, and the muse fell in love with a man who did not reciprocate with her. Upon learning what the torment of love was, the muse no longer dared to condemn the feelings.

Especially friendly, according to legend, Clea was with Calliope. And this is not surprising: history goes hand in hand with courage and patriotism. They were even similar to each other, images of these muses were often ordered from the same masters.

muse words


Next in turn is the patroness of the tragedy. According to myths, she was the mother of sirens - those that nearly destroyed the Argonauts. From childhood, the daughters of Melpomene were endowed with a beautiful voice. But they decided to compete with the muses, for which they were punished by Zeus (or Poseidon, according to another version) and turned into birds. From now on, Melpomene will forever be sad about the fate of his children. In the hands of the muse of tragedy are a theatrical mask and a sword, symbolizing punishment for vanity.


Waist, the next muse, is the patroness of comedy. She is closest to Melpomene, although she never understood her boundless faith in rock. Cicero argued that the Muses often quarreled on this basis. In the hands of Talia was a comedy mask, and this symbol could be interpreted as the embodiment of gaiety, love of life or the fact that human life is only a game of the gods. There is a legend that Zeus himself fell in love with Talia, but the “lucky girl” knew the character of Hera, so she preferred to hide from the love of a thunderer.

muse is inspiration


The next muse is the inspiration of true poets. Euterpa patronized lyric poetry and was considered the most refined, feminine among her sisters. This is the muse of the word, the gift of versification. The Olympians could listen to her poems for hours under the accompaniment of a harp.


Erato was distinguished by gaiety and arrogance, for she believed that the hearts of true lovers could not tear apart even the kingdom of Hades. This muse of music, wedding and love lyrics in images is invariably decorated with roses - symbols of passion. Once at one of the weddings, the muse of music got bored. She said something to the musician - and in a flash there was a magical melody that made those present want to always be together.


Before us is Terpsichore, the muse of dance, which used to have a slightly different meaning than it is now. The Greeks perceived the dance as something that should express harmony, absolute unity with culture or nature. They depicted this muse with a lyre in their hands.


Polyhymnia patronized the speakers. It was believed that it was only necessary to pronounce her name at night, and the goddess would go down to the requestor and help him gain the gift of a voice that could reach the hearts of the audience.


The wisest (with the exception of Athena) of the daughters of a Thunderer, Urania was the patroness of even sciences far from astronomy. Depicted with a globe and a compass.

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