Chronic uterine inflammation: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Many women have experienced uterine inflammation. However, not everyone pays due attention to alarming symptoms. As a result, this ailment can develop into chronic inflammation of the uterus, into a more complex infection, and also cause the development of infertility. You can not confuse the symptoms of inflammation of this organ with any other disease. One of the signs of chronic uterine inflammation is severe pain during menstruation in the lower abdomen, especially on the first day. In order to avoid complications, with the onset of symptoms, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment of this unpleasant ailment.

Features of the disease

Uterine inflammation is one of the most common diseases among the female half of the world's population. Treatment should only be prescribed by a specialist when the diagnosis is finally clarified and the causes of the disease are identified. The main provocateur of the development of the pathological process is considered an infection that fell into the uterine cavity from the outside. To choose the right treatment methods, you need to know that uterine inflammation is chronic, acute and subacute. By the type of pathogen, these pathological conditions are divided into specific and non-specific.

Woman holding on to her back

Features of the disease

Experts note that chronic inflammation of the uterus proceeds mostly hidden. Its main sign is the presence of severe bleeding. Its appearance is due to cycle disorders, as well as high transmittance of the endometrial vessels.

Chronic inflammation of the cervix is also characterized by a decrease in organ function. During the development of cervicitis in the patient, platelet malfunction is observed. But after some time, other symptoms of chronic inflammation of the cervix appear, including purulent discharge and pain. During the diagnosis, you can notice that the female organ has become larger in size, and also compacted.

The difference from the acute process

Treatment and symptoms will depend on the degree of development of the pathology, as well as on the neglect of the inflammatory process. In acute inflammation of the cervix, clinical manifestations appear already 2-4 days after infection in the internal cavity. Considering the differences between acute and chronic uterine inflammation, the symptoms of the first manifest themselves in the form of a general worsening of a woman's condition. At the same time, the patient feels fatigue, severe headaches. In parallel with this, the heartbeat becomes more frequent, chills of the body are felt, the woman begins to stir up and tear.

Hands lie on a heating pad

With inflammation of the uterus in the lower abdomen there is severe pain. It radiates to the lumbar region, as well as the anus. If the disease is severe, then symptoms of peritoneal irritation appear. With an exacerbation of chronic uterine inflammation, as with an exacerbation of acute inflammation, discharge appears that is pus-like serous in nature. The inflammatory process of the endometrium is accompanied by severe bleeding. If treatment is correctly and timely rendered, then the symptoms of this pathology will be observed for a week and a half.

During the diagnosis, the specialist notices a painful uterus, enlarged. Quite often, during lateral palpation, the patient feels severe pain. Lymph nodes are located on the side, which in some cases are felt during a digital examination.

Possible complications

If there is no timely treatment for chronic uterine inflammation and the symptoms are ignored, some complications may develop. The main danger is the hematogenous lymphogenous spread of the infection. The path in this case can be either downward or upward. Possible complications may include:

  1. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes.
  2. Ovarian inflammation.
  3. Pelvioperitonitis.
  4. Purulent inflammation of the uterus.

Speaking about whether it is possible to get pregnant with chronic inflammation of the uterus, you should pay attention to the fact that the above complications can lead to infertility. Therefore, it is so important to visit a specialist in a timely manner, who will prescribe methods of treatment for this disease.

The main causes of the development of the disease

To begin treatment of chronic inflammation of the cervix should be only after the doctor identifies what exactly provoked this ailment. Possible causes of the development of the disease may include the following:

  1. Congestion of the uterine cavity.
  2. Complex birth.
  3. Dangerous abortion.
  4. The presence of an intrauterine device.
  5. Sex during menstruation.
Uterine inflammation

Another possible reason for the development of this pathological process is a cesarean section. Inflammation develops due to the penetration of ureaplasma, gonococci, mycoplasmas, chlamydia and streptococci into the female body.


Before proceeding with the treatment of chronic uterine inflammation, a woman must undergo a series of diagnostic measures. This inflammatory process is diagnosed using the following tests and procedures:

  1. Oral history taking.
  2. Inspection of organs using a special mirror.
  3. Palpation of the organ.
  4. Sowing.
  5. Smear.
  6. Ultrasound examination of organs.

With the help of the examination, you can find out how much the mucous membrane has increased. In addition, this event helps to detect bloody clots, adhesions, accumulation of pus, as well as residues of placental tissue. In the same way, chronic inflammation of the uterus, ovaries, and organ tubes can be detected.

Therapeutic measures

Therapy of this pathological process should be comprehensive. The methods of treatment will largely depend on the form of the disease. How to treat chronic uterine inflammation? Only a qualified specialist can correctly answer this question. As a rule, patients are prescribed complex therapy. Moreover, the treatment strategy will depend on the form of this pathological process. The specialist should prescribe medication, as well as give recommendations regarding the patient’s lifestyle and nutrition.

woman at the doctor

Treatment of a chronic form with medicines

Treatment of uterine inflammation involves the elimination of the main causative agent of this pathology. Another priority goal is to stop complications. Chronic uterine inflammation can be cured if the patient is prescribed:

  1. Antiviral medications.
  2. Antibiotic drugs.
  3. Vitamin complexes.
  4. Hormonal drugs.
  5. Immunomodulators.

The most effective antibiotic is Doxycycline. As for the best hormone, doctors recommend using Utrozhestan. Thanks to the use of this medication, the patient's hormonal background is restored. Metabolism is normalized by taking Actovegin. To strengthen the general condition of the body, specialists prescribe Riboxin to patients.

Quite often, to eliminate the inflammatory process, patients are prescribed the use of vaginal suppositories. They are used at the same time as taking antimicrobials. The duration and intensity of such a treatment course should be determined only by the attending physician. To eliminate inflammation, drugs such as Diclofenac, Movalis, Voltaren can also be prescribed. Bleeding with a chronic form of uterine inflammation is eliminated with antifibrinolytics.


Physiotherapy for chronic uterine inflammation involves electrophoresis. In parallel with this, the patient undergoes magnetotherapy and UHF. In some cases, treatment of the pathological process may be prompt. It should be prescribed only when a specialist detects adhesions.

Doctor in the workplace

The use of folk remedies

Drug treatment can be combined in combination with alternative medicine recipes. But the use of grandmother's recipes is necessary only if the attending physician has approved it. Many healing herbs have anti-inflammatory effect. Our ancestors cured this disease by St. John's wort, viburnum, flax seeds, medicinal sweet clover, and also marshmallow.

Of these herbs, you can prepare various infusions and decoctions. In addition, plants are used to prepare solutions for sitz baths.

The most effective remedy is a decoction prepared on the basis of the marshmallow root. To make this healing product, it does not take much effort and time. To do this, you need to fill in fifty grams of raw materials with one glass of boiled water. After a day, the product must be put on low heat for several hours. When the broth is removed, the root must be dried and ground. After this, the ground root should be mixed with pre-melted lard. The finished mixture should be sent to the fire for another 2 hours. After this time, the resulting composition is ready for use. The finished product is used for 2 weeks inside. This mixture is taken three times a day.

St. John's wort is best used as a douching, and also used as a decoction. To cook it, you need to take 100 g of raw materials, pour 1 liter of cold water. Put everything on fire, boil for 5 minutes. A ready-made broth is used in half a glass a day. For douching, you can use the same solution.

Woman holding belly

To eliminate soreness during inflammation of the cervix, it is recommended to use infusion based on medicinal sweet clover.

For douching, a solution based on flax seeds is prepared. To do this, take 200 g of raw materials, pour two cups of boiling water. Boil this mixture for a quarter of an hour, then strain thoroughly. When the broth has cooled, you need to add 4 tablespoons of liquid natural linden honey to the liquid, as well as one teaspoon of sage in the form of dry grass. It will be possible to use the finished product only after a day, when the broth is infused. After this, the tampon is soaked in infusion, and then inserted into the vagina.

Nettle leaf infusion is effective in combating the inflammatory process. The fact is that this herb has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, at the same time it improves metabolism in the body and increases the contractile activity of the myometrium. To prepare the infusion, you need to take one spoonful of crushed dry nettle leaves, pour 1 liter of boiled water, let it brew for 3 hours. After this, strain and take orally in the amount of one tablespoon. The frequency of doses should be 4-5 times a day. A broth is used 30 minutes before eating, as well as at night.

A decoction based on blueberries has an astringent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and diuretic effect. To prepare this product, you need to take 100 g of dried blueberries, pour them with one liter of cold water, put on fire. Boil, cook for 10 minutes. Cool the finished composition at room temperature, and then take inside 100 ml three times a day.

Using recipes of alternative medicine in the treatment of inflammatory process in the uterus, it must be remembered that such therapy is only an addition to taking medications. If a woman will be treated with only one right, then the necessary effect can not be expected.

Can I get pregnant

With any type of uterine inflammation, a woman will not be able to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. Moreover, if the disease was not cured in time, the complications that may arise can provoke the development of infertility.

At the initial stage of pregnancy development, key processes are observed, the normal course of which is very important for the future development of the fetus. At conception, sperm enter the uterine cavity, after which they penetrate into the fallopian tubes, where they merge with one of the eggs. The formed cell begins to divide, after which it moves into the uterine cavity. A week after conception, implantation of a future embryo into the functional layer of the endometrium is observed. Finger-shaped protrusions appear on the surface of the future embryo, which fall deep into the endometrium, while performing nutritional and fixation functions. Under the influence of the hormone progesterone, the functional layer of the endometrium thickens. This happens until he surrounds the attached embryo.

Woman holding belly

If a woman has acute or chronic inflammation, then all of the above processes will be disrupted, due to which the development of the fetus is impossible.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that chronic inflammation on the cervix is ​​a very unpleasant disease. If you ignore the symptoms, complications can occur that can provoke infertility. Therefore, it is so important to treat the inflammatory process in time.

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