Home-brewing for beginners: equipment, recipes, technology

The recommendations offered in this article, allowing you to master the home-brewing for beginners, will help to get high-quality alcoholic beverages that will not lead to poisoning.

Home brewing for beginners

Moonshine is obtained subject to the temperature regime at all stages of production. Many people ask the question: "How to master home brewing, where to start its production?"

You can note the main points:

  • selection and preparation of initial raw materials;
  • fermentation process;
  • distillation;
  • purification;
  • refinement, during which the drink is given a certain taste, aroma and color.

Home-brewing for beginners can result in a low-quality drink. The output of a muddy alcohol with a bad smell is the result of a deviation from the rules of preparation. Therefore, it is required to highlight the main stages. So, let's talk about moonshining. Where to begin?

Home brewing where to start

The selection of initial raw materials

Typically, when choosing raw materials as the main criterion, its availability is taken, that is, saving money. Often sugar is taken as the basis. This product is valuable and nutritious. Depending on the location of the area in which the drink is made, starch, various grains, beets, potatoes can be taken instead of sugar.

What to choose - distiller or rectifier?

Home-brewing for beginners involves resolving the question: "Which device to choose?" All distillation devices, which are represented by industry, can be divided into distillers and distillation columns. Many different units are presented on the website www.zasamogon.ru. Home-brewing for beginners is widely covered on it.

  • Distillers are classical devices, the design of which was invented several centuries ago. The basis of their functioning is the heating of alcohol to a boil and the further condensation of its vapors in a cooling coil.
  • Rectifiers are devices that have appeared relatively recently. They are based on laboratory invented installations, with the help of which pure alcohol is obtained. When distilling mash through this device, very strong alcohol is obtained. This cannot be achieved with a distiller, even with numerous distillations.

To determine which device is right for you, you must answer the question of what you want to get: pure alcohol or classic drinks that preserve the natural taste of the raw materials?

What is the volume of drink received?

Do not forget about the level of performance. Before purchasing, you must decide how many liters of drink you want to receive at the exit at a time. If you do not need large volumes, then it is advisable to purchase a 13-liter apparatus for moonshine. For one distillation, it makes it possible to obtain 3 liters of distillate. However, if you want to get more moonshine, then you should pay attention to 35-liter units.

How to heat a cube for haul?

If the house has a gas stove, then the heating process will not be problematic. But if you are the owner of an electric or induction cooker, then certain difficulties may arise, since in this case the distillation cube must have an absolutely flat bottom. This is necessary for maximum coupling with the heating element. And the standard modification device will not be suitable.

Especially for this case, special models of devices suitable for induction cookers and electric heaters have been developed. For example, the brand "Ivanovich-Lux" can be noted.

A separate problem is the presence of running water at the place of home brewing. Undoubtedly, cold water from the tap is supplied in almost all modern dwellings, and if you are home-brewing at home, there are no problems with the flow of water.

But if you are resting in a country house and going to cook mash right there? In this case, the flow of running water can be problematic. To solve this problem, special models have also been invented that function without running water.

Is a steamer needed or not?

What should be noted in such a process as home brewing for beginners? Sukhoparnik is an integral attribute of the process. Its other name is a reflux condenser (or a sump). It is needed in order to prevent heavy fusel oils from getting into the moonshine during the distillation process. This device provides good taste and physical qualities of moonshine at the exit. The drink is obtained without impurities and does not have extraneous odors.

Home brewing for beginners steamer

Also, using a reflux condenser, you can give the drink a pleasant aroma. For this purpose, before distillation, citrus peel is placed in the container.

In sedimentation tanks with a vertical collet, the level of purification of moonshine is much higher. Recently, devices with double steamers have become very popular.

Will I need a thermometer?

Undoubtedly, like a reflux condenser, a thermometer is very necessary for home brewing. It is known that the boiling point of alcohol and water is in the middle between the boiling points of each of these two substances. Knowing this feature, many resort to compiling their own tables to control the temperature at which distillation proceeds. The output is a product with a higher level of quality.

However, there are supporters of traditional methods in moonshining, where the presence of a thermometer is not a prerequisite. But every day there are fewer such lovers. In this case, it all depends on the taste of the manufacturer. He should choose: to get a moonshine still with or without a thermometer.

What will be needed for making mash?

To do this, you must stock up:

  • a fermentation tank made of food material (plastic, glass, stainless steel, aluminum milk can is also suitable);
  • hydraulic shutter;
  • alcohol yeast;
  • water
  • sugar.

Preparation for the process

If you decide to resort to using a 30-liter capacity for fermentation, then it will turn out about 25 liters of mash. First of all, bottled water is purchased. You can take water from the pipes, but it must be filtered. Spring or well water is also applicable . It will take 20 liters.

Water should be slightly warmed up. It should be brought to about 40 degrees. Sugar dissolves more easily in warm water. 5 kg of granulated sugar is poured into the water in a ratio of 1: 4 and thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved.


Next, yeast is prepared for application. It is better to use special ones, as compared with those used in baking, these have a number of advantages:

  • The smell from them is much less and, as a rule, pleasant, which affects the taste of the mash.
  • Significantly less foam is formed.
  • Special yeast shows resistance to alcohol. Braga will become stronger, and the product will get more output.
  • Yeast for alcohol during the fermentation process emit less impurities.

In a case like home brewing for beginners, the proportion of dry yeast is very important. Calculating their number is very simple. For 1 liter of wort you will need about 3.5-4.5 g of alcoholic yeast. It turns out that for 23 liters of mash you will need 80-100 g.

Home-brewing for beginners proportion of dry yeast

In a small bowl, pour 1 liter of warm, but not hot water, about 35 degrees. 50 g of sugar dissolves in it. Then yeast is introduced. After some time, bubbles will appear on the surface. This means that the yeast began to ferment.

It is necessary to wait about a quarter of an hour and pour the resulting mixture into the prepared wort. The container should be hermetically sealed and put a water seal. A small amount of water is poured into it.

Fermentation will begin in about half an hour. The first two days the mash should be mixed, since on top it is covered with a film, which prevents the flow of oxygen.

Fermentation activity is monitored by the operation of the hydraulic shutter. If gurgling is often heard from it, then fermentation is active. The process can last up to 3 weeks. You can also determine its end by the activity of the shutter.

Mash at the exit should not be sweet, otherwise - not all sugar has been processed, and yeast will need to be added to continue fermentation. This will help the device that measures the amount of sugar. It should have an indicator of 0-2%.

When the drink is ready, it must be put in a cold place, but not in the cold, to clarify. If this is not possible, then just let it settle for a couple of days so that the fermenting yeast precipitates.

Distillation process

The settled mash is poured into a cube for haulage. This is done with a hose so as not to raise the precipitate from the yeast. The tank of the moonshine still is filled by three quarters. For example, 9 liters of mash are poured into a 12-liter container. Then the distiller is installed per cube, and the moonshine still is placed on the stove, cooling water is supplied and the refrigerator is filled with it.

We wait until the thermometer column rises to 80 ° C, after which the water starts. The first drops will appear at a temperature of 80–83 ° .

The primary product is by no means drunk. In the terminology of moonshiners, it is called the “head. Its basis is low-boiling poisons (acetone and methanol). With 9 l of mash, about 130 ml of the first drops are taken, which should be poured.

Next, a product is selected, for which the whole process was carried out. It is called the "heart." The selection continues until in the stream (drops from the apparatus that did not fall into the container for moonshine) the alcohol does not have a rate of 40%. It is possible to determine the level of alcohol in the stream by means of an alcohol meter and a small flask (25-100 ml).

After that, the selection stops. The remainder of the mash, bard, alcohol contains a little, but there is a large amount of fusel oils. If you need to continue the selection of “tails” (moonshine with a strength of 40%), then change the capacity and continue the process until the alcohol has an indicator of 20%. Do not interfere with the “tails” and “heart” of moonshine. Tails can be poured into a cube for subsequent distillations.

A classic moonshine still usually with 9 liters of mash produces 1.5 liters of moonshine with a strength of 58–62%.

What is important to consider?

  • During the distillation process, the mash should not be allowed to heat above 96 ° C.
  • Be careful when handling gas. Moonshine with a high rate of fortress can easily catch fire, which will lead to a fire.
  • After the end of the distillation, the heating element should be turned off so as not to get burns.
  • Allow the appliance to cool.
  • Pour the waste bard.

Cleaning process

What question still arises for those who master the home brewing? For beginners, cleaning, or rather its rules, is also unfamiliar. This article will describe the most common purification method using activated carbon. Birch or coconut is used. It is advisable to use coconut charcoal, as it is more porous and will provide better cleansing.

Home-brewing for beginners

For cleaning, moonshine is passed through coal. The powder itself cannot be thrown into alcohol, because after an hour it begins to secrete aldehydes.

To filter, they resort to the use of a specialized column or funnel made of glass or stainless steel. It is not recommended to use a funnel made of plastic or charcoal filters like a jug, since alcohol interacts with plastic.

Secondary distillation

To improve the taste, the resulting alcohol is subjected to secondary distillation. It is preliminarily diluted to 20 or 30%. The process proceeds similarly to the previous method. The exception is that the “head” this time is selected in half.


The resulting product is of high quality and is used in food. If desired, the drink is given a certain taste, color and aroma.

1 liter of moonshine is taken 1 tbsp. l honey and 5 whole fruits of prunes, and 4 g of oak chips are also added. Insist should be for 3-4 weeks. Then the contents are filtered.

Improving the aroma of a drink can be achieved in many ways. Many plants contribute to this. The main thing is to know which part of it is more effective.

For example, if you use mustard, anise, caraway or dill, it is best to take seeds. If you take pepper, cardamom or vanilla, then their fruits are used. Saffron and clove inflorescences give great taste. The most fragrant plants such as marjoram, laurel and tarragon are the leaves. Cinnamon or oak bark is very suitable. If horseradish, ginger or galangal is used, then their roots are taken. Nuts can also change the smell and taste. Many use apricot kernels.

Moonshine can also be sweetened with syrups. The simplest is boiled from sugar and water in a ratio of 1: 1. The syrup is allowed to infuse for 2 weeks. Also, honey is used to add sweetness.

When syrup and honey are added, alcohol is necessarily warmed up so that gases are released from it. At the end of the gas evolution, the drink is ready for filtration.

In such a case as home-brewing for beginners, a recipe book will be most welcome. It should be noted that there are many ways to prepare this alcoholic beverage. Home brewing for beginners fb2 reveals in sufficient detail. Files with the fb2 extension are electronic books in the FictionBook format. There is also a book for those who master the home brewing. For beginners, the recipes are understandable and accessible.

How to make moonshine from jam?

How to master home brewing for beginners? From jam, the recipe is quite simple. First of all, you should put the mash, which then will turn into moonshine after distillation.

Home-brewing for beginners from jam

Such moonshine is made, as a rule, if the jar of jam has soured. You can even mix several of its types. The main thing is that it be as sweet as possible.

There are a number of ways to make such a drink, including without the use of yeast. However, it is not advisable to make moonshine without their use. In particular, this method is not recommended for beginners. The jam has already begun to ferment, and in the process sour fermentation can take over. Braga will deteriorate, and the drink will not work.

Another important detail. The jam, on the basis of which the mash will be prepared, should be cooked on sugar, and not on a substitute.

How to make moonshine from jam without sugar?

In a case like home brewing for beginners, proportions are very important. To prepare a drink according to this recipe, 6 l of fermented jam, 300 g of yeast and 30 l of water are taken.

The process consists of the following steps:

  • water is heated, and jam dissolves in it;
  • crushed yeast is poured with 0.5 l of warm water and left until the foam begins to rise;
  • water with jam cools to a temperature of 40 0 C, and a dough of yeast is poured into it;
  • everything is well mixed and covered with gauze;
  • a container with a braga is placed in a warm place and wrapped up;
  • fermentation should take place for 5 days;
  • moonshine is filtered and filtered.

How to make moonshine from jam with sugar?

What recipe can be advised for people who master brewing? For beginners, the recipe for sugar moonshine is also simple. The same ingredients are taken as in the previous recipe, only 3 kg of granulated sugar is added.

Home brewing for beginners sugar moonshine recipe

The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  • Water heats up and sugar dissolves in it.
  • Jam is added and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  • The crushed yeast is poured into 0.5 liters of warm water and infused until the foam rises.
  • The sweet solution cools to 40 0 C. A yeast dough is poured into it.
  • Everything is thoroughly mixed, and the container is closed with gauze.
  • The container is wrapped and placed in a warm place. The fermentation process takes place over 10 days.
  • Fermentation should be controlled, as it may end earlier, and the mash will turn sour. The distillation process begins at the moment when the mash acquires a bitter taste.
  • Braga is subjected to filtration and distillation.

What is often of interest to people who master moonshine for beginners: how much sugar is obtained at the exit? The drink will eventually come out 6 liters.

How to make moonshine based on jam without yeast?

This recipe involves replacing the yeast with beer.

It should take:

  • sour jam - 6 liters;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • beer - 1.2 l;
  • boiled water - 27 liters.

Jam is poured into the fermentation tank. Sugar is poured into it, beer is poured and boiled water is added , cooled to 40 0 C.

The neck of the container is covered with gauze. The container is wrapped and put in a warm place for 10 days.After the fermentation of the mash is finished, the drink is filtered and distilled into moonshine. The output is 8 liters of drink.


For all three methods of making moonshine based on jam, it is not at all necessary to take 6 liters of jam. You can take as much as you need or how much you have, the rest of the ingredients are reduced or increased in the appropriate proportion.

Tips from experienced movers

To make home-brewing for beginners error-free, you should adhere to a number of important recommendations from experienced professionals:

  • . , , , . . . , . . , , .
  • , . , , , , . .
  • To determine the readiness of the mash, you can try it. She is ready in case she has a bitter taste. If it is sweet, then the fermentation process has not yet ended.
  • So that the ferment during distillation does not get into the moonshine, then before the start of the process, pour 0.5 liters of fresh milk and add 2 tablespoons of oil.
  • The waste from the distilled mash can be saved. There are added components for a new sourdough. The quality of such moonshine is always higher.
  • If the base of the starter culture is flavored water, and fragrant herbs are in the sucker, then the moonshine at the outlet will not have a sharp specific smell.

Many useful tips can be found on the website www.zasamogon.ru. Home-brewing for beginners in this case will be easier.

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