The meaning and characteristics of the name of Andrew

This name comes from the Greek root word "andros", which means "husband, man, brave, courageous". It is popular in many countries and although it is pronounced everywhere in different ways, the characteristic of Andreiโ€™s name is the same: the person so named will be a reliable support, a devoted friend and a wonderful caring husband.

Name origin

It has already been said about what the name Andrei means: it has Greek roots and was widespread in Byzantium, and in Russia it became popular after Christianity was adopted. It was believed that a child so named would be protected by a guardian angel. And this is no accident, because in the history there are many saints whose name was Andrey. For example, Andrew the First-Called is the Holy Apostle who is recalled on December 13, Andrew Bogolyubsky is the Holy One who cared for the sick and poor, Andrei Stratilat.

Andrew: the meaning of the name, character

The boy named so in childhood is very mobile and naughty. Andrey is very energetic and dreamy, he has a good imagination, likes to argue, to uphold his opinion. The child is very diligent and executive, if he promised something, he will do everything to fulfill it. She studies well at school, participates in various activities and gets along well with classmates. A cheerful and sociable person, he can make friends with anyone, girls like it. Andrei is a true friend, you can always rely on him, he will never let you down. But itโ€™s not worth it to offend this person, he doesnโ€™t forgive such a person.

Characteristic of the name of Andrei in love

In relations with the fair sex, a person with that name is not constant. He can look after and be gentle with the lady of his heart, and on the next day not notice her at all. He can choose a wife as a beauty, without worrying about her inner world and character. The advice and parting words of relatives about his beloved Andrei, as a rule, is ignored. He needs the constant attention of his wife, so he chooses a sociable and beautiful girl as his wife. For a family union, Andrei is well suited for women with the names: Elizabeth, Larisa, Elena, Claudia, Irina, Natalia. An undesirable alliance with Olga, Julia, Oksana, Zoya, Sophia.

Professional profile named after Andrey

Due to their determination, these people often achieve great success in their work. Andrei, who were born in winter, are more attracted to art and choose a creative profession, they can become artists, actors or directors. If a person with this name was born in the fall, then he can succeed in business. His rational approach to business will be appreciated by his superiors. The greatest successes in this area can be achieved by Andrei with the patronymic of Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, and Alekseevich.

Interesting facts about the name:

- Andrew's zodiac signs: Cancer and Sagittarius;

- planets: Uranus, the Sun;

- name colors: lilac, steel, dark brown, bright red;

- a stone protecting Andrei - amethyst or amber;

- plants: anemone and fir;

- animal - reed lynx (cat).

Famous Andrei

The characterization of the name of Andrey indicates that among his namesakes there are many creative personalities. Indeed, among the famous people with this name there are many painters, writers, directors and actors. Here are some of them: A. Rublev - a painter, A. Platonov - a writer, A. Bely - a poet, A. Mironov - an actor, A. Makarevich - singer, composer, TV presenter, and many others.

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