Retinoic peeling. Reviews about the procedure

The youth and beauty of your skin, alas, are short-lived. She requires constant care. Only then will she look beautiful, healthy and well-groomed. Every modern girl knows what face peeling is. It will help you improve the appearance of the skin, get rid of dead cells. This type of procedure can also include the use of exfoliating and cleansing products that will help your skin regain health, youth and beauty.

Currently 4 types of peeling are popular:

1. chemical

2. vacuum

3. laser

4. mechanical

Their difference lies in the method of use and in how they affect the skin. The peeling procedure is carried out with the help of facial scrubs, which will help speed up the process of removing dead cells. These funds can improve complexion and open the pores of the skin. The method that we will tell you about is mechanical and can be done at home.

Today we will tell you about retinoic peeling, reviews about which will pleasantly surprise you. Many will want to try it right now. Retinoic peeling at home is one of the ways to deeply cleanse the skin. The main component in this purification is retinoic acid. It will help improve the structure of the skin, the complexion will become more even. It is important that protein coagulation does not occur. Retinoic peeling at home can be done with acne cream. This type of purification belongs to the surface-median category.

You need to thoroughly rub the cream from acne into the skin, only after you wash and clean your face. After this, it will be necessary to apply another layer on top. Also rub it into the skin. In order to achieve the best possible result, it is necessary to carry out a similar procedure once a week, rubbing the cream for half an hour. It is advisable to do this for 1.5 to 2 months.

No wonder the most effective way to cleanse the skin is retinoic peeling. Reviews about this method are the most positive. It should be borne in mind that retinoic peeling can have a different effect on each skin type. There are also contraindications to it. This is an individual intolerance to the ingredients that make up the means for this procedure. Also, you should not engage in such a procedure if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

The result of the procedure is that the pigmentation on the skin is reduced, the texture and texture are improved. The advantage of this type of peeling is that the rehabilitation period passes easily and quickly. Patients with sensitive and delicate skin will tolerate retinoic peeling. Reviews of him indicate that he can have a stimulating effect and has a high degree of safety.

Retinoic peeling can be reflected on the skin in the form of redness, burning or lead to an unpleasant effect of contraction. Therefore, before making retinoic peeling, the contraindications of which we have indicated to you above, you need to check the skin reaction to this method. Retinoic acid will have a beneficial effect on it, smooth out wrinkles and help maintain moisture.

If you conduct a peeling procedure at home, you can use it as a ready-made remedy, or make it yourself. You can buy a kit in order to regularly cleanse your skin at home, nowadays this is not a problem. If this is your first time using retinoic peeling, the feedback from your friends will be very helpful. When purchasing funds for peeling at a store or in a pharmacy, you should be guided by the reputation of this manufacturer, as well as take into account the composition of the product and, of course, do not forget about the expiration date.

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