The beneficial effect of cosmetic procedures for facial skin is due to the fact that they well contribute to moisturizing, nourishing, cleansing and enhancing metabolic processes. Clean skin on the face guarantees the preservation of its youth and beauty. One of the main modern means that are used to cleanse the face is lotion. Previously, in ancient times, natural dry wine was used to cleanse the face, it helped to narrow the pores on the skin. Since then, the technology for the preparation of cosmetics has changed and improved. Then there were lotions that were prepared on water or alcohol. The most common immediately became cucumber lotion.
The recipes for lotions are quite simple and allow you to cook them at home. You only need to know that for dry skin , lotions are prepared on water, and alcohol lotions (on alcohol or vodka) are prepared for oily skin. Face lotion is used to disinfect and moisturize the skin, as well as to remove makeup. It helps in removing contaminants and excess fat, has an anti-allergenic composition. Compositions prepared at home should be kept in the refrigerator, as their shelf life is short, usually up to two days.
Home-made cucumber lotion has long been in the category of the most popular cosmetics. Vitamins B, C, A are present in cucumbers in large quantities, acids - pantothenic, tartronic, sodium salts of magnesium, calcium, iron and silicon. They also contain fiber, phosphorus, sulfur and iodine. You can even wipe the skin with just a piece of cucumber, and it becomes soft and radiant. Therefore, lotions, which include cucumber, cosmetologists consider the most effective. For example, if you use Zenerit and Setafil lotion to combat acne on your face, then a cucumber lotion prepared at home can compete with them. In addition to cleansing and nourishing the skin, the cucumber has a whitening effect, helps get rid of freckles and age spots.
The recipe for such a tool is very simple. Grate the cucumbers on a coarse grater until their number reaches half a glass, then add the same amount of alcohol or vodka. You need to insist in a cool room (you can in the refrigerator) for two weeks. After ready, the infusion should be squeezed and transferred to another container for use. The resulting infusion is well suited for the use and care of oily skin.
To care for dry skin, cucumber lotion is prepared according to a different recipe. Grated in the same amount of cucumber should be diluted in equal proportions with boiled water. For every 100 milliliters of the resulting composition, add one teaspoon of glycerin. The resulting product will help you take care of dry skin.
There are more sophisticated recipes for skin care products using cucumbers. You need to take four tablespoons of grated cucumber, add a tablespoon of finely chopped lemon peel and add two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice to them. Pour all the resulting mass with a glass of vodka. The dishes should be tightly closed and insisted for two to three weeks. Then you need to strain the infusion, dilute with a little boiled water and add a spoonful of honey and one egg white to it. This cucumber lotion can be used daily for oily skin type.
In case of dry skin there is a rather interesting recipe. First, cut a small cucumber into cubes, pour it with one glass of boiling milk, boil for about five minutes. Strain the mass after cooling. You can also use cucumber juice for dry skin . It must be poured into ice molds, frozen and wiped with these cubes every morning face.