How to disassemble the doorknob of the interior door: diagram, photo

The handle is certainly an important functional element of any door. Modern manufacturers mainly supply only high-quality hardware to the market. However, changing door handles to new ones sometimes, unfortunately, is nevertheless necessary. Some apartment owners prefer to entrust this procedure to hired craftsmen. But since, in principle, the answer to the question of how to disassemble the doorknob of the interior door is simple, you can save and cope with this procedure yourself if you wish.

When is a replacement needed?

In this article, we will in detail and consider how to disassemble the doorknob of the interior door. Photos of this operation will, of course, also be provided to the reader.

how to disassemble the doorknob of the interior door

Actually, the replacement of the interior door handle may be needed in the following cases:

  1. In case of breakage. This is one of the most common reasons for dismantling. The door handle mechanism eventually wears out either due to heavy use or as a result of rough handling. At the same time, some details fail, and the accessories cease to fulfill their basic functions.
  2. If necessary, install a new model. Technology is developing very fast these days. And therefore, door handles of an ever more advanced design periodically appear on the market.
  3. Repair in the house. It can also cause the dismantling of door handles. Indeed, during the repair, the interior of residential premises often changes in the most dramatic way. As a result, the design of old pens can bring disharmony into the design.
  4. The appearance of scuffs on the handle itself. The decorative coating of the main part of such accessories, due to intensive use, begins to wear out over time. Shabby handles of interior doors so that they do not spoil the overall impression of the interior design, of course, it is also worth replacing with new ones.

What may be required

Before proceeding with the dismantling of the door handle, you should, of course, prepare all the necessary tools. To disassemble this item, the home master will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • an awl, a nail or any other sharp and thin metal object.

Actually at the place of work, of course, you need to provide good lighting. Some structural elements of door handles are small. With a small amount of light, they can simply be lost.

how to disassemble the round doorknob of the interior door

Varieties of door hardware

How to disassemble the handle of the interior door, we will consider in detail in the article below. To begin with, let's see what, in fact, there are varieties of such accessories on the market today. After all, the method of dismantling the handle depends, of course, primarily on the features of its design. Modern doors can be supplied to the market with fittings of this group:

  • stationary;
  • rotary;
  • push.

Also, interior doors are often equipped with special handles-knobs, including those that can be locked with a key.

Stationary models

A feature of the design of this hardware is that in most cases it is in no way associated with the latch and lock. A stationary handle is used only to close and open the door. This type of hardware is attached directly to the canvas, most often with screws.

How to disassemble the interior door handle stationary

To remove the accessories of this variety from the canvas, the home master will need only a screwdriver. Remove the stationary U-shaped handle as follows:

  • unscrew the screw on the main part;
  • clean the arms.

Such a simple technique can serve as an excellent answer, including to the question of how to disassemble the pivot door doorknob. When removing such accessories, as well as usual (in the form of a bracket), the screws most often also have to be unscrewed from one side only.

how to disassemble the doorknob of the interior door photo

In some cases, the stationary handle may be supplemented by a mechanical latch. This hardware option is dismantled as follows:

  • the screw screws are carefully unscrewed;
  • decorative linings are removed;
  • a rod with a hat is removed from the metal bridge;
  • the handle is removed on one side;
  • on the other hand, a tetrahedral jumper is removed.

How to disassemble the doorknob of the interior door: a scheme for dismantling rotary fittings

Stationary structures on the doors are used very often. But many modern interior models can be equipped with easy-to-use rotary handles. The hardware of this variety consists of the following elements:

  • a knob rotating around its axis;
  • file latch or gate valve.

The angle of rotation of the knob on such handles is limited only by the magnitude of the stroke of the latch. The main advantage of the accessories of this variety is compact.

Of course, many home masters would like to learn how to disassemble the interior door handle and such a variety. Dismantling of rotary fittings is carried out according to the following procedure:

  • decorative linings are removed from the canvas;
  • the sharp end of the awl or nail is introduced into the side technological hole;
  • the pin moves away;
  • the handle itself is removed with the cap.

At the final stage, the home master needs to pry the latch and remove the decorative flange.

how to disassemble the door handle of the interior door with a latch

Push fittings

The pens of this variety are L-shaped. Mostly office interior doors are equipped with push fittings. But sometimes they supplement the canvas and household models (most often plastic). When you click on such a handle, the halyard lever begins to move, as a result of which the door opens.

How to disassemble

The dismantling of the push handle begins with the removal of the trim located next to the lever. To remove this part:

  • press the stopper of the rotary latch;
  • Pull the axle and handle.

For convenience, at this stage it is worth using an awl or nail. After the overlay is removed, you need:

  • unscrew the fixing parts of the handle screws;
  • remove the tetrahedral rod;
  • remove the second pad;
  • remove the remaining parts of the handle.


The fittings of this variety, in fact, belong to the class of rotary. However, in the design of such handles, among other things, there is an additional keyhole and a locking button.

how to disassemble the doorknob interior door scheme

Dismantling the knob

Next, let's see how to disassemble the doorknob of the interior door with a latch and a lock. To dismantle such accessories, in addition to a screwdriver, the home master will also need a special key with an emphasis. The latter usually comes with the handle itself. Disassemble the knob as follows:

  • pry off with a screwdriver and remove the trim;
  • on the opened stopper press with an awl or a nail;
  • remove the knob;
  • two screws are unscrewed from the side of the removed handle;
  • remove the freed parts of the structure.

At the final stage, unscrew the screws holding the latch. Next, you just need to remove the last from the canvas.

how to disassemble the doorknob of the interior door with a lock

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we have figured out how to disassemble the doorknob of an interior door with a lock, the usual rotary, push or stationary. All these varieties of fittings are dismantled, as you see, quite easily. However, the disassembly procedure, of course, should be done as carefully as possible. A particularly careful home foreman needs to be when using a screwdriver or an awl. Having broken, these sharp tools can very easily damage the decorative coating of the door leaf itself. And this, in turn, of course, will have an extremely negative effect on the appearance and the entire premises as a whole.

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