Marriages of convenience are happy?

A wedding is the most crucial step in the life of every woman, and it is necessary to carefully and carefully choose a life partner. However, far from always young ladies, and it happens that older women are ready to listen to the call of the heart. The fact is that the call of the heart is often drowned out by a passion for material well-being - it is in such situations that marriages of convenience arise, which subsequently turn into big problems.

It is worth noting that marriage of convenience is not exclusively a female trait - some men also consider marriage a good way to improve their material well-being. But we must pay tribute to the representatives of the strong half of humanity: having properly weighed, which is better - marriage by love or by calculation, for the most part they give preference to the first option. Today we will talk about whether such a situation is possible in which marriages of convenience can become the basis for a long and happy family life.

Among young people and girls aged 20 to 30 years, according to sociologists, there is an opinion that love is not a prerequisite for marriage. Like, these are all remnants of the past, and modern man is more interested in calculation and material gain than some kind of ephemeral love that cannot be touched or put into one’s pocket. We will not touch on the moral side of this issue, but immediately note one very important point - young people simply can’t imagine how hard it is to live next to an unloved person, even with a stuffed wallet. A woman at a more mature age, getting married by calculation, consciously goes to life with an unloved person, and subconsciously feels like a victim. However, she does not understand that she makes herself this sacrifice, and whether her marriage at the price of a real family or remains a commercial transaction depends on her.

However, it would be wrong to say that marriage of convenience always means a deliberate failure and an unhappy family. Not at all - and the examples of many women confirm this. Sometimes it happens that a marriage, which from the very beginning was planned exclusively as a mutually beneficial deal, after some time became more than just cohabitation. Between people there were those feelings, which there wasn’t even a trace when they put signatures in the Marriage Register Register . And in the end, their marriage became almost perfect, combining material security and spiritual closeness, without which a full-fledged family is impossible.

So how can you make a marriage of convenience by marriage of love? To answer this question, you need to understand that love cannot be “vaccinated” or forcibly driven into a partner. This feeling can appear only by itself, without gross external influence, and a partner can contribute to its maturation, creating a comfortable atmosphere in the house and family coziness for your spouse. And this is very difficult - you need to stop considering your spouse only as a source of material well-being, and begin to see a person in him. For example, each person has his own small weaknesses - so why not spend quite a bit of time and make your partner happy by giving an unusual ashtray to his collection, or by buying two tickets to a concert of his favorite group. Obviously, these gifts will not require large material costs, but they can help create that feeling of intimacy and spiritual comfort, without which family happiness is impossible .

Also, women who, by the will of fate, had to get married by calculation, experts in the field of psychology of family relations recommend asking her husband for money as little as possible. Otherwise, he will clearly associate this action with the mercantile nature of your relationship, and it will not lead to anything good. And vice versa - the more successful you get a job and the more you can invest in the family budget - the higher the likelihood that sooner or later your spouse will see in you not just a toy bought for money, but a woman with whom he wants to live all his a life.

If you can not only follow the recommendations given, but also try to find common ground with your husband, you can be sure that your children will look at marriages by calculation with surprise, not understanding how parents might not to love each other? And perhaps you will celebrate your wedding anniversary not on the day you signed in the registry office, but when you first fell asleep nearby as a loving husband and wife.

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