Using the footnotes in the diploma, you can explain some data, express your thoughts, and quote, which is very much appreciated in academic work. There are different ways of designing, numbering and designation. Consider the most common of them.
How to indicate footnotes in a diploma?
There are two main ways to do this:
- Use the asterisks "*", which are placed in upper case after the desired word. Since it is hardly possible to place more than five icons in the text, this method is not very popular. Every time you need to spend time counting stars. If the pages have shifted during layout, you need to revise the entire system of footnote layout and numbering. Sheer inconvenience.
- Using Arabic numerals in upper case at the end of a word. This raises the problem of numbering footnotes in a diploma. Let's try to figure it out.
How to number footnotes?
There are several numbering methods that are related to the location in the text.
The first, most inconvenient, is often found in scientific collections and monographs. In them, all footnotes to a section are gathered together and placed at the end of it. The beauty of the way is that after this section comes the next one. You, as a reader, must find the end of the chapter you need, lay it, and look in there when you encounter each footnote.
It is easy to guess that such footnotes have their own numbering system, separate from neighboring chapters. The fact is that all paragraphs are written sequentially, and often not in the order in which they are then grouped in the final version of the work. It is easy to notice that the footnotes in the text of the chapters are made immediately - if only because it is generally human to forget many important things, and from where it comes from up to the page and year of publication and even more so. If so, it is necessary to number immediately, since the text will contain links to its footnotes.
Another reason to introduce such specific numbering is the technology of printing work. In the XIX century, when the system of footnotes took shape, there were professional typists who issued no more than two or three typos per page. Since they always lacked money, each of them took a side job. As a rule, manuscripts were given to these typists, and they quickly, without particularly thinking about the content, mechanically reprinted the text. For speed, the business was entrusted to several workers, each of whom took their own section. It is clear that the footnotes were numbered separately.
A variant of the indicated method of placing footnotes is their transfer to the end of the whole work. The numbering remained the same, divided into chapters. Now the reader had to delve not in the middle, but at the end of the work, trying to figure out whether he was looking at that section.
How else can you make a footnote
There is another, most inconvenient way to post notes. In this case, the entire bibliography is numbered (this is done in the list of references), and the footnote is not made to a specific publication, but to a number indicating the page. Such a note is not placed at the end of the paragraph, not at the bottom, but directly in the text.
For example, (12, p. 88) or [12, p. 88], where “12” denotes the publication indicated in the list of references at the end of the work, and “88” denotes the page of this work.
This method is explained by printing poverty, for example, the lack of appropriate means for typing with notes and footnotes. Undoubtedly, the whole printing procedure is greatly simplified for the author - there is no need to coordinate the numbering and calculate whether there is enough space to place footnotes, or it is time to go to another page.
However, the very need to remember which article of the author is numbered 76, to look into the work to find out, few people will like it. And teachers at the beginning of the first academic semester honestly say that this is not necessary.
For this reason, the most acceptable way to place footnotes, commonly used in the design of academic works, is used most often - at the bottom of the page, under the horizontal line. This causes some inconvenience when typing. You have to calculate in advance how many notes will be on the page and how many lines will need to be taken for them. However, with the advent of computer typing, the problem disappeared in principle, since all these operations are performed automatically.
In this case, the only problem remains - how to number them. The fact is that, in principle, two methods compete: pass-through throughout the work and on each page is separate. In the second case, difficulties arise with internal links. For example, you need to refer to a certain footnote - just so as not to repeat the argument. If you have pagination of footnotes, you will write (see p. 23 note 6). But there will be problems with the page number, since it will finally be clear only when printed.
Therefore, it is most convenient to use end-to-end numbering, in which it is enough to indicate “see footnote 123” so that it is clear what you are referring to.
How to draw up footnotes in a diploma?
In order for the work to be rated excellent, even notes must be correctly placed in it. To print them, a smaller font is used than in the main text. The following data is usually displayed in a note:
- surname and initials of the author of the book to which you refer;
- volume name
- heading, subheading or paragraph (after the colon);
- information about editors, translators;
- publishing house, year of release.
Here is an example of a footnote in a diploma:
1. Kulibin G. N. The number of sheep in the economy of livestock farmers in the Far North: Features of breeding. Yakutia: Selkhozizdat, 1990 .-- S. 138.
If the link is given to compare your point of view with someone else's, similar, original, or, conversely, typical, it is customary to explain "Cf .:".
In order to show that this subject and the scientific problems associated with it are familiar to you and you do not cover them just because there is no place for this, it is customary to write "For more details see:".
Proper design and placement of footnotes in the diploma will increase the chances of getting a good mark for the work.