When and how are Yuri's birthday celebrated

The name Yuri, Jura in our time does not stand in the ranks of the most popular. Today's children are hardly called that, although previously it was quite common. In addition, in the pre-revolutionary era, the name Yuri was often given to children from noble and noble families. At the same time, Yuriโ€™s name day was celebrated, which was considered the main holiday in the life of such a person. By the way, the tradition of celebrating name days is gradually returning to our lives, so you need to know what dates they fall on and how to properly celebrate them.

Meaning of the name

Before you learn everything about Yuriโ€™s name day, you need to shed light on the meaning of this name. Indeed, absolutely every name means something, and the fate of a person sometimes depends on it. Although people who believe believe that it is exclusively in the hands of the Lord.

name day of yuri

So, the male name Yura, Yuri is of ancient Greek origin on behalf of George. The resulting Russian form of this word means "farmer", "cultivating the land." Close names are Egor, Egoria, George.

Name day of Yuri. What does this holiday mean?

Earlier name days were considered an event of an exclusively religious nature, today they are given a more secular character. But, despite this, such a day was, is and will be a holiday of the soul.

Previously, a person was given a name at baptism, which occurred on the 8th day after his birth. At the same time, they called him in honor of that saint, whose day of remembrance or veneration was near the date of birth of the baby. So the child acquired his high patron. And the day of the name day was such a date of remembrance or veneration of the holy namesake.

Nameday celebration traditions

As already mentioned, name days were once the main holiday in human life. This day began with a trip to the church, where the hero of the occasion communed and confessed. In addition to him, close relatives went to the church , who ordered the service, lit candles. The birthday man was supposed to put candles near the icon of his patron saint. Named Yuri in this regard did not differ from others.

yuri angel day

After church affairs, it was supposed to collect a festive dinner for family and relatives. Homemade dishes were put on the table, there were a lot of pastries - pies and loaves. It was also customary to distribute goodies to neighbors, the largest loaves relied to godparents. We started baking with jam, berries, fish, mushrooms. At the same time, the pies could be both open and closed. The main loaf was placed in the center of the table so that everyone could see the name of the hero of the occasion laid out on it with dough. So Yury celebrated his name day.

Angel Day, or When Yuri's Name Day

All name day dates for each name are determined on the basis of the church calendar. So, Yuri celebrates his birthday on February 17 (the day of George Vsevolodovich of Vladimir, the Great Prince); August 13 (day of Yuri Petrogradsky, Novitsky). These days Yuriโ€™s birthday is celebrated on the church calendar.

What give on name day

Since name-days are a spiritual holiday, gifts were given to him appropriate for the occasion. The best gift was considered an icon depicting a saint, whose name is the birthday man. They also presented church literature and paraphernalia.

There was another wonderful tradition. This is a measured icon, which was painted by hand. Her size was fully consistent with the growth of the child. These symbols were considered powerful amulets; they were taken with them on the road, on a long journey. They also acted as a means of communication between man and his patron saint.

name day of yuri according to the church calendar

Dimensional icons accompanied a person throughout his life, and then were inherited as a family heirloom. As for the materials of manufacture, simple icons, icons made with precious materials and stones were given on the name day. At the same time, wood or canvas was used as the basis for drawing the picture. However, the gift did not value value and external beauty, but the initial purpose - to be a means of communication with God and the patron saint.

History of the patron saint of all Yuri

The birthday of Yuri according to the Orthodox calendar is celebrated on February 17. This day is a day in memory of George (Yuri) Vsevolodovich, Prince of Vladimir the Great. His relics were acquired for the church in 1645, after which there was a canonization of his Orthodox Church. George Vsevolodovich was canonized as the holy noble prince George Vsevolodovich.

name day of yuri according to the orthodox calendar

What is this extraordinary man famous for? It should be noted that his role in the history of Russia to this day is not unambiguous, many historians still argue about the correctness of his actions during the reign. Perhaps for this reason his name is shrouded in various myths and legends. But one thing is certain - Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich died in 1238 during a heavy battle with the Mongols who came to Russian land. His whole family was burnt, and his head was cut off. The remains of the prince were found on the battlefield and identified by princely robes.

After the canonization on February 17, Prince Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich was appointed a memorial day, on which each Yuri celebrates angel's day and his name day.

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