The procedure for certification of workplaces: basic aspects and features

The procedure for certification of jobs governs this legally binding procedure for assessing working conditions for them. As a result, dangerous and harmful factors and ways to bring their condition in line with regulatory requirements are identified. The procedure for certification of workplaces has established that it can take place in a planned and unscheduled mode. In the first case, the procedure is carried out at least once every 5 years. The period is counted from the end time of the previous certification, that is, the date of signing the order on its completion. The start time of the new procedure is the date of the order on the approval of the dates of the next event and the composition of the commission (its composition is determined by the head or authorized official person).

certification of workplaces

The procedure for certification of workplaces stipulates cases when it must be carried out in an unscheduled manner. Such reasons are the replacement of equipment in production, a change in technology, a change in collective protective equipment. Unscheduled events are also carried out in case of commissioning of new jobs, requirements of state expertise in terms of checking previous results, at the end of actions to improve working conditions.

workplace certification

The procedure determines who certifies jobs. This is a joint work of the employer and the specialized organization with which he must conclude a contract. This company must be accredited by the Ministry of Health and Social Development. It is carried out in a notification manner, with the provision of a large set of documents confirming the organization's capabilities in terms of the quality of the assessment procedures.

The procedure for certification of work places the responsibilities of the customer and the contractor. In particular, the second side decides what the methods of measuring and evaluating should be based on legislation and other legal acts, studying documents related to ensuring labor protection requirements, asking for clarification from the employer. In addition, the responsibilities of the certifying organization include the transfer of a common statement of results and the provision of justifications for the conclusions (if the customer needs it). Certification of the workplace - a procedure consisting of several stages. Among which are mandatory. Its main components are: development of a list of jobs to be evaluated, verification of compliance of working conditions with standards in the field of hygiene, determination of the risk of injury, verification of the availability of PPE, a comprehensive analysis of the results.

who conducts certification of jobs

Throughout the whole procedure, a whole set of documents is generated. In particular, the following are considered mandatory: an order on the formation of a commission and approval of a schedule, a list of places, a general list, certification cards, a matrix of classes of working conditions, a program of measures to improve them, a final protocol, information about the contractor.

After the completion of the whole process, the employer is obliged to sign an order to end it, familiarize the employees with the results, send a package of documents defined by the rules to the labor inspectorate.

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