Divine revelations came from the hands of sacred authors and were originally written on a thin papyrus or parchment scroll. Instead of pens, a pointed reed stick was used, which was dipped in special ink. Such books were more like a long ribbon, which was wound on a pole. At first, they were scribbled on only one side, but later they began to be sewn together for convenience. So over time, the Hagakure scripture became like a full-fledged book.
But let's talk about the collection of sacred texts that is known to all Christians. Divine revelations or the Bible speaks of the salvation of all mankind by the messiah, who was embodied in Jesus Christ. At the time of writing, these books are divided into Old Testament and New Testament. The first scriptures contain information that the Most High God revealed to people through the inspired prophets before the coming of the Savior himself. The New Testament speaks of salvation through teaching, incarnation, and life on earth.
Initially, the prophet Moses with God's help opened the first scripture - the so-called "Law" of 5 books: "Genesis", "Exodus", "Leviticus", "Numbers", "Deuteronomy". For a long time the Pentateuch was the Bible, but after them complementary revelations were written: the Book of Nun, then the Book of Judges, further the scriptures of the Kings, the annals of Chronicles. And finally, the Maccabees books complete and finalize the history of Israel.
Thus appears the second section of the Divine Scripture, called the "Historical Books". In them there are individual teachings, prayers, songs and psalms. The third section of the Bible belongs to a later time. And the fourth compiled a scripture about the creation of the Holy Prophets.
Bible Inspiration
The Bible differs from other literary works in divine insight and supernaturalness. It was divine inspiration that raised the book to the highest perfection, while not suppressing the natural forces of mankind and protecting it from errors. Thanks to this, revelations are not simple memoirs of people, but a real work of the Almighty. This fundamental truth awakens the recognition of scripture as inspired.
Why is Scripture so dear to people
First of all, it contains the foundations of our faith, which is why it is so dear to all of humanity. Of course, it is not easy for a modern person to go back to the era of that time, because millennia have separated the reader from that situation. However, reading and getting acquainted with that era, with the features of the language and the main tasks of the Holy Prophets, we begin to become more aware of all the spiritual meaning and richness of what is written.
Reading Bible stories, a person begins to see the specific problems that concern modern society in religious and moral terms, the primordial conflicts between evil and good, unbelief and faith that are inherent in humanity. Historical lines are still dear to us because the events of past years are correctly and truthfully presented in them.
In this sense, the scriptures can in no way be equated with modern and ancient legends. The correct solutions to moral problems or mistakes set forth in the Bible will serve as a guide for solving social and personal difficulties.