If bleeding gums how to treat?

Once again, when brushing your teeth, or at any other time for no reason, do you notice that your gums are bleeding? Do not ignore this circumstance. It is necessary to approach this problem more seriously.

If your gums bleed when brushing your teeth, first of all pay attention to the stiffness of the toothbrush used. You may need to use a brush with softer bristles. Addiction to the use of toothpicks can also lead to bleeding. Also remember that it is necessary to brush your teeth correctly, otherwise a plaque will form, the result of which is inflammation and bleeding of the gums.

Toothbrush change didn’t help - consult a doctor, because the reason the gums are bleeding, which treatment you don’t know, has the medical name “gingivitis”. The dentist will help to find out the cause, and also prescribe a course of treatment.

If you do not pay attention to the fact that the gums bleed when brushing your teeth, then it is likely that the development of gingivitis will intensively progress with the transition to a more complex form of inflammation - periodontitis. The main sign of periodontitis is a teething, which can be determined by a simple touch of the fingers. This disease is so dangerous that it can lead to spontaneous tooth loss in people aged 35 to 50 years.

The first sign of gingivitis is bleeding gums. How to treat it is necessary to consult a dentist, but most importantly - do not start the disease. Even though its more severe forms (periodontitis and periodontal disease) are also treatable, this process will be more complex and lengthy. Any dentist first of all starts with brushing your teeth:
- the supragingival and subgingival plaque on the teeth is removed,
- the necks and bare parts of the roots are cleaned and polished,
- a consultation is being held on the topic “How to brush your teeth and take care of your oral cavity”,
- a prescription is prescribed, or certain types of therapeutic toothpastes are recommended.

If you decide too late to consult a specialist to find out why the gums are bleeding, then he will have to use antimicrobial drugs in the treatment. In addition, the patient is prescribed various vitamins, infusions on herbs and so on. All this will be needed to relieve inflammation and strengthen the gums.

In the case when the teeth begin to stagger and bleed gums, the doctor who will most likely prescribe splinting decides how to treat. This treatment method is based on linking teeth in one block. As a bonding agent, a specially designed fiberglass tape is used, which is fastened using a light composite. This bonding prevents further loosening and allows the teeth to strengthen in their position.

If the doctor has prescribed splinting, when you find out the reasons why the gums are bleeding, you need to remember how to treat them further. Follow all the recommendations of the dentist regarding oral care, performing various procedures, as well as taking prescription drugs. Only in this case it will be possible to save your teeth.

When you contact your doctor with the question “Why are the gums bleeding?”, You will receive an answer and further recommendations to solve the problem. But any treatment has a price, so the sooner you ask this question, the less financially expensive the treatment will be. It is possible that your prescription is limited to the name of any special medical toothpaste or mouthwash. However, in advanced cases it is impossible to manage with such simple treatment methods - an operation is required.

In order to prevent and timely detect the onset of gingivitis, regularly visit the dentist and follow all his recommendations. Then your teeth will be beautiful, healthy and strong.

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