How to whiten the intimate zone at home: recipes, lotions, herbal preparations, results

How to whiten the intimate zone at home, interests all women who look after themselves, strive to be attractive. According to professional dermatologists, darkening on the skin in secluded places occurs in many representatives of the fair sex. The formation of this pigmentation is not some serious health problem, but it looks extremely unpleasant, it becomes especially noticeable in the beach season. If a woman monitors the beauty of her body, then she must take care of the order in all its places. This will give her self-confidence.


When girls encounter a problem for the first time, many are lost, do not know how to act in this situation. In fact, there are many ways to whiten the intimate area at home, for this you do not even have to go to the beauty salon and spend money. It is worth noting that sooner or later, most women face a similar darkening, so this article will be relevant for many.

Not everyone understands why bleach the intimate area. And the truth is, after all, darkening of the skin is not a violation, they do not indicate health problems. In this situation, we are talking exclusively about the desire to look more attractive and desirable.

In most cases, the formation of pigmentation is caused by a variety of hereditary factors. But, besides this, darkening can appear due to such reasons:

  • exposure to chemicals (low-quality deodorant);
  • age-related changes;
  • tight linen;
  • fullness (because of this, rubbing of the inner thighs occurs);
  • individual skin features;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • exposure to certain medications.

Regardless of what factors cause this darkening of the groin, it can and should be eliminated in most cases.


True, there are some contraindications that you need to know about. The fact is that even the most harmless and simple procedure for lightening the skin in intimate places can cause some real harm.

Here are the most common cases when you have to answer your own question when it’s possible to whiten the intimate area, that you can’t do this. It is not recommended to carry out procedures in the following cases:

  • with various inflammations, exacerbation of herpes, fever;
  • during pregnancy or lactation;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • allergies to certain ingredients that are part of the healing product;
  • cracks, skin injury;
  • while taking contraceptives.

If there are no contraindications, you can begin to look for a suitable way, how to bleach the intimate area at home. You will be able to achieve even more effect if you previously carry out preparatory procedures.


Depilation method

Before bleaching the intimate area at home, it is recommended to carry out certain procedures. It is important that the body in those areas that you plan to lighten is prepared. To do this, you need to shave these places or carry out depilation.

The next step is scrubbing. This procedure will allow you to remove the dead layer of the epidermis, which will contribute to better penetration of bleaching agents, it will be possible to achieve the best effect.

We draw your attention to the fact that scrubbing can be performed both by home and purchased means. For example, in domestic conditions, use ground natural coffee or sea salt. Immediately before carrying out this procedure, you should get recommendations from your dermatologist to exclude negative consequences. Experts strongly advise you to discuss with your doctor the methods you plan to use before using them.

The main thing with these procedures is to exclude the likelihood of allergic reactions to the components of the mixtures.

Effective methods

And now we will talk about the most common ways to whiten skin in the intimate area. So, many people use a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. This is an affordable and easy to prepare tool.

It is prepared from one tablespoon of peroxide and half a teaspoon of ammonia. These components should be mixed together, and then applied to problem areas twice a week. More often than not, this is not worth doing. The mixture should be left in areas with pigmentation for five to six minutes and only then thoroughly rinse. Here's how to whiten the skin in the intimate area as efficiently as possible.

To minimize the risks of possible allergic reactions, immediately before the session, conduct an individual test for your susceptibility to the components. If within half an hour there will be no negative consequences - itching, redness, then you can safely use the product on intimate areas of the skin. This means that you have found the best tool for yourself, how to whiten the intimate area.


Mask with parsley and kefir

To combat such pigmentation, many use masks. For example, from kefir, parsley and lemon. To prepare this mask, you will need the following ingredients:

  • one teaspoon of parsley leaves;
  • one teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • one tablespoon of kefir (can be replaced with sour cream).

All these components are thoroughly mixed together. The resulting mask is applied to the pigmentation areas, and then incubated for 25 minutes. This procedure should be repeated three times a day. Then you need to take a break, and then continue again.

Natural ingredients are often used in recipes for the preparation of whitening products for the intimate area. Cucumber-based brightening cream is popular among the fair sex. It can be used not only for the intimate area, but also for any other areas of the skin. To prepare this product, you will need 25 mg of moisturizer and one fresh, peeled cucumber. Cucumber must be ground in a blender, and then mixed with cream. The resulting mixture is applied to gauze wipes, and then applied to the affected areas of the skin. After 25 minutes, the cream is washed thoroughly with warm water. Repeat the procedure three times a week every other day. Here's how to bleach the intimate area itself.

Lemon Juice and Apple Vinegar

Lemon juice

It is worth noting that most recipes use ingredients that any housewife always has on hand. So, you can quickly whiten intimate areas with a mixture of coffee grounds and lemon juice. To prepare it, mix the same amount of lemon juice and coffee grounds. With the resulting mass, treat the required areas, carefully massaging the skin in a circle. Rinse off the solution after about five to six minutes. To fix the effect, treat the skin with a moisturizing nourishing cream.

You can also bleach the intimate area of ​​the house with a paste of baking soda and apple cider vinegar. For its preparation, baking soda with vinegar is applied to the skin areas affected by pigmentation, and then wait until the product has completely dried. It is thoroughly washed off. This procedure should be carried out daily for a week.

By the way, you can lighten with the help of apple cider vinegar not only intimate zones, but also axillary hollows. Daily use of this tool will allow you to forget about these problems forever.

For oily skin

There are special tools for whitening the intimate area if you have oily skin with a significant excess of this pigment. You can add lemon juice to one tablespoon of starch and mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. As a result, you should get a consistency that looks like thick sour cream. This tool should be applied to problem areas of the skin with darkening twice a week.

Healing remedy - honey

Another recipe for whitening an intimate area at home.

Combine in equal parts table vinegar, preheated honey and lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture on steamed skin. After about fifteen minutes, the product is washed off with water.

This whitening mask will allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of pigmentation, as well as prevent its subsequent formation in most cases. To achieve the desired result, repeat the procedure should be regular.

You can also mix fat-free home-made cottage cheese with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. They should be added exactly 12 drops. The healing agent is applied to clean and dry skin, and then aged for 15 minutes. After it can be washed off with warm water. This is a very effective mask that can help get rid of even stagnant darkening that has not been removed for quite some time.

Cucumber pulp

There is another recipe for a cucumber, than you can bleach the intimate area. To do this, grind the flesh of a cucumber in a blender, and then add oatmeal flour to this product. The resulting mixture consistency should be thick and airy. The product should be applied to the skin for ten days, keeping each serving for about half an hour. Please note that this mask can be used not only in the intimate area, but also on the most delicate areas of the skin, for example, in the axillary or inguinal region. There should not be any harm from her.

You can also take two tomatoes and process them to a puree state. Before this, be sure to peel them off. This will be easy enough if you pre-rinse them with boiling water. In the resulting mashed potatoes, add two tablespoons of flour. The mixture is applied to problem areas, and after about half an hour it is washed off with warm water. Note that with the help of tomatoes you can also effectively deal with freckles and any kind of age spots.

You can also whiten the intimate area by rubbing the problem areas with a slice of lemon, ice cubes from parsley, and a sour apple.

If you have dry skin ...

If you have increased dryness of the skin, then to combat this problem you need to saturate it with moisture. Therefore, the composition of the healing product must necessarily include some component that will have a pronounced emollient effect. Please note that dry skin should not be exposed to lightening procedures too often. You can carry out no more than one procedure in two weeks.

The main thing is that if you have dry skin, do not use one peroxide or lemon, as these components will dry the skin only more.

Here is one of the recipes for whitening the intimate area. According to the reviews of users who actually used it, it has proved its effectiveness. Take liquid or warmed honey product in equal parts with lemon juice. Mix thoroughly with each other. The mixture should be applied to dry and clean areas of the epidermis, and after about 15 minutes, rinse off with any moisturizing agent.

Here is another option. Peel the cucumber from the skin, pass it through the blender. In the resulting slurry, add two tablespoons of natural yogurt or cream. If you use this remedy regularly, you will forget about dark areas of the skin throughout the body, including in the area of ​​the eyes, lips, and also in sensitive places.

You can also pour 200 ml of boiling water in one bunch of chopped parsley. Wait until the mixture cools down, strain it, and then moisten napkins in this infusion, applying them to the places of darkening. If necessary, napkins can be additionally dipped in infusion if they dry quickly. This tool is allowed to be used twice a week, it is worth half an hour to maintain it.

In the reviews, the girls praise the method based on black currant. Process a handful of unripe berries to the state of slurry, and then add liquid honey to it. Mix well. Apply the product on problem areas. After about half an hour, rinse everything thoroughly, and treat the skin with kefir.

Finally, you can use a product prepared from two tablespoons of cottage cheese, which you need to grind with one tablespoon of cream and eight drops of 3% peroxide. The mask can be used effectively with any kind of pigmentation. It is also recommended to use chamomile broth, and to restore water balance, increase the daily intake of clean water.

Normal skin type

For a normal skin type, funds are suitable that not only help whiten the skin, but also normalize the metabolism in the body. This improves the production of melanin, normalizes the body.

Sour apple

When preparing such products, you can use any recipes from components that do not cause your allergy. For example, you can grate horseradish rhizome on a grater and mix it with the flesh of a sour apple. The amount of ingredients should be equal. Due to the acid content in these products, the mixture will effectively fight freckles and dark spots.

Here's another way: combine one teaspoon of lemon juice with two tablespoons of kefir and literally a few drops of olive oil. In this product, fruit acids and a dairy product lighten any age-related pigmentation, even if they are considered to be old, for many years you did nothing to remove them. This mask is suitable for effectively getting rid of darkening after pregnancy and childbirth.

A mixture of two tablespoons of warm milk, one tablespoon of dried yeast and a teaspoon of lemon juice can be applied right before bedtime.

Finally, the famous bodyagi recipe. To prepare it, add hydrogen peroxide to the powder to make a mushy mass. Apply it to the skin with massaging movements, and after twenty minutes rinse off the product and treat the skin with a nourishing cream.

Problem skin

Essential oil

Additional difficulties may arise if you have problem skin. In this case, it is important that healing products not only deal with lightening, but also relieve irritation, rash, and eliminate inflammatory processes.

Mix the cucumber mixture with honey in equal parts. If desired, you can add a few drops of essential oil. Regularly apply this composition to permanently forget about dark areas in intimate places. Standing it costs half an hour.

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