How do ordinary people live in Germany? Conditions, pros and cons

When it comes to Germany, we present this country as a successful and highly developed economy. Today it is one of the richest states in Europe, which has created a fairly high standard of living for its citizens. And there are objective reasons for this. They are due to the advantages that the German economy has.

That is why citizens of Poland and Turkey, Romania and Hungary, states located in the Middle East, Africa, as well as throughout the entire former Soviet Union dream of living in Germany. Not surprisingly, in terms of popularity among emigrants, Germany is in third place after the United States of America and Canada.

However, as in any other country, life in this European state has its positive and negative sides. Is it good to live in Germany? Let's try to figure this out.

Living conditions

According to statistics, in the EU every 7 out of 10 people live in their own apartments and houses. However, the vast majority of such lucky people are the rural population. In addition, if we consider the situation in Germany, more than half of the total population rents housing. Why do not all Germans want to buy their houses or apartments? First of all, because almost all of them want to remain mobile.

house building in Germany

The most popular in Germany are apartment buildings. In recent years, it is them that have been built most. Of course, there are high-rise buildings in the country. Almost all of them are private and are not typical faceless “boxes”, but buildings with an original and interesting architectural solution. At the same time, good apartments located in prestigious areas of large cities have a rather high price.

On the territory of the former GDR there are numerous microdistricts consisting of panel high-rise buildings. So the housing problem was solved in most socialist-oriented countries. Many residents in Germany continue to live in houses built in the 19th century. They carried out restoration work, and in general it is a fairly comfortable housing.

Of course, the Germans have real estate not only in large cities. Many people live in the countryside. But it is worth noting that here the quality of housing is practically no different from urban. All houses are landscaped and have amenities in the form of hot water, sewage, etc. In addition, in rural areas the roads are no worse than urban ones. Only here there is less entertainment.

Old city buildings in Germany are famous for their inner courtyards. In the old days, small workshops worked here. Today, these territories are given for playgrounds and parking for bicycles.

For ordinary Germans, belonging to the middle class, single-family houses are very popular, which are very many in the suburban area of ​​large cities. Their cost is quite high. On average, such a house costs from 300 to 500 thousand euros. However, if you live in Germany, then you can take a mortgage here. Its rates are quite low and make up a little less than 2% per annum. If you don’t buy such a house and rent it, it will cost a little more than a city apartment.

Of course, the question immediately arises: can ordinary Germans afford normal living conditions? The costs of acquiring, renting apartments or houses, the cost of gas, water, electricity, the cost of repairing and purchasing furniture are the most significant expense for many people in Germany. On average, this is 20% of adjusted gross income remaining after tax.

Is it good to live in Germany? To understand this, in addition to the level of housing costs, it is also necessary to evaluate such an indicator as the average number of rooms per person. It is important to clarify the utilities available in the houses.

single-family houses in Germany

If the number of rooms that are in the house is divided by the number of people living in it, then you can find out if the household is in cramped conditions. Low values ​​of this indicator indicate a low quality of life. After all, people living in cramped conditions are subject to negative effects on mental and physical health, which affects relations with others and the development of children. As for Germany, here on average there are 1.8 rooms per person.

Income level

We all know that money alone does not bring happiness. However, each person needs them to improve their well-being and achieve decent living standards. With a good financial condition, people have access to better education, housing conditions, and better healthcare.

How do ordinary people live in Germany? By definition, the net income of a family that remains after tax is the amount of money that members receive on their hands. People spend these amounts on the purchase of goods and services. If you live in Germany and work in this country, then on average a total of 33.652 US dollars per family for the whole year. This is the best indicator among 35 countries participating in the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). Here, a similar average is $ 30,563.

The way people live in Germany can be assessed by the financial well-being of the family. It represents the total value of the financial assets of each of its members. In Germany, the figure is $ 57,358. In general, this is less than in OECD countries. Here, the value is $ 90,570.

Public policy for a better life

How do people live in Germany? This will also be understood by the social policy pursued by the state. The country is committed to protecting low-wage workers. For this, in January 2015, a new minimum wage, guaranteed by law, was introduced. This decision was an additional guarantee for the provision of low-paid employees along with the determination of the salary scale, which is adopted by collective agreements.

The establishment of a minimum wage makes it possible to support people with low incomes, which significantly reduces the risk of poverty for workers in various enterprises. And although the amount guaranteed by law does not cover some industries, as well as those who are not yet 18 years old, such a measure allowed to increase the total wage fund by 1.2%.


Is it really good to live in Germany? You can judge this by the availability of work. After all, employment allows a person to get a lot of advantages. This applies primarily to the availability of a stable source of income. In addition, the work allows you to realize your own ambitions, increase the level of social integration and self-esteem, and develop skills.

German worker

How do people of working age live in Germany? Employment in the country is at the highest level. 75% of the able-bodied population in the age category from 15 to 64 years has work here. And what about the remaining 25%? All unemployed people are actively searching for suitable vacancies for them. And this is quite real. The statistics data confirm this conclusion. So, over a year in Germany, only 1.7% of the able-bodied population has been unemployed. And this is a big plus for the country. Indeed, with prolonged unemployment, a person loses the feeling of well-being, self-esteem falls, and skills are lost, which further reduces the likelihood of employment.

How do they live in Germany? This can be judged by the level of wages and other monetary compensation received by a person for his labor activity. On average, Germans have $ 46,389 per year. This is slightly more than in OECD countries.

Another important factor affects the quality of the workplace. This is a guarantee of employment, considered from the perspective of the probable loss of income, that is, the cost of unemployment. How do Germans live in Germany? They face loss of income in 2% of cases. This is the lowest figure of all OECD countries, where this figure is 4.9%.


Living and working in Germany should be predominantly a highly skilled population - this is the desire of the country's government. Educated people are the key to the socio-economic well-being of the state. They have certain skills that allow them to effectively participate in society. Of course, a person with a good education is more likely to get a well-paid job. Germans aged 5 to 39 years spend an average of 18.3 years studying. This is the best indicator among OECD countries, where it is 17 years old.

young people

Getting education is of great importance for the economy of any state. After all, a person who offers his candidacy in the labor market must have certain skills. And they, in turn, are based on knowledge. In Germany, 86% of people in the age group of 25 to 64 have full secondary education. This indicator is above the OECD average, where it is 74%.

However, it is difficult to judge the quality of education by these numbers. For this, in 2015, a program was developed that allows us to give an international assessment of the level of skills and knowledge of students that they need in order to participate fully in society. At the same time, literacy, knowledge in mathematics and natural sciences were studied. Studies have shown that these skills in students are at a level of 508 points. This is the highest score in the OECD, where it averages 486 points. The education system in Germany allows students to acquire high-quality knowledge.

Vocational training

The special education system in Germany has a long history and is respected due to its effectiveness. High school students in the country are given the right to receive either a higher academic or vocational education. In the latter case, the dual system operates. What is she like? In obtaining vocational education, students study at school and in the workplace. In educational institutions, they receive a general education. In the workplace - professional.

Schools and employers play an important role in the development of education and in the process of obtaining knowledge and skills. The participation of the latter means adapting training programs to local needs. The quality of the work is regulated by the government. It develops and introduces standardized, compulsory national curricula. This eliminates the interference of the short-term needs of the employer in the economic and educational goals of the entire system. Students taking a vocational training course receive wages agreed upon by the collective agreement.


Is it good to live in Germany? The pros and cons of a permanent stay in any country will be indicated by the average life expectancy of its population. As for Germany, here it is 81 years old. This figure is higher than in OECD countries. The level of life expectancy of the population is directly affected by the quality of medical care. It depends on the high costs of healthcare, as well as on the level and lifestyle of people, the environmental situation and the quality of the education system.

German doctor

According to statistics, 65% of Germans surveyed believe that they are in good health. But if a resident of Germany needs medical services, then he can get them thanks to insurance. She has every capable citizen of the country and an immigrant. In cases where a person is employed, 50% of insurance premiums are paid by the employer. A person’s deductions for medical services and expensive drugs make up 13% of his nominal salary. People who are unemployed are paid for by the state.

Having this policy in hand, a German has the right to go to a consultation with any doctor, including a private one. If the patient’s specialist is not satisfied, then you can apply for other health insurance.

Sometimes the Germans themselves purchase drugs. They have to pay money for drugs that are urgently needed and are not in the office of the doctor issuing them for insurance. A resident of Germany will also need to reimburse the costs of medicines even if the amount for their purchase during the year exceeds 2% of a person’s full salary.

Separate insurance requires a trip to the dentist. But the rules in this branch of medicine are the same as when referring to other doctors.

Is it good to live in Germany under such a healthcare system? Responses of the country's residents confirm the fact that the state pays for them 90% of the costs necessary to provide any expensive medical care. Minor children (under 18 years of age) have social insurance. For them, any medical treatment and medication are free.

Social privileges

Well-being and security ... All this is a stronghold of the German state. The main values ​​of the country's inhabitants are family and home. And this is always in the first place among the Germans. The government is doing everything to strengthen the economic well-being of every family. A confirmation of this is the guaranteed minimum subsistence level of 400 euros established by law. This amount will be received by the head of the family in any situation. In addition to it, the state allocates another 361 euros, which is 80% of the subsistence level. Of course, by the standards of Europe, this money is not very big. However, the government comes to the aid of its citizens even with a shortage of funds to rent an apartment or pay for utilities, to buy furniture or electrical appliances. And this shows the social orientation of the state. For example, when a working person does not have enough income to rent a house, they are paid “housing”. The state returns 80% of the amount that makes up the lease. And this is especially significant among all the advantages available in the country. Living in Germany means feeling the constant care of the government. After all, the allowance that goes to pay for housing is given to families free of charge.

euro and euro cents

They even take care of cats and dogs in the country. They also have a “housing right”. That is why it is impossible to meet stray animals on the streets of the country.

The state also pays benefits to women raising one or more children without a husband. In addition to the guaranteed minimum, they receive 220 euros for each child under 12 years of age. There are benefits for full families. And even in cases where both father and mother work, they will receive payments for each of the children until they are 27 years old, but only if they are students or students. The amount is also 220 euros per child.

The Germans, who were left without work for any objective reasons (reduction, rather than dismissal of their own free will), for another two years receive from the state a benefit of 65% of their previous salary. Anyone who cannot continue to find a job receives 400 euros from the government. In addition, the state pays them health insurance and rental housing. Not only native Germans have the right to apply for such unemployment benefits, but also those who have arrived in the country for permanent residence and are eligible for employment, as well as refugees.

And how do pensioners live in Germany? The attitude of the state towards these people cannot but cause admiration. The government also takes care of those with disabilities. For these categories of citizens there are a large number of rehabilitation centers, clubs, excursion bureaus, as well as points where medical assistance can be provided. Moreover, they are all located in the most picturesque and prestigious areas of German cities.

German pensioners

How do pensioners and people with disabilities live in Germany? These people are entertained and treated, arranged excursions for them and taken to rest, take care of them, and at the same time, the state pays all expenses. Any pensioner and disabled person is entitled to a social subsistence minimum of 400 euros. In addition, the state pays for medicines and medical care, housing rental and utilities, as well as transportation costs. On average, pensioners who, upon reaching a well-deserved rest, had the necessary work experience and received the usual salary at work, accrue approximately 2 thousand euros per month. Such financial support allows older people to travel around the world and buy real estate abroad, profitably investing the savings collected over the entire working age.


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Negative sides

So is it possible to live in Germany and be absolutely happy person? Of course, ordinary people have to deal with various problems. Consider the main disadvantages. Living in Germany is uncomfortable because of the following:

  1. Mobile connection. It is supported by private firms competing with each other. All these companies set up communication towers near large cities. And it is worth the residents of the country to move only a few kilometers from Berlin to relax in nature, and they will be deprived of mobile communications there.
  2. Tax systems. She is quite complicated in Germany. Understanding tax legislation is only possible with the help of a specialist. And his services are not cheap. But even without this tax advisor, it’s hard to figure out the payment of required amounts. Indeed, you do not have to pay taxes at all to a certain salary level, and if one more euro is added, then you will have to give the state in full. So it turns out that those who have more on paper can get less on their hands.
  3. German bureaucratic apparatus. It is not without reason that Germany is called the country of pieces of paper. For each document, the official will necessarily ask for a supporting document, to which another must be attached.

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