Exercises at the circuit: how to pass a driving test?

Not everyone succeeds in passing the excellent traffic police exam the first time. But you want to get the coveted driver’s license as early as possible. To cope with the excitement, thoroughly prepare for theory and practice is necessary for everyone who intends to perform perfectly all the exercises on the circuit.

exercises on the circuit

The traffic police exam consists of a theoretical and practical part. The first is to test the knowledge of traffic rules on the topic of medical care, car devices and so on. For most examiners, these questions are straightforward. And the practical part is exercises on the race track, which will show the ability to park, drive into the garage and so on.

Racetrack exercises

To date, five tasks are being performed at the circuit. Examination exercises are called like this:

  • U-Turn.
  • "Flyover at the circuit".
  • The snake.
  • "Parallel parking."
  • "Entrance in reverse."

The principle of the implementation of the elements of a practical exam at the circuit may at some points differ from what the instructor taught. All the nuances depend on the arrangement of figures on the site, the dimensions of the car, control features and other things. However, if in general you correctly follow all the elements and take into account the instructions of your teacher, then most likely your exam will be successful the first time.

snake exercise


The initial position for the exercise "Flyover" on the circuit - the car is stopped at the strip "Start". In first gear, you reach the first stop line, press the clutch and stop. Without removing your feet from the clutch and brake pedals, put the car on the handbrake. After that, release the brake and press the gas. At the same time, you need to monitor the revolutions on the tachometer. As soon as they have grown to two thousand, the gas pedal is fixed, and the clutch is carefully released.

traffic police exam

Then the speed drops to one thousand. The clutch is fixed. The handbrake is released. At the same time, squeeze the gas again up to two thousand revolutions. Slowly release the clutch. Then drive to the second stop line, still holding two thousand revolutions. Disengage the clutch completely, while the gear is neutral. The car is put on the parking brake.


Exercise garage or entry into boxing starts from the start line. In first gear, the car moves to the first flag. It symbolizes the wall of the building. The front right wheel should be immediately behind the mark, but not on a par. Next, turn the steering wheel to the left and continue to move. You stop when in the left side mirror you see two flags indicating the beginning and end of the garage. Now the steering wheel must be turned to the right. This is necessary so that the front wheels of the vehicle become straight.

overpass at the circuit

Squeeze the clutch, in reverse begin to move. It is convenient to monitor the correct vehicle trajectory in the rear-view mirror, or you can turn back. It is necessary to stop the car after the first flags (symbolizing the beginning of the garage) are in front of the front wing. The vehicle is put into neutral gear and put on the handbrake.


Exercise "Snake" requires care and accuracy. The initial position is at the start line. The movement begins in first gear. When performing this element, you will have to navigate along the marks on the site, the wheels and mirrors of the car. Turn the steering wheel to the right until the left wheel of the vehicle crosses the imaginary line on which the flags stand. After that, the steering wheel immediately starts to rotate in the opposite direction, so that the car becomes parallel to the set marks. Immediately after the left mirror is on a par with the flag, which symbolizes the beginning of a new turn, you need to start turning the steering wheel to the left.

how to pass the circuit

Continue driving until the right front wheel crosses an imaginary straight line between the flags at the beginning of the left turn. Then the path aligns. When the right mirror reaches the line of the next mark, turn the steering wheel to the right. With the help of such turns, you overcome the remaining distance between the flags, gradually approaching the finish line. The car should be stopped in front of the stop line. We set the lever to neutral, the vehicle to the parking brake. Exercise "Snake" is considered complete.


This element is considered the easiest in the practical exam at the circuit. The site for the exercise is limited. The length is three car bodies plus one meter. Width - two cases. Starting position - approach the start line. You stop. Downtime should not exceed thirty seconds. Start the movement. The front right wheel of the vehicle should be as close to the edge of the site as possible. Your vehicle should stop with the front wheels approximately in the middle of the border.

exercise garage

Then twist the steering wheel to the left as much as possible. So you change the direction of the wheels. Start moving towards the opposite border. You stop. Now unscrew the wheel all the way to the right. Reverse until the necessary free space is formed in front of your vehicle to complete the element. An exercise is considered to be completed after you have reached the finish line. It is worth noting that there is no need to go to the completion strip at a right angle. It’s more important not to cross that border.

"Parallel parking"

Exercise "Parking" on the circuit begins, like the rest, from the starting line. In first gear, drive forward and stop so that the left front flag is behind the rear right wheel of the car. You stop. Then squeeze the clutch and drive in reverse, while turning the steering wheel one turn to the right.

parking at the circuit

Driving continues until the rear left wheel of the vehicle crosses an imaginary line between the front and rear left flags. You stop. Unscrew the steering wheel to the maximum to the left. Start reversing again. Stop it after the car is exactly between the cones. Now turn off the clutch, the gear lever moves to the neutral position. The car is put on the parking brake.

New exercises

In connection with the new regulations of 2016, the list of exam exercises has expanded. Previously, there were three elements at the circuit. Most often, it was an overpass and two exercises selectively. After the introduction of the new rules, five elements have already entered the exam (for passing on a regular site), six if it is automated.

exercises on the circuit

The list of exercises for the new regulation is as follows:

  1. "Flyover".
  2. Maneuvering in tight spaces. This exercise consists of three parts - a 90 ° rotation, Snake, and a turn in a limited area. For delivery, two of the three parts are selected.
  3. Reversing.
  4. Entry to the box.
  5. "Parking" (entry and exit). Stop for boarding / alighting passengers.
  6. Direction of an adjustable intersection (when passing an exam at an automated circuit).

What to look for if you studied according to the old rules?

The new regulation has its own grading system, the number of attempts and the time to complete the exam. So, according to the old rules, the exam is considered not completed if there are five or more penalty points. Also, for making the three elements, four attempts are given and the right to make a mistake in one of them (that is, roughly speaking, not to pass one exercise). Now, according to the new regulation, the traffic police exam has received the following changes:

  • All elements are performed in one trip, and not separately, as before.
  • There is a time limit. Now it takes about ten minutes to complete.
  • There is no chance to make a mistake and execute the item again.
  • The point system has been abolished. Now the cases are clearly described in the regulations when the examiner did not pass the test (for example, three times stalled - did not pass).
  • Instead of flags on the racetrack, cones are used. They are significantly lower. They are harder to detect. Therefore, if you were taught by the flags, then before passing the exam it makes sense to practice on the site with cones.
  • The new regulation has stricter distances. For example, according to the new rules, one meter should be stopped from the stop line on the overpass. If you exceed this distance even by five centimeters, the exercise does not count.

There are few changes. But they are significant. Therefore, it would be advisable to study the new regulations and to train new exercises on the circuit.

snake exercise

The nuances of passing the exam on the circuit

Do not know how to pass? An autodrome is a difficult thing, but you can learn it. You just need to prepare well. A lot of information is provided in textbooks. Every prospective driver must master all the elements of the exam, because during trips around the city in the future you will have to perform much more complicated maneuvers.

In connection with the new rule - a time limit - it is necessary for all examiners to practice with a stopwatch before passing. Calculate how many minutes you can spend on a particular item where it is possible to save a few seconds and so on. It is important to feel confident, to be careful. Be sure to concentrate on passing the exam. And only after the car stops completely, and the phrase "You passed", said by the inspector, you can relax and breathe a sigh of relief.

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