A few tips on how to deal with acne

Acne is a fairly common problem in adolescence and in young people. Therefore, advice on how to use methods to combat them is quite relevant. The appearance of acne is not only unaesthetic, but can also affect the occurrence of numerous complexes. Moreover, if you apply the wrong methods to get rid of this problem, you may experience consequences such as scars and scars or much more serious complications.

Before you deal with acne, you need to remember a few basic rules. Firstly, doctors and cosmetologists categorically forbid to crush them. This method can lead to harm to the hair follicle, and, as a result, there is severe inflammation, and in some cases the appearance of large foci in neighboring areas of the skin.

To quickly get rid of acne, you can try to use benzoyl peroxide, which is part of many ointments and cosmetics designed to solve this problem. The advantage of this tool is that, disinfecting the inflamed area, it does not dry healthy skin. It is best to consult a specialist (a dermatologist or a cosmetologist) who will recommend the most effective drug in each case. Among the most common agents with this substance are the following: Adapalen, hepur ointment, etc.

It is strictly forbidden to touch the inflamed skin with dirty hands, as this is a great risk of causing an infection, which can lead to rather disastrous consequences.

Another important point on how to deal with acne: a systematic and deep cleansing of the skin. You need to wash your face at least twice a day. However, too often, this procedure should not be done, as this can lead to drying out of the skin. A properly selected cleanser is one of the main components of success in how to deal with subcutaneous acne. Currently, the cosmetic market has a huge number of products suitable for any type of skin. This moment should be taken into account when choosing cosmetics.

Speaking about how to deal with acne, you need to pay attention to folk remedies. So, it is recommended to wipe greasy problem areas at least twice a day with slices of raw pumpkin. An equally simple and effective way is to use a scrub made from oatmeal yourself. It is recommended to use it at least ten days once a day.

Once a week, you can make a yeast mask, which will help not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of acne and the appearance of acne. In order to make it, you need to dilute brewer's yeast with boiled water until a homogeneous slurry is obtained, after which the mass is applied to the face for half an hour.

Speaking about how to deal with acne, it is necessary to recall that in some cases, treatment can be delayed for a sufficiently long time, during which it is important to follow the above recommendations. If rashes are constantly forming on the skin, then it is better to abandon makeup removers (they can provoke them), and limit yourself to liquid soap or plain water.

Before you deal with acne, you need to reconsider your diet, since very often it is the consumption of fatty or spicy foods that can serve as the main cause of this skin deficiency. In order to properly normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to ensure that only fresh and healthy products are in the diet. Confectionery, sweets and alcohol can only exacerbate the problem.

Most often, experts recommend means for washing and cleansing the skin from one line and one brand, since their interaction on each other enhances the effect.

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