Eye cream

The most delicate skin of a person is around the eyes. She is always in sight and constantly exposed to the environment. It is difficult to care for her, and many even forget to do it. As a result of such negligence, dark circles, swelling under the eyes and small wrinkles appear.

It is necessary to care for the skin of the eyelids from at least 25 years old, and preferably a few years earlier.

eye cream

The appearance of the above symptoms may be cause for concern, because they may be the result of any disease. For example, impaired renal function. In order to eliminate doubts, you must consult a doctor.

If everything is in order with health, then the cause of the appearance of dark circles can be excessive exposure to the sun, wind, stress, a long stay at the computer and, of course, age. A cream for the skin around the eyes will help to cope with these problems. It may have a different composition depending on the problem that it is intended to solve.

As a rule, a good cream for the skin around the eyes contains fruit acids. These substances repair and treat damaged skin cells. Such creams quickly cope with skin pigmentation and swelling.

eye cream cream reviews

Effectively fights dark circles with a cream for the skin around the eyes, which has peptides in its composition. This substance brightens and smoothes the skin, eliminating the signs of aging. The most effective in this case are: haloxyl, chrysin, palmitol. Thanks to these ingredients, the cream reduces the amount of subcutaneous fluid and stimulates the circulation of lymph.

Eye cream for young skin should contain as many natural ingredients as possible. The chemical compounds that make up most creams can harm delicate skin and even trigger an allergic reaction.

An example of useful components is retinol and vitamin K. The cause of the appearance of dark circles can be a deficiency of this vitamin, as well as antioxidants. In addition to a suitable cream, fresh vegetables and fruits will help to cope with this problem. They are able to saturate the body with vitamin B12. In addition, you should drink as much fluid as possible. It will accelerate the metabolism in the body, thereby preventing its accumulation under the skin.

Anti-aging cream for the skin around the eyes, reviews about them for the most part indicate effectiveness, should contain retinol. This amazing component smoothes and tightens the skin, hides wrinkles and prevents their appearance.

eye cream for young skin
A cream for the skin around the eyes containing retinol must be selected especially carefully. It is best to consult a doctor before use. A good dermatologist will be able to determine the required dose of retinol in the cream. If it is too high, then the delicate skin of the eyelids may react poorly to this, itching, allergies and so on will appear. Retinol in combination with glycolic acid exfoliates dead skin particles and prevents pigmentation.

Eye cream is a very important part of complex care. He should be in the makeup bag of every girl and woman.

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