In order for the skin to always look beautiful, clean and smooth, it is necessary to carefully care for it. Home care alone is indispensable if you want to see a healthy radiance on the face and the absence of rashes. Each woman should pay attention to the procedure for cleaning the face in the salon. With it, you can maintain perfect skin condition.
After just one correct facial cleansing procedure, the skin becomes smoother, cleansed of dead cells and supple. All dirt, peeling, black spots, excess sebum disappears. In addition, accumulated toxins are removed from the skin. The best hardware techniques are able to smooth out facial wrinkles and creases, which visually increase age and make your face look tired. Salon cleaning is chosen not only by women, but also by men, since no one doubts its effectiveness.
Procedure definition
Facial cleansing is a cosmetic procedure with an external use of a hardware or manual technique for skin cleansing. During the salon procedure, the cosmetologist uses products that cleanse the superficial and deep layer of the skin. It can be creams, lotions, tonics or masks from a variety of compositions.
Cosmetology medicine distinguishes several types of facial cleansing, which differ in execution technique. Each variety involves the elimination of different skin problems. The desired option is always selected strictly according to the type of skin and taking into account its condition. The most popular and effective face cleansers are divided into the following categories:
- Atraumatic cleaning.
- Vacuum
- Laser
- Mechanical
- Ultrasonic
Each of them, although it differs in the way and stages of carrying out, is aimed at one final goal - thorough cleaning of the skin from impurities.
Indications and contraindications for facial cleansing
Before you go to a beauty salon for cleaning, you need to determine if there is evidence for her. The procedure must be done in the presence of the following defects on the face:
- Clogged pores and black spots.
- Acne.
- Enlarged pores.
- Reduced skin tone.
- Dull complexion.
- Severe peeling.
You should also take into account the fact that facial cleansing is not always good for the skin. It has contraindications. Cleaning can not be done if the skin is covered with purulent inflammation or there are rashes similar to eczema. The procedure is strictly prohibited in the presence of herpes and dermatitis. Beauticians do not recommend cleansing for those who have diabetes, asthma or epilepsy.
Before signing up for a salon, you need to visit a good dermatologist who will determine the condition of the skin and prescribe the most suitable method for this procedure. Indeed, when cleaning, it is very important not to injure the skin and not provoke the development of new problems in the form of peeling or an allergic reaction.
Atraumatic face cleansing
This type of salon cleaning is the most effective and safest among all other similar procedures. Atraumatic facial cleansing is the best option for problematic and combination skin. It is performed using modern cosmetics designed to solve more common problems in therapeutic cosmetology.
A significant advantage of facial cleansing is the method of its implementation. The skin is not steamed before cleaning, and also do not vaporization. Due to this, the face is not subjected to additional manipulations. Immediately after conducting non-traumatic cleaning, you can go to scheduled meetings and events. There will be no consequences on the skin in the form of redness, peeling and other imperfections.
The procedure can be done as often as the skin condition will require. She has a minimal number of contraindications. Cleaning can be done regardless of the season and age, as well as skin type. Even owners of dry, sensitive skin prone to rosacea can afford atraumatic cleansing.
The first stage of facial cleansing in the cabin begins with skin cleansing. Then, special formulations are gradually applied to it. It can be creams, gels or pastes that expand the pores. Such products can cleanse the skin of toxins and dirt accumulated in the pores. The number of application steps depends on the condition of the skin and its type. In addition, the cosmetologist takes into account individual characteristics in the form of a tendency to peeling or the manifestation of rosacea.
Each of the used preparations for atraumatic cleaning contains low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. This substance promotes deep hydration of the face. After the procedure, the skin becomes clean, smooth, supple, a healthy complexion and blush appear. Such a result can be seen even in the photo before and after cleansing the face.
Benefits of Atraumatic Cleaning
Its main advantage is considered to be a mild effect on the skin without the use of aggressive techniques. The cosmetologist does not cleanse the skin mechanically, does not injure it and does not provoke dehydration and premature aging. The cleansing process takes place with the help of light, but effective drugs that have the ability to dissolve black spots and narrow pores after this. Soft cosmetic formulations fight inflammation, puffiness, and also promote the absorption of subcutaneous acne.
The effect of this facial cleansing is amazing. It narrows the enlarged pores, reduces the risk of relapses with a tendency to acne, and regulates the production of sebum. This method has virtually no contraindications and is suitable even for sensitive skin.
Vacuum face peel
This type of procedure is performed by a special cosmetic device, which in the process of work draws in all the dirt from the skin, like a small vacuum cleaner. This technique is perfect for owners of oily skin with expanded pores. Owners of dry and sensitive it is prohibited. Also, vacuum cleaning should not be done by those who are prone to the appearance of rosacea on the skin.
About the vacuum device for cleaning the face, the reviews are mostly positive. But in the presence of purulent acne and acne, the cosmetologist advises that the inflammation be cured first and only then cleansed. If you do the procedure on the skin in this condition, the infection from the rashes will spread throughout the face. Vacuum cleaning is suitable in cases where acne is not inflamed and looks like solid seals under the skin.
Vacuum benefits
The main advantage of such a facial cleansing is the absence of injuries and discomfort. Compared to mechanical cleaning, in this case the skin is not injured, and after the procedure it immediately becomes clean and well-groomed. Vacuum improves blood flow, which helps to activate the outflow of lymph. This process improves complexion and improves skin tone. Despite the mild effect, this type of cleaning is very intense. A hardware technique allows you to quickly open contaminated pores and remove their contents. Regular procedures provide quick relief from acne and acne.
Laser face peel
This procedure is considered one of the most delicate, but less effective ways to cleanse the face. It is performed with a laser, which when in contact with the skin stimulates the production of collagen. Its radiation also contributes to the normalization of blood circulation in tissues and their intensive nutrition. Looking at the photo of face cleaning with a laser, a person might think that the process is very traumatic for the skin. However, this is not at all true. Laser cleaning easily cleanses the upper layer of the skin, eliminates dead skin cells, and also removes contaminants from the pores completely painlessly.
With its help, you can even get rid of small age-related deficiencies that confuse many women. The device removes age spots, scars and facial wrinkles. The skin tone is significantly increased, and the relief is smoothed. This is easy to notice in the photo before and after cleansing the face, which is often done by the cosmetologist himself to compare the result. This type of cleaning is universal and safe, since the skin device itself does not touch. The risk of irritation or damage is completely absent. That is why laser cleaning is recommended for complex and neglected skin conditions, when it has acne or acne.
Contraindications to laser cleaning
Despite the fact that the procedure is very delicate, there are some contraindications for the laser. These include the following conditions:
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Epilepsy.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- The presence of an infectious or inflammatory process in the body.
In addition to the main contraindications, dermatologists do not recommend this cleaning option for women under 25 years of age, as well as for owners of excessively dry facial skin.
Recovery after laser cleaning
It is very important to adhere to the following rules:
- Do not forget about leaving after cleansing your face, using means with a regenerating effect.
- The first few days after cleaning, do not be in direct sunlight.
- Use a high-SPF sunscreen before going out of your home.
- About a week do not use swimming pools, baths or saunas.
- Protect your skin from aggressive effects: snow, wind and frosty air.
The recovery period itself rarely exceeds 6-7 days. In some cases, the skin can recover much faster. But still, you should not expose it to unnecessary stress, ignoring the above recommendations. Knowing what to do after cleansing your face, you can enjoy beautiful, clean and matte skin with a natural blush in just one week.
Mechanical cleansing
Beauticians also call it manual, due to the specifics of execution. The procedure is carried out using fingers or special tools. This type of salon cleaning is the most popular, as it does not require special devices or rare cosmetic formulations. Looking at the photo of facial cleansing, we can conclude that it is very simple to do. However, the procedure is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Not every cosmetologist will be able to perform it qualitatively, since it requires increased attention, perseverance, experience and professionalism. Due to the complexity of the implementation, specialists are not able to remove all imperfections from the skin of the face the first time. Often, two to three sessions are required with a gap of three weeks between them.
Features and stages of cleaning
Plan this salon procedure separately from visits to any other places, as the skin will remain a little swelling and redness. It is very important to take this nuance into account so as not to spoil the plans for the next couple of days. Cleaning is done manually in several stages:
- The face is thoroughly cleaned of makeup and dust, and then steamed.
- Then the cosmetologist proceeds to cleanse the contaminated pores. He can use a face cleaning kit in the form of tweezers, needles and other specially designed tools.
- The whole procedure takes no more than 20 minutes, since its effectiveness depends on how much the pores are open. After this time, they close and further manipulations become useless.
- If necessary, a specialist can re-steam the skin.
- After cleansing the pores, the face is disinfected. It can be masks, lotions, creams, the use of infrared rays.
- In conclusion, they always do a light massage of the skin to soothe it and normalize blood circulation in the tissues.
Having gone home after mechanical cleaning, you must remember that the next 10-12 hours you can not wash. You should also forget about makeup, visiting tanning salons and saunas for 3-4 days. Owners of sensitive skin should take into account the fact that complications can appear from this type of cleaning. Their level depends on the qualifications and experience of the cosmetologist, as well as on the initial condition of the skin.
Complications from mechanical cleaning
Since the procedure is extremely traumatic, given the fact that the qualification of a cosmetologist may not be high enough, you need to be prepared not only for a good, but also a bad result for mechanical cleaning. A normal consequence is the presence of small redness, which disappears in 2-3 days. If the skin remains red for a longer period, this means that there has been a violation of the order and hygiene of the procedure. It may also indicate too sensitive skin or non-compliance with recommendations for the recovery period.
Swelling should go away in a day or two after cleaning. If it did not pass, you must immediately go to the beautician to find out the reason for such a long healing of the skin. If hematomas appeared on the face during the first days after the procedure, this means that the master pressed too hard on the skin. In case of violation of the rules of disinfection on the skin, an inflammatory process can develop. In this case, a doctorβs consultation is also required. Another unpleasant complication of cleaning is an allergic reaction. It usually occurs on cosmetics used by a specialist.
Ultrasonic face peel
In the presence of dry, thin and sensitive skin, many types of facial cleansing are prohibited. Therefore, the ideal solution in this situation is ultrasonic cleaning. This is a very gentle and delicate procedure that has virtually no contraindications. It is carried out by the method of exposure to ultrasound on the skin. It can not be done by pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who suffer from inflammatory processes in the body. In other cases, the procedure does not do any harm.
Its main and only minus is insufficiently intensive cleaning. During the session, only the upper stratum corneum of the cells is removed, and closed comedones and black dots remain intact. That is why this type of cleaning is suitable only for those who do not have serious problems with the skin of the face.
Stages of ultrasonic cleaning
During the procedure, the cosmetologist performs the following actions:
- Cleans the face.
- Apply a special gel that is used as an ultrasonic conductive agent.
- Then comes the turn of using an apparatus called a scrubber. He beautician leads on the skin for about 20 minutes.
- Finally, the skin is cleaned and a soothing mask is applied.
Ultrasonic cleaning perfectly evens complexion, makes the skin even, smooth and supple.
Facial Cleansing Reviews
Studying the numerous reviews of salon facial cleansing, we can conclude that the procedure itself is extremely effective and useful in the presence of imperfections on the skin. Women and men who have tried different types of cleansing assure the need to use the procedure, regardless of skin condition. They urge you to pay attention to the recommendations for this or that type of method and choose the most suitable skin cleansing.
Facial care should always be accompanied by high-quality cleansing, which cannot be achieved at home. Therefore, everyone who has done this caring procedure recommends it to others. Negative reviews are found only in situations where an unsuitable cleaning method was selected or the cosmetologist did not have sufficient qualifications. Therefore, it is very important to choose a good professional and not to forget about a preliminary visit to a dermatologist who will help determine the need for the procedure and its method.