Rubber Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000: owner reviews, photos and specifications

The choice of high-quality winter tires can be a difficult burden even for the most experienced driver. The fact is that you need to make a choice between many brands and models, taking into account your own desires, capabilities, conditions and driving style. The region in which the driver resides or most often travels plays a significant role. A large number of automotive-related information resources are intended to help such people, but, unfortunately, quite often you can find information there that the manufacturer wants to distribute, even if it does not correspond to reality. As a result, these data may simply not be enough for an objective assessment.

In this case, other drivers who already had the opportunity to ride one or another rubber and can leave feedback about it can help. The Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 will be the model and subject of this review. Based on information from open sources, we will analyze the quality of this model, and we will also be able to highlight the scope of its application. Since this model has been released for a long time, it will not be difficult to find suitable reviews.

Brief rubber information

The first time the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 205 * 65 R15 model was released back in 2008 and immediately attracted the attention of experienced motorists. The use of the latest available technologies and innovative solutions during its development served as the key to the fact that it remains relevant until now. Moreover, at the moment it is still supplied by the manufacturer to stores, which means that they continue to produce it, and not just sell the leftovers.

The very name of this rubber is speaking and encourages that it is intended for use in the winter season. The Japanese especially tried to adapt to the harsh Russian conditions, developing a rough tread pattern design and a special chemical formula for the composition of the rubber compound. How much they managed to achieve positive results, we can see closer to the end of the article. And now let's take a look at the main features of the bus elements.

bridgestone ice cruiser 5000 review

Intended use of the center tread strip

At the first glance at the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 winter tires, it immediately becomes clear that it was designed to survive in harsh conditions. The central strip, made of large interconnected elements, encircles the rubber along its entire length. Its special structure allows you to fight simultaneously with several shortcomings.

The whole structure was thought out for a reason. The result was an improvement in the overall strength of the tire, which resulted in an increase in abrasion resistance. If the rubber from acceleration runs into a rather sharp obstacle, the probability of a puncture or cut is reduced, because due to the central rib, the load is evenly distributed to neighboring tread blocks.

However, this approach did not prevent the manufacturer from effectively using this element in order to increase rowing characteristics. So, on the edges of the strip on the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 185 * 65 R15 there is a "Christmas tree" pattern that perfectly improves the dynamic characteristics of the tire. And do not forget that it is this part that provides directional stability in a rectilinear motion.

tires bridgestone ice cruiser 5000 reviews

The main elements of the tread

On the sides of the central strip are tread elements that smoothly transition into the shoulder region and, in fact, form a single whole with it. Along the center there are two continuous lamellas, which have a large width and are designed for high-quality removal of moisture and dirt from the spot of contact with the roadway. Large tread blocks of the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 winter tire, in turn, are separated by lamellas that are almost perpendicular to the center, which not only increases efficiency during acceleration, but also makes it possible to use cutting edges during emergency braking on a loose surface, not allowing the wheel to slip and go into skidding.

Stud Features

The Japanese tried to make rubber, which does not require investment during operation. Therefore, high-quality mounting studs on the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 was given special attention. When they were placed on the tread surface, the capabilities of computer modeling systems were used, which made it possible to add six effective rows that are constantly in contact with the track surface. All these factors have led to a higher traction with slippery roads, whether it is ice or rolled snow.

The extreme two rows are located almost on the shoulder zones. This was done in order to maximize the area of ​​contact with the track during sharp turns, as well as maneuvering in a rut so that the spikes could cling to the edges of the ice growths along its edges. Thus, maintaining a safe speed, you can easily overtake those who ride too slowly, and at the end of the maneuver, without risk, return to the track.

bridgestone ice cruiser 5000 205 55 r16

Large tread width - higher contact area

As with any tire, the contact area with the track of the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 205 * 55 R16 model is limited by natural physics. In order to at least slightly increase it, it was decided to slightly extend the tread blocks. You can see for yourself what came of it. As official data show, the work surface at any given time has become 16 percent larger compared to previous models. Thus, a simple move made it possible to increase the dynamic, rowing and coupling characteristics of the tire without any special costs.

However, this is not all the benefits of an innovative solution. So, the increased tread blocks began to wear out more slowly due to the uniform distribution of the load. This could make the entire tire even more durable.

Drawing of lamellas and its purpose

One of the main elements that effectively manifest themselves during acceleration, as well as starting from a loose surface, is a set of cutting edges. They, in turn, form a web of lamellas. In the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 model, the performance is enhanced by a modern three-dimensional structure, which definitely brings positive results.

And yet, if we talk specifically about the grooves, then their main task is to divert water, mud or snow porridge from the point of contact of the wheel with the road surface. And this rubber does an excellent job, because it has a fairly wide slots that can fit in and squeeze a large amount of unwanted liquid to the edges.

Another use for lamellas is when driving on loose snow. Then they go into action, collecting it inside themselves, and at the moment of scrolling the wheels pushing out. This allows you to maintain maneuverability and dynamics even with fairly deep freshly fallen snow. This feature comes in handy when driving along country dirt roads, especially during the thaw, when it erodes them.

bridgestone ice cruiser 5000 owner reviews

Two-component rubber compound

In order to increase the overall strength of the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 tire , the user reviews of which we will consider at the end of the article, it was decided to create it using two different rubber compounds. The first, from which the tread was made, was softer. This approach allows him to maintain excellent driving properties even during severe frosts. And the addition of silicic acid solved the problem with premature wear, because it is responsible for a stronger bond of the components at the molecular level.

The main structure is molded from rubber having a higher strength. Add a thick cord here - and a cocktail from a combination of the best features is ready. The use of hard rubber allowed us to make the sides of the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 205 * 55 R16 more durable, and protect the working surface from punctures and cuts.


The manufacturer took into account the fact that modern cars have a large number of size requirements, so I tried to make the size grid as complete as possible. That is why you will almost always be able to find an option that meets the technical parameters set forth in the operating manual of your car, if the diameter of the disc is kept between 13 and 18 inches. It is the dimensions that the manufacturer focuses on, since it is this rubber that is positioned as passenger and is not intended for heavier cars, such as large SUVs or minibuses.

The Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 lineup, the photos of which you have already seen, includes more than 60 sizes, each of which is available in most stores both in stock and on order. The relatively low cost, which starts with a small amount of 2,000 Russian rubles, complements the pleasant picture.

bridgestone ice cruiser 5000 photo

Positive reviews of drivers about tires

So it is time to compare the information provided by the manufacturer and its advertisers with the real situation described by the drivers in their reviews of the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000. Let's start with the positive points, among which the main ones are the following:

  • Proper arrangement of lamellas. Thoughtfulness in this matter not only gave an advantage when driving on loose snow, but also reduced the likelihood of aquaplaning when abruptly entering a puddle. This feature is especially useful during prolonged thaws.
  • The enlarged contact patch increased adhesion to the surface, which positively affected the stability and dynamics of the rubber.
  • High-quality fixing of thorns. Drivers do not really have to invest extra money and regularly stud the tires, as falling out of the spikes is a rare occurrence.
  • A well-thought-out spike placement system. Another aspect regarding this element. According to reviews about the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 tire, it is thanks to it that rubber behaves well even when driving on absolutely slippery surfaces.
  • High wear resistance. The expansion of the area of ​​contact with the track and the use of high-quality rubber compound makes it possible not to change the rubber every season, even for those who operate it quite intensively.
  • Reasonable cost. Since the model is far from new, the price for it is relatively low and affordable even for not very prosperous drivers who still want to put safe branded rubber on their car.
  • Resistant to damage. The use of a tougher rubber compound increased the service life of the tires, as they began to withstand hitting obstacles with sharp edges and resist punctures and cuts.

As you can see from this impressive list, which did not include all the advantages, the tires are quite worthwhile, and you can already decide on the purchase of the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000. Bridgestone winter tires have some disadvantages that should not be ignored.

bridgestone ice cruiser 5000 spike

Cons model based on reviews

The main drawback, however, as well as other studded options, the drivers in their reviews of the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 called quite a lot of noise caused by the friction of the spikes on the surface of the track. It is especially felt when driving on clean asphalt. If you are not ready to put up with him, then the best choice would be to purchase another model that does not have spikes.

The second rather significant minus is the rubber muffling at too low temperatures. Therefore, residents of the northern regions may think how practical such a purchase can be, since the feedback from the owners about the Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 living in that area is quite often negative.

bridgestone ice cruiser 5000 205 65 r15


The Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 5000 model, the reviews of which we just analyzed, although it was released a long time ago, still has not lost its relevance. Choosing it taking into account the minuses, you will be satisfied with your purchase, given the not very high cost. The main thing is, after the purchase, do not forget to properly roll it for the first hundreds of kilometers, and it will serve you for many years.

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