Missing milk. What to do with insufficient lactation?

A young mother, enjoying communication with her baby, may suddenly discover that she has lost milk. What to do in such a situation? First of all, do not panic, because stress does not contribute to the establishment of lactation. It is necessary to find out if there really is a problem, and if so, whether it is systemic or temporary.

missing milk what to do

Is the baby worried and often asks for breasts? And when he takes it, quickly throws it and cries? This happens at a very young age, and most often the problem is not that the milk disappears from a nursing mother. The child may be disturbed by colic, constipation, he can simply be calmed by intimacy with the chest and the smell of his own person, especially if he does not have a dummy. A little later, problems with feeding can become a sign of teething, so do not panic ahead of time.

Another sign of a possible violation of lactation, the mother may consider the fact that she does not feel the filling of the breast and, for example, expressing does not give a result. This is also no reason to worry, because in the established mode, exactly as much milk is produced as the child needs. In order to check whether the baby is really malnourished, you can weigh it before and after each feeding. This way you can really make sure that the milk is missing. What to do in this case? There are several options.

why milk is missing

Firstly, you need to eliminate any negative factors: stress, lack of sleep, etc. All household chores need to be temporarily put in the background, the nursing mother should rest as much as possible. Secondly, you can resort to such "helpers" as teas and homeopathic remedies that stimulate lactation. Also, mom should fully eat and drink enough fluid. Green tea with milk and, in general, dairy products are traditionally considered to be a good way to eliminate such problems. An important factor is the frequent attachment to the chest, even if it is inconclusive, this also stimulates lactation.

Why is milk missing? There can be many reasons for this: stress, chronic fatigue, feeding the mixture. Yes, yes, in her desire to calm the baby, mom can do herself a disservice. Many children, after trying the bottle mixture, refuse to return to the chest. Some still do not behave this way, but their minority, therefore it is better not to risk it.

Sometimes a nursing mother, even an experienced one, who, it would seem, had perfectly adjusted lactation, also experiences problems and discovers that milk is missing. What to do with it? Also take it calmly. As a rule, from the moment of birth and up to about a year, 2-3 such crises occur, but they are rarely long-term. It is very important at this moment not to give up and not switch to the mixture - breastfeeding will actually be completed. To prevent this from happening, you need to be as calm as possible about the fact that milk is missing.

milk is lost by a nursing mother

What if, nevertheless, at some point, my mother gave up and fed the baby with a mixture? Get back to your chest as quickly as possible. If the baby refuses, you can use special lining for feeding, they make it easier to suck. You can also use SNS systems - with the help of them you can leave your baby full, and also stimulate lactation. This is an ideal solution for those who can not establish normal breastfeeding in any way.

It must be remembered that mother's milk is an ideal food for babies until about six months. Its composition adapts to the needs of a particular child, so it is so important to breastfeed, if there is such an opportunity. And the most universal way to establish lactation is constant application.

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