Postpartum problems: how to tighten the stomach?

Well, what woman doesn’t dream of having a beautiful, flat, tightened belly? What does she not do to make her dream come true. Exhausting diets and regular training, a range of exercises and special exercises help the weaker sex to achieve the intended goal. But usually after childbirth, the stomach loses its elasticity and sag. How to tighten the stomach after childbirth and restore its elasticity? Let's try to find the answer to this question.

Why does the stomach lose elasticity after childbirth

For a long nine months, the female body is changing. The baby, located in the womb, develops and grows. With it grows her tummy. It is important that the baby was not crowded and as comfortable as possible.

Human skin can stretch. Support and do not allow her sagging muscle tissue. At the same time, if you do not maintain the muscles in proper shape, then over time they become lethargic and weak. If we are talking about how to remove the postpartum belly, then there are some nuances. It should be noted that for women who did not train their abs and abdominal muscles before pregnancy, it is more difficult to make their tummy elastic after giving birth. Although, everything is human.

During pregnancy, a woman should take care of her unborn baby. She is not allowed physical activity and all kinds of strength exercises. The slightest pressure on the press can lead to miscarriage or bleeding. Therefore, as if I didn’t want to train, you should forget about this while carrying the child. And after childbirth - just the time to do the restoration of your body.

Which method is more effective

There are several methods that give advice on how to tighten your stomach after giving birth. Which one is more effective is hard to say. Training will help one woman, another diet, a third - everything will fall into place after a certain period of time.

It should also be said right away that you do not need to follow the instructions and requirements of one single method that advises how to tighten your stomach. This issue should be approached comprehensively. And there will be a result.

Stage One - Nutrition

The first thing a woman needs to change is a food plan. Yes, nutrition and strict adherence to meals is the first step towards ideal forms. After pregnancy, especially if a woman is breastfeeding, there can be no question of any diet. However, her nutrition should be balanced. During the day, she should eat healthy carbohydrates, proteins and some fats. It is also important to drink enough liquid, pure water. Late dinner is an enemy for a female figure.

Stage Two - Sleep

Yes, it is a healthy and full sleep that is part of the recovery process of the female body in the postpartum period. A woman should sleep as much as her body requires.

Stage Three - Training

No, it's not about going to gyms or a fitness center. Just a few minutes of home workout per day will not only help strengthen muscles, but also speed up the recovery process after childbirth. If you are interested in how to tighten your stomach correctly and effectively, then get a good habit to start the day with morning exercises: tilts, turns, jumps and tension of the abdominal muscles. The morning exercise in duration should be no more than 5 minutes. Also during the day, you should remember again about the training. Start with a light workout to help your muscles warm up. Next, perform several turns of the case in different directions, inclinations, lunges. After - be sure to take a prone position, shake the press.

It helps a lot in how to tighten the abdomen, the usual tension of the abdominal muscles in the supine position. By the way, these exercises can be done at any time: when you wake up or fall asleep, when you just relax, lying down, or wash, for example, dishes. The exercise is simple. Pull your stomach, tighten your abs and pick your buttocks. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for 20 seconds, then exhale quickly through your mouth. After exhalation, do not rush to relax, let the muscles work a little more.

In addition to nutrition, training and healthy sleep, other methods will help in tightening your stomach. For example, massage or baths with aromatic products, showers or rubdowns. Only you need to do everything in a complex, and then the stomach will become elastic again.

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