Kinetic sculpture in the works of Laimi Young, Anthony Howe, Theo Jansen and other figures of modern art

Kinetic sculpture is a special direction in contemporary art, based on the effect of movement of the entire art object or its individual elements. Masters working in this genre managed to destroy the myth that real sculptural images should be static. Their creations are filled with movement and life. They attract attention, fascinate and make a person think about the inconstancy of all things and phenomena surrounding him in this world.

Sculptures of Laimi Young

Laimi Young is a contemporary artist from South Korea who creates unusual sculptures of complex shapes using microprocessors, circuit boards, stainless steel parts and other materials unusual for works of art. Powered by special mechanisms, his installations resemble unimaginable living creatures and have a truly magical effect on the audience. A simple person cannot understand how they work. But this is not necessary, because any kinetic sculpture of Young was created in order to amaze the public.

kinetic sculpture

Bob Potts creations

The famous American sculptor Bob Potts creates minimalistic installations that imitate the flapping of bird wings, the movement of the oars in the boat, etc. His sculptures are made of light materials and not burdened with unnecessary details, but this does not stop them from leading the audience into indescribable delight. Particularly impressive to fans of art is the amazing accuracy with which Potts manages to recreate the trajectory of the objects displayed.

unusual sculptures

U-Ram Cho and his works of art

Kinetic sculpture completely captured the imagination of South Korean artist U-Ram Cho. All his works have complex designs and mechanisms. Made of various metals, they are supplemented by gearboxes, motors, all kinds of boards and microprocessors, thanks to which they are driven. Korean installations resemble strange birds, fish, insects and other creatures unknown to modern civilization. To make unusual sculptures look more realistic, the master demonstrates them accompanied by light and sound effects.

kinetic sculpture

Moving Compositions Anthony Howe

For more than 25 years, American Anthony Howe has been creating three-dimensional abstract compositions of light stainless steel, set in motion by the slightest breath of breeze. All the creations of the author consist of several dozen mobile elements and resemble unthinkable astronomical models or giant machines from the future. Some of the kinetic sculptures of Anthony Howe stand firmly on the ground, but there are among them those that are shown in limbo. Driven by the force of the wind, they mesmerize those around them with a second-to-second change in their appearance.

kinetic sculptures by anthony howe

Theo Jansen's Outlandish Animals

Theo Jansen's kinetic sculptures carry the idea of ​​saving life on the planet. They are made of plastic bottles and pipes, insulating tape, adhesive tape, nylon threads, cardboard and other improvised materials. Jansen gives his creations the appearance of huge outlandish animals, which, according to him, are powered by wind energy and can move independently. Despite their apparent lightness, they are able to maintain stability even under strong gusts of wind. Before creating the next figure, the wizard calculates the model parameters using a computer program and only after that collects it and puts it on the beach located near his home in Holland. Today, an entire family of outlandish animals has gathered on it, peacefully adjacent to each other.

kinetic sculptures of theo jansen

Living installations in Russia

Kinetic sculpture is popular not only in foreign countries. In Russia today there are many masters who are fond of creating moving installations. So, thanks to the efforts of the participants of the capital art group ArtMechanicus, a whole collection of wooden mechanical fish was created. Among their creations there is also the Fish-house, and the Ram-fish, and the Knight-fish. In addition to Muscovites, the creation of unusual sculptures involved Yalta Ivan Poddubny. He makes miniature installations of wood and leather, driven by a spring motor. Poddubny's works are perfectly combined with a modern interior and are intended for decoration of residential and office premises.

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