Vaginal candidiasis, or simply “thrush,” is a capricious disease associated with inflammatory damage to the vaginal mucosa by yeast-like Candida fungi. The development of the pathological process does not depend on sexual activity, but both partners must undergo treatment. According to statistics, 75% of women have been infected with thrush at least once. It appears against a background of weakened immunity, after overeating a sweet or nervous shock.
Candida mushrooms are part of the normal microflora of each person, but under adverse conditions begin to multiply intensely. Candidiasis can be on the mucous membrane of the mouth, skin, intestines, but the most common form of the disease is damage to the mucous membranes of the genitals - vaginal candidiasis.
Test Yourself: Thrush Symptoms
The most striking signs of the disease are white curdled discharge, intolerable itching and burning in the vagina, discomfort during urination and during intercourse. Secreted secretion may be accompanied by a sour smell. Its volume increases, as a rule, after intimacy and water procedures.
Swelling of the small and large labia occurs, which can reach the anus. When the course of thrush is erased, clinical symptoms are weak, pass on their own, especially when menstruation occurs. The alkaline environment that forms in the vagina during this period negatively affects the reproduction of the fungus. It is a mistake to believe that candidiasis is exclusively a female disease, it often affects men, it is manifested by itching and burning in the head of the penis, pain during urination.
Thrush treatment
Treatment of thrush of the genital organs is carried out in both partners with the help of antifungal drugs:
- ointments;
- pills
- candles;
- creams.
Using tampons is not recommended, they increase the manifestation of symptoms of candidiasis. The most effective local medicines based on:
- natamycin (Pimafucin);
- nystatin (Terzhinan, Polygynax);
- miconazole ("Ginezol", "Gina-dactarin", "Klion-D");
- clotrimazole ("Kanbibene", "Kanesten", "Antifungol");
- ketoconazole (Nizoral, Oronazole, Livarol, Ketoconazole).
Mild and severe disease
The form of thrush, not complicated by other pathological processes, is treated with creams, ointments, suppositories, vaginal tablets, which act directly on the diseased organ. Such therapy does not have a systemic effect on the whole body, therefore it is called sparing.
Severe and often recurrent candidiasis is not amenable to such treatment; here, tablets are used that affect all organs except the focus of inflammation. Therefore, in the second case, it is necessary to observe a specialist, since not fully cured thrush can provoke the development of other diseases in the form of complications.
Douching with soda
The attacks of itching and burning can be so strong and frequent that you want to find a faster method of getting rid of these torments. There is a proven way to alleviate the condition - to douch with soda with thrush. It is worth mentioning right away - this method is not a treatment, but only a manipulation to relieve pronounced symptoms. It is important to use it in conjunction with the therapy prescribed by the doctor.
There is ordinary soda in the kitchen in every family; it is used in cooking, as a cleaning agent for dishes, and for cosmetic purposes. The medical field also did not bypass the properties of the product, in particular gynecology. Syringing with soda for thrush also gives positive results, and in some situations, doctors recommend this procedure to increase the chances of conception.
It will not be possible to cure the pathology by washing alone; complex therapy with antifungal drugs is necessary. The procedure is carried out twice a day, after which the Nystatin ointment and the Flucostat preparation are used, the gynecologist will determine the dosage and duration of treatment.
Good to know
Soda changes the acidic environment favorable for the reproduction of the pathogenic flora of the vagina to alkaline, in which Candida fungi die. Therefore, douching with soda with thrush gives a positive effect, reduces itching, eliminates burning and unpleasant discharge.
However, there are contraindications to this procedure, which every woman should know about:
- early pregnancy;
- malfunctions in the immune system;
- taking contraceptives;
- recently transferred labor (less than a month ago);
- inflammatory processes in the genital tract.
It is also not recommended to irrigate before going to the gynecologist, when it is planned to take smears or other tests. How often do douching with soda for thrush is also worth checking with a specialist, but not longer than 7 days.
Solution for a sitting bath
To prepare the solution, you will need a tablespoon of soda, 1 liter of warm, necessarily boiled water and a teaspoon of iodine. All ingredients are mixed until the soda is completely dissolved, the solution is poured into a basin, in which it is necessary to sit for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is repeated 1 time per day for 5-6 days until the itching and discomfort disappear completely. The next day a new solution is made, but you can also use the previously prepared one, only add pre-soda and iodine in the same proportions. Sitting in such a bath is allowed 25 minutes.
Douching Precautions
For the procedure, you will need a special syringe, a pharmacy pear, an Esmarch mug or a regular 20-cc syringe (without a needle). The selected tool, before diluting the soda for douching with thrush, is rinsed and amenable to boiling for 2 minutes.
The manipulation itself is carried out carefully and slowly, without much effort. If there is tension and pain is felt, you need to relax and then continue. Rapid, sudden movements can damage the walls of the bladder or vagina. It is more convenient and safer to make douching with soda when the thrush is in the supine position, but for someone, the pose, sitting on a chair with raised legs slightly above the waist, seems more comfortable.
Douching with soda
Before douching with thrush with soda, the proportions are all checked, an overdose of substances is unacceptable. Improper use of a seemingly harmless product during gynecological procedures can aggravate the course of the disease and cause a number of complications. Therefore, you should adhere to simple but important rules. To prepare the solution, you will need 1 liter of boiling water and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. A syringe or pear with a tip is boiled until the soda dissolves, the vagina is pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly in a small amount.
A warm cooked product is poured into a syringe. For a more convenient introduction, a lying position is taken, the pelvis rises, the soda solution is held for about 30 seconds. Immediately after this, getting up is not recommended; you must lie down for at least 10 minutes. You should also abandon physical activity, sexual activity, bathing in public places and wearing synthetic underwear.
It is impossible to abuse soda irrigation, they not only eliminate pathogenic organisms, but also, with prolonged use, disrupt the healthy microflora of the vagina by washing out beneficial bacteria. It is advisable to carry out the procedure no longer than 5-7 days.
Traditional medicine refuses to confirm the effectiveness of such manipulations in the treatment of thrush. Soda solution really relieves discomfort, relieving itching and burning, but does not solve the problem. Therefore, washing is only a temporary measure that does not replace drug therapy. Douching with soda during thrush during pregnancy is allowed only with the approval of a doctor.
Gynecologists are in no hurry to prescribe such treatment to pregnant women for the following reasons:
- miscarriage may occur before the first 12 weeks;
- in the last months during douching, the risk of soda fluid penetrating the uterine cavity along with a pathogenic fungus increases.
During pregnancy, a woman undergoes repeatedly scheduled examinations for latent sexually transmitted infections. And douching with soda solution interferes with the diagnosis of results.
Early Pregnancy Treatment
At the beginning of pregnancy, any treatment can be a threat to the developing embryo, including douching. However, some diseases require vaginal washing, and if the doctor considers such therapy the most rational, a woman should adhere to all the recommendations for its implementation:
- the dosage of drugs, even natural ones, is strictly observed;
- douching should not be abused;
- injection is done carefully, without sudden movements and efforts.
An allergy to any components of the drug should be reported to the attending physician in advance. For syringing with soda with thrush, the preparation of the solution should be carried out strictly according to the recipe. This is a very important point.
Important! Soda solution can enter the uterus, therefore, for any diseases (adnexitis, endometritis, etc.) of this organ, this treatment is prohibited.
Strengthen the therapeutic effect of high concentration will not work, so you can only harm the vaginal mucosa.
Soda for thrush in women: recipe and douching
The optimal solution with a soda concentration is from 0.5 to 2%. A clean container is taken with 500 ml of boiling water, in which sodium bicarbonate 1/2 tablespoon is dissolved. To obtain a faster and longer therapeutic effect, there is another recipe with soda from thrush in women for douching. In 1 liter of boiling water add 2 teaspoons of soda and 10 drops of iodine. The procedure is carried out according to the above principle.
Salt will help increase the antiseptic properties of the medicine, the recipe is as follows: 1 teaspoon of soda and salt is added to 500 ml of boiling water. Water can be replaced with a decoction of calendula, string or chamomile.
Douching with soda for thrush: reviews
Soda, according to many women, is not only affordable, but also a very effective anti-thrush remedy that fights fungal flora and relieves discomfort. Some women note that irritation even intensifies after such procedures.
It is important to understand that soda irrigation relieves itching and irritation, speeds up the healing process, but the key to successful treatment will be a preliminary visit to the doctor and the systematic execution of all appointments. According to other reviews, syringing with soda for thrush during a severe course of the disease should be additionally carried out with washing after each urination.